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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

how to make russian salad recipe

how to make russian salad recipe. How to cook oli vierre salad according to ancient recipes

Is it impossible to imagine a New Year's table in Russia without us?how to make russian salad recipe. Really without the traditional salad oli vier! It has been popular and popular in our country for decades. No wonder, because this dish is so delicious and so delicious. Also, it does not require any supernatural effort, which is why the hosts absolutely love it. We have compiled the twelve most popular Oliver salad recipes. Choose from the ingredients, try it, try it. The appetite!

Classic version

The composition of the ollie is very susceptible to Russian food. So, it's very different from what we saw at the New Year's table. Gruz, Lobster, and Café are part of the French composition Olivier Classic version is not popular in Russia, which is hardly surprising. We do not eat the same crop every day. However, it may be useful to know about the composition of the Oli viral salad. He'll have the chance to cook suddenly.
Composition Oliver (Classic)
  • Two hashtags;
  • A calf language;
  • A lobster
  • One hundred grams of black caviar;
  • Two fresh pumpkins;
  • One hundred grams of cafes;
  • Two hundred grams of mashed potatoes;
  • Green salad;
  • Five chicken eggs;
  • Soybeans canned half a bottle.
  • Four hundred grams of olive oil;
  • Four chicken yeast;
  • Vinegar
  • Mustard
  • Pepper;
  • Salt.
Cooking method;
  1. Wood, lobster and tongue cooking, cut into slices.
  2. Chop the cucumbers well.
  3. Fry eggs, cut into small cubes.
  4. Mix all ingredients and season with a pre-prepared soup.
The traditional salad Olivia vier is ready! Indeed, it is impossible to find a powerful cruise in our day. Also, his composition is expensive, so the average Russian family does not have such a pleasing capacity.
This salad had to try every Russian viagra. He is the one who sits at the table in the New Year with any selfish host. The combination of salad with salsa is more traditional than the traditional one, so he loved it in our country. We replace nuts and lobsters with grass and potatoes. It produces delicious and satisfying salads.
how to make russian salad recipe
  • Four potatoes;
  • A carrot;
  • Four chicken eggs;
  • One onion;
  • One pea green pea;
  • Four crushed pumpkins;
  • mayonnaise
  • Green apples.
Step by step recipes:
  1. Add potatoes, eggs and carrots.
  2. Cut all products into small cubes.
  3. Chop the onion well.
  4. Add the parts to a bowl and mix with salt, season with mayonnaise.
Allow the dish to drink and serve at the festival table. Note that the composition of the Ollie with Saracasa is a budget, so you can combine your home with cooking only for dinner.

Mushroom salad option

The original Oliver's recipe, which includes the main champions, will be pleasantly surprised. This tasty meal is perfect for weeks.
take on
  • Three potatoes;
  • Two hundred grams of mushrooms;
  • Four pumpkins;
  • Carrot;
  • Four eggs;
  • One medium onion;
  • mayonnaise
Step by step recipes:
  1. First you need to cook the raw ingredients. These are carrots, eggs and potatoes.
  2. We cut them and cut the pumpkin into cube.
  3. Chop the onion well.
  4. Stir in ready salad with onions, and set aside. You can serve now!

Chicken salad

Meat is often included. Classic oleander is considered to be the easiest option with sarcosa. The chicken, in turn, makes the salad more interesting and strong.
What is part of olivier?
  • Three hundred grams of chicken breast;
  • Three pumpkins;
  • One hundred grams of boiled cabbage;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • Three potatoes;
  • Two tablespoons of beans from a pot;
  • Two tablespoons of green peas;
  • One hundred grams of crushed ash.
  • Vegetable oil, vinegar - half a cup, one tablespoon of sugar, salt, pepper.
The sequence of steps
  1. Boil the potatoes.
  2. Cut into cube with tomatoes and pies.
  3. Chop the chicken, cut into slices.
  4. Add cabbage, ash and herbs.
  5. Prepare a pot by mixing the ingredients.
  6. Place the ingredients in a bowl, toss. Make sure it is allowed to drink before placing it on the holiday table.

Beef salad

How is this version of Olivia made?
The composition of the products includes:
  • Beef - three hundred grams;
  • Potatoes - two potatoes;
  • Carrots - one piece;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Two hundred and fifty grams of peas;
  • Two dried pumpkins.
  1. Beef, eggs and carrots.
  2. Cut all products into small cubes.
  3. Add peas and mayonnaise.
Beef salad ready! It has more refined flavor than grass or chicken. Store in refrigerator for several hours before serving. That's just that! You can try what we did!
A new version of a salad with pancakes

A new version of a salad with pancakes

Olive Vegetable Salad:
  • Three boiled potatoes;
  • Three boiled chicken eggs;
  • Five pills;
  • A bottle of pepper;
  • Onion head;
  • Two hundred grams of boiled dish;
  • mayonnaise
For the pancakes
  • Three eggs;
  • Two large spoons of wheat flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • One hundred and fifty grams of cheese.
How to cook:
  1. The first step is to cut all cooked food.
  2. Chop onions and cucumbers.
  3. Now add the peas.
  4. We start baking pills.
  5. We mix eggs with salt, flour and butter.
  6. We baked pancakes.
  7. In a medium bowl, fry the cheese to mix with the mayonnaise.
  8. We distribute the quantity created to our panels, convert them into packages and cut them.
  9. Place the salad on them.
On the surface, such a salad cannot be mistaken for a classic Olive viper. Guests will be impressed! Make sure you try!

Salad with salmon

Another new recipe for popular food.
Olive Vegetable Salad:
  • Three hundred grams of fish;
  • One hundred gram of red cavar;
  • Five potatoes;
  • Three eggs;
  • Fresh and cooked potatoes - each;
  • Half green peas;
  • A lemon;
  • One onion;
  • mayonnaise
  • PETER.
Salad is prepared this way:
  1. Chop the onion, chop it well and pour the lemon juice.
  2. Fry eggs and potatoes, stir and fry in medium saucepan.
  3. Chop the salmon and cut it into small pieces.
  4. Cut the pumpkins.
  5. Wash and cut the pasta.
  6. We mix all the products together, seasoned with mayonnaise and lemon juice.
Good things! Be sure to cook: An unusual collection of unusual guests.
Olive viper salad in the snow

Olive viper salad in the snow

How do you “refresh” a popular meal? For example, serve salads in the stomach.
It is important
  • Two hundred grams of cooked meat;
  • Two hundred and fifty grams of potatoes;
  • Eight eggs;
  • Two hundred grams of carrot;
  • An apple;
  • Green onions;
  • dill;
  • Sixty grams of peas;
  • One hundred and fifty grams of flour;
  • Three hundred milliliters of olive oil;
  • One hundred and twenty grams of butter;
  • A lemon;
  • Mustard
  • Cream
  1. Pour butter in a glass of water and bring it to a pot.
  2. Add crushed flour, eggs.
  3. Preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees, cover the baking paper with paper, turn off the balls.
  4. Bake for twenty minutes.
  5. We now prepare homemade mayonnaise: Sprinkle with spices, chopped egg yolks, salt, mustard and the pot until thick.
  6. Cook eggs, potatoes and carrots.
  7. We cut all the ingredients into a cube, seasoning the peas and seasoning with the soup.
  8. We begin to serve eclipses with salt.

Turkey Salad

How is he preparing?
Take the following components
  • Four hundred grams of meat;
  • Three potatoes;
  • A carrot;
  • Two pumpkins;
  • One hundred grams of cafes;
  • One hundred and fifty grams of peas;
  • Three eggs;
  • A green onion
  • Three hundred grams of mayonnaise.
Turkish salad recipes are very simple.
How to cook:
  1. First, cook meat, eggs, carrots and potatoes.
  2. Cut into medium pieces.
  3. Chop the onion.
  4. Mix all ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix well.
Vegetarian recipes

Vegetarian recipes

Olive's (salad) classic composition includes a sofa or chicken. However, you can cook light food without adding meat. This salad can serve as a side dish.
  • Three eggs;
  • Four sweet potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Green peas;
  • Five pills;
  • One medium onion;
  • mayonnaise
Step by step recipes:
  1. Put the potatoes in their mouths.
  2. Cut into cubes.
  3. Cook carrots and eggs, chop.
  4. Chop the cucumbers, onions well.
  5. Add peas, season with mayonnaise.
  6. A delicious salad without meat! Keep in the refrigerator for one hour.
Salad with biscuits

Salad with biscuits

Your favorite "spicy" recipe you like!
Salad composition;
  • Four potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Three chicken eggs;
  • A pumpkin;
  • Peas;
  • One onion;
  • A can of cracked crackers.
The sequence of steps
  1. Add potatoes, eggs and carrots.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Cut everything into small pieces, add the peas.
  4. To avoid being soft, chickens should be kept in salt before serving. The appetite!

Fresh recipes

The best salad option for your favorite unusual taste.
Accelerated Ollie viral:
  • One hundred and fifty grams of soup;
  • Three sweet potatoes;
  • Four eggs;
  • Two dried pumpkins;
  • A carrot;
  • A glass of green peas;
  • Five carrots of garlic;
  • mayonnaise
  1. Mix all ingredients first.
  2. We cut all products into cube.
  3. Chop the garlic, add the peas and mayonnaise.
  4. The plate is ready! We will try.

Budget preparation

You should love the anti-crisis salad viral, which includes the use of cheap products. Note.
We need the following ingredients
  • Three salads;
  • Two potatoes;
  • Half a glass of white beans;
  • Two eggs;
  • One spoon;
  • A carrot;
  • mayonnaise
  1. Add potatoes, salads and eggs first.
  2. Dust everything.
  3. Pour the salad into layers: potatoes, carrots, salads, beans, eggs and pumpkins.
  4. Add the spoon and mix.
Here's a simple and balanced version of the Olive Viper salad. Recommended to try it!
A few words in conclusion

A few words in conclusion

Olive salad is a traditional New Year's meal. Maybe, the classics just don't know the recipe. We have tried to collect many different recipes for you, many of which can be made on the table during the week.
Oliver surprised the family by supplying salad to dinner, this recipe is based on your choice. You can cook it with grass, meat or without it. Hosts are often tempted by boring flavors. This is how salad recipes with mushrooms, fish and even pancakes are prepared! Don't be afraid to try and you! It will be delicious! The appetite!
Salad "Olive vier". This dish has been covered in popularity of Russian traditional food recipes and has since been considered completely national. And now it's hard to imagine a family where Olivia's salad was not ready before New Year's. The setting may vary slightly between different housewives. But it is to cut non-compulsory products into cubes and dress them with mayonnaise.

What is part of olivier?

In our article we will discuss the subtleties of preparing this dish in our article. According to the old Soviet GOST, it is an ol 'vier and that means meat should be in the collection. In the Soviet era, however, the most popular product in this salad was replaced by perestroika with cooked meat. Also, in some sources, from the memory we now remember, "Olivia" is included, including beef, and it is officially called "winter" because all spices are readily available in winter. But such a fried chicken with chicken, according to all sources, confuses Olivia, who is often known.
In general, the history of this dish dates back to the 19th century, when a French citizen opened a Lucy Ollie cooking at Hermitage. The signature dish was a “creator,” as a “foreigner,” and a “Russian” salad. True, modern housewives will be surprised to see Oliver's composition then. The recipe provided by Minnesota Olivia includes not only potatoes, spoons and pumpkins, but also the unusual ingredients needed to put at least three ingredients in one meal. Also, roasted plates, olives, soy sauce, cafe and laspec, were well-seasoned and well-seasoned, and were the essential ingredients of that salad.


As you can see, this type of salad is not easily "populated" - after all, few people know about a particular ingredient. This is how it became known throughout the world. Well, a completely different Olivia Salad has won national love. You probably know the setting. Used products are readily available in each refrigerator.
Step by step instructions for preparing mayonnaise for the original Olivier Salad
So, what does that include
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Boiled carrots;
  • Doctor's salad or boiled meat;
  • Canned green peas;
  • If selected;
  • Boiled egg;
  • mayonnaise
Some people also add fresh apples, onions or yeast and fresh pumpkins instead of pumpkin, which is a variation of the recipe. And for fans of a vegetarian diet, this salad is available in meat form - and never misses the taste.
Step by step instructions for preparing mayonnaise for the original Olivier Salad
Do you know what a great Oliver salad is? We'll tell you the setting now. The salad includes up to 220 kg potatoes, 170 kilograms of pumpkin, half a ton of soup and 5,000 eggs. May On the eve of 2013, it was washed in Oreberg cakes. And since then, this record has not been broken by anyone.
For many who hear this word, the Olive Viper will associate with the New Year. Since the Soviet era, this unique salad has been considered a major feature of this festival. Olivia today tastes good on our makers' tables, but not everyone knows the traditional recipes for this dish.

For centuries, or who invented "Oliver"

Although this salad is considered Soviet, in fact the French “parent” of this salad is the L.A. Oliver (the salad is named after him). He worked at Harlemen Hotel in Moscow in the mid-19th century. It was he who served the first meal of the so-called Oli vier.
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • gherkins;
  • capers;
  • Olives.
All of this is spilled on the author's delicious mayonnaise, which is firmly rooted in the recipes. In time, Russian checks brought this appetite to our own products and the imagination of the Russian people. So, during the Soviet era, a salad with sliced ​​soup appeared. This is an option that typically has Soviet roots.

Ancient salad products: "Olive vier"

You can cook a classic Olive salad with not only cooked but also chicken. We prepare the following salad products
  • 4 pcs potatoes;
  • 1 pc carrot;
  • 4 eggs
  • 0.5 kg boiled dish (chicken fillet);
  • 4 pieces of sliced ​​pumpkin;
  • 0.5 pea green peas;
  • Green onion feathers;
  • Salt, pepper.
We prepare the products for mayonnaise
  • Two yolks;
  • 130 ml of olive oil;
  • 0.5 tsp - mustard (flour);
  • 0.5 tsp - raw sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
Step by step instructions for preparing mayonnaise for the original Olivier Salad

Step by step instructions for preparing mayonnaise for the original Olivier Salad

Mayonnaise You need to get a brush. Of course, you can beat mayonnaise yourself, but consistency doesn't always work.
  1. Pour olive oil into the bowl.
  2. Add salt, sugar, mustard flour.
  3. Carefully place yolks in oil. They are even advised to stay.
  4. Place the brush in the bottom of the box. The yeast should be just below the yellow knife.
  5. Beat continuously until the thickness is complete and the cream is creamy.
Step by step instructions for preparing a classic salad

Step by step instructions for preparing a classic salad

To prepare the salad, you must perform the following steps.
  • Chop potatoes, carrots and eggs and cut into medium cubes.
  • Cut the salad the same way. If using meat, wash it and cook it first.
Informal solutions to modern Olivia Salad
  • Break the greens and cabbage in a salad.
  • Pour pepper.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix and mix with freshly prepared mayonnaise.
Informal solutions to modern Olivia Salad
  • Decorate the finished salad and can be served.

Informal solutions to modern Olivia Salad

Classics are classics, but modern trends bring their own corrections to previously popular foods. We consider unusual options for modern oyster salads.
  • You can use smoked meat or tongue instead of boiled.
  • Replaced mashed potatoes with fresh.
  • People who do not like peas use maize as an alternative.
  • Instead of green onions, you can attach onions, taken only previously.
  • Non-fat yogurt is also used in the diet version in addition to mayonnaise.
  • You can also serve classic classic salads cut into cube.
Informal solutions to modern Olivia Salad
To summarize, I want to note that in France and Turkey, we put in our simplified versions of "Olive vier" and call it "Russian salad." So don't ignore the traditions, New Year's Eve (and not just), Olivier salad should be on the table, and it's up to you to decide whether it's classical or modern.
Presumably, a holiday table in Russia would not be complete without Oli Oli's salad. Pure taste, ease of preparation and long shelf life make this delicious dish a very important meal. Stunning your loved ones with the delicious sweet and fluffy Olivia salads, golden recipes will help you with this.
It includes 30 of the best Olivia Salad recipes, selected by well-known cakes and great flavors. The recipe is presented in a structured format that suits all ingredients, so the cooking process is easy, fast, and enjoyable. And a small gift at the end of the paragraph - tips and secrets from bad ones.

The story of Oly vier

The current story of Oly viervier's fiction is both funny and non-existent. Even in Quarterstar Russia, Lucy Oly vierre from France once lived in the capital. After serving the time of the agreement, Moncer Oli decided not to return to his homeland, where the two older brothers competed for fair. He attracts the wealthy businessman Yv Govon and opens his own restaurant, which he calls Hermitage.
Thanks to the restaurant and the outdoors - the onion soup, the recipe, which has remained a secret to even the staff, the company quickly found great success and regular customers.
The soup was developed by Luxione Olivier in a special recipe for all eyes, and it was later named "mayonnaise". It should be noted that the modern mayonnaise is different from the gas station: government officials, secretaries and all the wealthy people who came to try it at the restaurant.
Once the restaurant wanted to offer something special to the guests, the restaurant owner created a complex menu containing 47 ingredients.
Monster Oly vier put the finished dish on a small plate and cut it in half with small ponds, peas and boiled eggs. When inexperienced guests gently mix and dine everything ... what was the fury of even the decorator?
Soon the company revisited the restaurant and asked for the same food they had previously treated. They re-cooked everything, the owner thought, and they carefully cut all the ingredients in them, blended them and put them in front of the guests, thus, looking for barrels ... but other visitors asked.
Many people started coming to the restaurant and asking for new food - Oli viral salad. And in March 1894 About Olive Viper Salad, the first article was published in our food magazine. At that time the salad was so popular that beyond Moscow 
Oliver Classic recipe
Oliver Classic recipe
  • 5 eggs
  • Potatoes, 5 pcs.
  • Carrots, 2 pcs.
  • Sesame, 200g. (Boiled meat)
  • Green canned peas, 400g.
  • 3 sliced ​​pumpkins
  • Mayonnaise, 2-3 tbsp. Spoon, salt.
Potatoes and carrots should be washed and frozen in their skin. You also need to harden the eggs, enough for this \ u200b \ u200b10-12 minutes.
Tip: Add a little chocolate spoon to the water to prevent the potatoes from becoming fruitful when cooked!
When the vegetables are chilled, chop them and even chop them down, but not too greasy, or else you get porridge salad. He should cut the same amount of grass, eggs, pumpkin. Carefully combine the peas, salt and mayonnaise, not to mix the olives!

Oly vier Classic with Saba

Oly vier Classic with Saba
Probably one of the most popular among the people is the Oli vier salad with grass. It is prepared easily and quickly, and the taste is amazing. Both adults and children love it.
  • Doctor's plate 200g.
  • Potatoes 2-3 pcs.
  • Pumpkins, 2 pcs.
  • Carrots, 2 pcs.
  • 4 eggs
  • Green Peas, Pot (400g)
  • Greenies, one-third of the package.
  • Mayonnaise and salt to taste.
Chop mashed potatoes and cut into cubes. Chop the chopped carrot into slices. When cooking vegetables, you can save time by cutting salads and pumpkins, green ones.
  Mix all the ingredients of the olives, add salt and mayonnaise to taste, gently mix, to avoid mixing and dressing, decorate with green.

Olive Diet Recipe with Turkey

Olive Diet Recipe with Turkey
  • Turkey glue (you can cut yourself) 300 g.
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 sliced ​​pumpkins (if large - lift).
  • 3 medium sized potatoes
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Canned green peas, 400g. (One pot).
  • Dry cheese, 150g.
  • Greens, 1 puppy.
  • Onions, 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise, 200g.
We need a slow cooker. Cut the turkey into two or three parts, put it in the slow cooker, add water, add a little salt and turn the cook on for 50 minutes.
  We cook the eggs, fry the onions and finish.
Fried potatoes, carrots cut into chunks and put in a traditional steaming bowl and sauté for 30 minutes. 
If you are not sure that you can grind the carrots and potatoes in ten minutes, do it before placing the turkey.
When vegetables and meat are cooked, we cut well green, pumpkin, onion ... open the peas and drain the water. Bake the cheese. In this case, they will be ready for the Olivier's Meat and Vegetables - place them on a tray to cool when cutting the meat.
You need to cut the turkey well while cutting the rest. Now mix everything carefully and seasoned with mayonnaise. The appetite!

Olive viper with mushrooms

Olive viper with mushrooms
Variety of vegetarian for vegetarians as well as the excellent Olive vier caught for whatever reason. Delicious Delight!
Inputs (4 servings, 40 minutes of cooking time)
  • Champions, 300 g.
  • Chicken eggs, 3 pcs.
  • 3 medium sized potatoes
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Soft cream, 200 - 250 g.
  • Vegetable oil, 2-4 tbsp. Spoon
We wash the washed vegetables and their eggs in their bins in their bins - they cook quickly. Pour the mushrooms, wash, stir a little - and soak in vegetable oil.
  We remove the eggs and take 12 minutes to cook.
Then potatoes are cooked and the last carrot. Vegetables should be chopped and chopped if they are frozen. Eggs should also be cut and sliced ​​well. Now we taste everything in a deep bowl and combine it with the delicious cream to taste.

Olive viper with pig

Olive viper with pig
Sometimes it happens when people working at home do not like salads in a salad or when someone has a high calorie diet, pigs are a good solution in a situation like this. Besides, it is so delicious!
Resources (4 servings, 45 minutes of cooking time)
  • Pork: 200-250 g.
  • Potatoes, 5 pcs.
  • 3 carrots
  • Canned green peas, 300g.
  • Mashed potatoes, 200g.
  • 5 eggs
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.
For the olives, cut the pork and pour it in salt water. Also add pre-cut potatoes and carrots with meat. Grind the eggs. Draw the chicken with green peas. Chop the cucumbers well.
When the meat is tender - chop the eggs well, chop the vegetables and then cut the meat itself.
  Add all ingredients to a bowl, combine with mayonnaise and spices to taste. 
Tip: When the vegetables are cooked, place them in cold water for a few minutes - it will be much easier to cut.

Along with the drum and vocals

Along with the drum and vocals
The classic salad is already boring, and if you want something unusual, overseas ... the best solution in this situation is the ol 'vier with the vocal cordo and shrimp. Sweet and crisp, it sets the table and decorates any holiday on its own!
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Shrimp, 300 g.
  • Chicken eggs, 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes, 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes, 1-2 pcs.
  • Vocaldo, 1 fruit.
  • Canned green peas, 1 pot (400g)
  • Greens, 1 puppy.
  • Mayonnaise, 4-5 tablespoons.
We made eggs, potatoes and carrots to cook. When this is boiling, we soak the shrimp in warm water, usually 10-15 minutes until the ice melts. Then, simmer in boiling water and cook for three minutes. We clean the shell from the bark, many pieces, and set the same size for decoration. The rest is cut into clay oils.
The vocal cords should be cleared of heavy crane, remove the stone and eventually cut into cube. We also cut cucumbers, chilled, crushed eggs and vegetables. Combine all parts of the salad into a deep bowl and mix with herbs, mayonnaise. Place the olives on a clean plate and fill in the green chips and shrimp that were originally postponed.

Ollie vier in tartlet

Ollie vier in tartlet
Ability to taste in new, sophisticated creativity. The Olivier is capable of decorating any holiday table in the studio, and, of course, very comfortable!
Ingredients (4-5 meals, 1 hour cooking time)
  • 8 - 8 studios.
  • Three potatoes.
  • One onion.
  • A mashed potato.
  • Two eggs.
  • 200 g. Chicken meat.
  • 200 g. Green canned peas.
  • Honey to taste.
Grill the chicken. Cook fried potatoes ... sprinkle eggs. When our product is cooked, we cut out the remaining ingredients of the olives: pumpkins, onions. We turn off all salad products to make it look beautiful.
Chop the chopped onions, potatoes and pumpkin into a bowl - so that the salt is evenly distributed. Now mix with the remaining ingredients and mix with the makeup and salt. We carefully fill our edges with salt, insert beautiful slides, so as not to stagger the edges carefully.

With grass and cheese

With grass and cheese
For this Olive viper, it is best to use grass, or grass (or no sardine in tomatoes), oil does not work with oil. Desserts noticed the juices and flavors of this salad.
Ingredients (4 meals, cooking time 20-25 minutes)
  • Canned fish, 100g.
  • Macaroni "Spider Line" 100g. (These are very thin)
  • Cheese, strong breeds, 70g.
  • Chicken eggs, 2 pcs.
  • Greens, ground pepper.
For salad eggs and pasta they need to cook, and in the meantime we push the fish in a small basket.
  We crush the cheese on a plate. Spray the green… How to cook - Cut the eggs well.
Note: We do not pour the tomato juice under the fish, we need more, now pour it into the cup. If no postcards are available and you need to replace them with others, choose products from hard species and don't try to spoil them, otherwise the viral will be happier than salt.
Now dress the salad and add a piece of roasted cheese to the salad and combine all the other Olive ingredients with a fork, and carefully mix it with a fork, try not to spoil the pasta. We spread it in a bowl and sprinkle with cake.

Soup recipe

Soup recipe
The most delicious and nutritious salad, prepared quickly and easily, is perfect not only for cooking, but also as an independent dessert.
Ingredients (4-5 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Boiled dish, 400g.
  • Potatoes, 4 pcs.
  • Eggs, 4 pcs.
  • Green peas, pot.
  • Mashed potatoes, 6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, 1 roll (200 g)
We are ready to cook washed potatoes. Grind the eggs. While all of this is cooked with a sharp knife, cut the salad and pumpkin very well.
  We remove the kitchen from the potatoes and also cut it well, add the cucumbers, meats, mayonnaise.
  Finally, add the boiled egg and green peas to the olives. Coolly mix to prevent egg yolks. Salt and pepper option - to taste.

Along with a cocoa and salmon

Along with a cocoa and salmon
The unique combination of flavors makes this salad incredibly soft. Try cooking for the holidays or fasting.
Ingredients (4 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Vocaldo - 2 pcs.
  • Cooked carrots - 1 pc.
  • Hot Pump - 1 pc.
  • Canned pumpkin - 3 pcs.
  • Hard boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • Small salt salmon - 200g.
  • Fresh, frozen peas - 100g.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. Spoon
Cook cooked carrots and cut into cubes. Dip the vocal cord into the skin, chop the seeds, and cut into cubes.
  If cooled, peas dissolve in hot water. Draw too much fluid. Fold the eggs with a hammer and add to the salad, add the peas.
  Chop the salmon well and add it to the salad. Add the olives to your taste with salt, pepper and mayonnaise, mix well.

Oly vierre et jetarian recipe

Oly vierre et jetarian recipe
The perfect recipe for a sticky Olivier vibe that doesn't eat meat, salad and eggs on fasting days! The salad is tasty and nutritious, it contains lots of vitamins!
Ingredients (4 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Potatoes, 4 pcs.
  • Carrots, 2 pcs.
  • 4 crushed pumpkins
  • Canned green peas, 400g.
  • Fresh greens, 1 puppy
  • Olive oil or raisins mayonnaise, 5 tbsp. l
  • Salt, red pepper
Soak a jacket potato, carrots in the salt water. Vegetables given to the olives are cooked and then cooled - chop the cucumbers carefully, add the green, then add the green peas and the green peas. Dip the vegetables in the skillet and cut into cubes and add to the rest of the salad. Season with olive oil and salt.

Olivier Smoker's Recipes

Olivier Smoker's Recipes
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Burnt chicken breast, 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs, 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes, 3 pcs.
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Mashed potatoes, 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 130-150 g.
  • Green onions, salt, pepper - to taste.
You need to cook carrots, eggs and potatoes ... Cool it in a simmer and cut into cubes.
  Next, the chicken breast - we cut it into thin slices to make us feel good.
We cut the pumpkins into small cubes. Unplug green ones. We add Oliver and spice mayonnaise and mix to season with spices. Done!

Olive viper with pig tongue

Olive viper with pig tongue
Resources (4 servings, 2 hours cooking time)
  • Cortoshka - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Pork tongue - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 400g. (Bank)
  • A little onion bulb
  • Smoked Plates - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 300g.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
Pork, potatoes, carrots and eggs should be cooked. Allow them to cool, then sprinkle on the tongue, vegetables, uniforms, eggs from the shell.
  We cut all the salt products evenly into cubes and added the soup spoon to the pepper. Mix the seasonal olives with spices, mayonnaise and sauté in porridge. Serve chilled.

Vegetable oil with vegetable apples

Vegetable oil with vegetable apples
For those looking for something new that is different from the district, Olivier's excellent composition.
  This type of Olivier salad is not only delicious but also very rich in vitamins and minerals!
  • Potatoes, 3 pcs.
  • 4 eggs
  • Sweet and Fried apples, 2 pcs.
  • 3 carrots
  • 4 crushed pumpkins
  • Green peas, 1 can.
  • Soft cream, 150g.
  • Salt
Colored carrots, potatoes are placed in a double pot and stored for 15 minutes to cook. Eggs should also be cooked, baked hard, then cooled and grilled.
  We put the vegetables in a box, finely chop the chopped pumpkin, chopped eggs. Finally, to avoid blackness, chop the apples and add to the salad quickly. Seasonal olives with salt, pepper and spices. The salad contains well-mashed potatoes and is slightly salted.

Recipes for Olive Viper in Russian

Recipes for Olive Viper in Russian
Ingredients (4 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Two potatoes.
  • A carrot.
  • Two sliced ​​pumpkins.
  • 100 g. Mushrooms
  • 150 g. HAMS.
  • 200 g. Canned green peas.
  • An apple.
  • Salt, a few tablespoons of vinegar or mayonnaise.
Cook cooked potatoes and carrots, don't cut potatoes - it will decay.
  Cut the hammer into small pieces, or better into cakes. When the vegetables are cooked and chilled, they are also cut into cube.
Chop the cucumbers well and well, add the apples and also add to the salad. Cut the mushrooms a little and remove the porridge from the pond ... Mix all the olives of the olives and slowly add them to the salad bowl. The appetite!

Oly vier son of Aurorska

Oly vier son of Aurorska
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Green pumpkin, 2 pcs.
  • Cooked potatoes, 3-4 pcs.
  • Boiled egg, 3 pcs.
  • 200 g. sausages
  • A small stick and pe, er, about half.
  • Mayonnaise 100g. (Can be replaced with fresh sweet cream cheese - only better)
All parts of the soup should be finely chopped, not cut into cubes. Products look like creams. Now add potato slices, eggs, pumpkins, herbs, herbs and spices in a salad bowl. Season with salt and keep in the cold.
  Olive vier eat with a spoon with okroshka - so he goes out to take more okroshka.

Oly vier chicken recipe

Oly vier chicken recipe
  • Two potatoes.
  • Two carrots.
  • 4 eggs.
  • One onion.
  • 200 g. Peas. (Canned green)
  • Top fat cream 250g.
  • Poultry 300g.
Pour the chicken for the olives in salt water. Cut sliced ​​potatoes and carrots and cook for two.
IMPORTANT: Do not grind vegetables, or else the salad will be just as tender as some.
Stir and cool the eggs. Chop the onion well, and drain the broth from the pond.
  Chicken must be manually sorted into files. We mix all Olive vegetables, chopped eggs, meat and spices in a deep bowl and add salt to taste. Let the salad stand in the freezer for an hour.

Oly vierre with cattle

Oly vierre with cattle
Everyone started to forget about Olivia's tasty beef with beef, because everyone served it lightly with a salad ... but in vain - this salad contains only the most delicious and natural products.
Ingredients (4 servings, cook for 2 hours; minced meat - 30 minutes).
  • Meat, 200g. (Bones and tendons, without too much fat)
  • Canned peas, 100 g.
  • Potatoes, 4 pcs.
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs, 3 pcs.
  • 3 sliced ​​pumpkins
  • Onions, 1 head (if small, then two)
  • Mustard spoon
  • Add cream and mayonnaise in three tbsp. Spoon
Grill meat, carrot, hard boiled egg, and sauté until potatoes are not cooked (do not embarrass the later meal). Refrigerate and pack all products except onions - you need to trim the onions as much as possible.
  Preparing the salad - Add spices, mustard, a little salt and mayonnaise. Wear them in our ingredients and even mix them for a Olivier viper in a salad bowl.

Pork salad

Pork salad
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Potatoes, 4 pcs.
  • Eggs, 4 pcs.
  • Carrots, 2 pcs.
  • Low fat pork, 300g.
  • 3 pills
  • Mayonnaise, 200g.
When cooked in a skillet, fry the potatoes and carrots for salad. Grind the eggs.
  Cut the pork into slices and cook until melted. Fry the eggs and place them in the cube, and you should also cut all the other slices of the salad.
  Mix and chill little Oliver. The appetite!

Olivia's recipe with salmon

Olivia's recipe with salmon
A great solution for people who don't want to eat meat or dishes for some reason. The salad is prepared quickly, very tasty and rich in minerals.
  • Salmon 500g. (It is better to take a small amount of salt)
  • 4 potatoes.
  • 2 carrots.
  • 3 hot pumpkins.
  • 5 eggs.
  • 400 g. Green peas, canned.
  • Olive 15-20 pcs.
  • 200 g. Mayonnaise.
  • Salt, pepper, green onions - all to taste.
Add eggs, potatoes and carrots. When the products are cooked, cut \ u200b \ u200b onions, salmon and chopped olives. Add without blemishes. Do the same with eggs and vegetables - cut well. Now we mix everything up and keep the salad in the freezer for half an hour. Serve Oliver in class circles (done using special mold).

Olive viper with mushrooms

Olive viper withmushrooms
A simple, easy salad option for cooking and tasting.
Resources (4 servings, 20 minutes of food)
  • Mushroom 200g. (Can be both hot and canned)
  • Potatoes, 4 potatoes.
  • Carrots, 1 piece.
  • 4 eggs
  • Onions a head.
  • Fresh or salty cabbage, 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, 100g.
  • Vegetable oil - two tablespoons of soup.
Boil the potatoes and carrots, cut into strips, and cook - not the most important thing to dig them. Fry the eggs and freeze, cut into cubes. Chop the mushrooms and chop them well, then fry them in vegetable oil. Sautéed finely chopped onion in oil. Avoid water from the pond.
  Put all the salad ingredients in a deep bowl and add salt to the mayonnaise to taste. When serving, decorate with olives in the soil.

Recipe by Lucin

Recipe by Lucin
Surprise your loved ones with a salad made according to all the rules, from the recipes from Lucie Olive's. Amazing taste, rich and rich.
Resources (4 servings, 2 hours cooking time)
  • 4 potatoes.
  • Allard tongue 200 g.
  • Hazel plate, 1 corpse.
  • Cancer neck, 5 pcs.
  • 5 eggs
  • Salad, 3 pcs.
  • Lanspec, ባ cup.
  • Pro venison mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. Spoon
  • Garnins, 1 tbsp. Spoon
  • Capers, 1 tbsp. Spoon
Cook the tongue, potatoes, eggs, carrots, cancer neck. Cool and clear everything.
  Boil the hash throat for butter for 15 minutes on the butter cover - it will be incredibly crispy and smooth.
Now carefully cut all the ingredients in the olives into equal cubes. We collect our salads and gather on mayonnaise, mix slowly - not to be stirred. Serve, sprinkle on a spoon with a spoonful of lemon, giraffes and chillies!

Olive's recipe "Capital"

Olive's recipe "Capital
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time, 20 minutes)
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Canned pumpkin - 4 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Game (bird or rabbit) - 400g.
  • Cancer neck - 10 pcs.
  • Salad - 2 pcs.
  • Olive-10 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, you can edit or confirm at home.
Potatoes, eggs - cook, chill, fry ... fry the meat for 30 minutes - until cooked through. Chop the greens well. We cut our meat in thin slices to make it taste good. Sweet potatoes and eggs, pumpkins.
  In a bowl, mix all the salt and seasonings with mayonnaise. Olive is nicely decorated with mayonnaise and a teaspoon of mayonnaise while serving.

With beef and corn

With beef and corn
Ingredients (4 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Potatoes, 3 pcs.
  • Carrots, 1 pc.
  • Boiled beef, 400g.
  • Canned corn, 1 jar.
  • Eggs, 4 pcs.
  • Fresh pumpkins, 2 pcs.
  • Chives, 10 pcs.
  • Light, salad mayonnaise, 4 tbsp. Spoon
Add potatoes, eggs and carrots. How to cool - clean up.
  Chop the beef well, and mix with the mashed potatoes, cucumbers, carrots and eggs. Melt the mayonnaise in the corn, add the corn to the salad.
  Seasonal olives with a mixture of mayonnaise, pepper and salt. Serve with green onions!

Olive viagra with mushrooms and apples

Olive viagra with mushrooms and apples
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • 4 potatoes.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 2 carrots.
  • 300g mushrooms (champions or other)
  • Apple.
  • Onion.
  • Canned green peas.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Oil for cooking mushrooms.
  • Table vinegar.
Grind carrots and jackets and help them. Chop the eggs and coat them.
  Rinse the mushrooms for vinegar, chop, chop and chop, let the oil flow!
  Chop the onion well, add a little salt and a drop of salt vinegar - to choose a little. Draw the water from the green peas. Sweet potatoes, eggs, carrots, apples.
  Now that we don't make apples oxidized and black, we mix everything up quickly, with our seasonal olives with mayonnaise and spices.

Olive vier with chicken and shrimp

Olive vier with chicken and shrimp
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time, 20 minutes)
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Canned pumpkin - 3 pcs.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Chicken Fruit - 300g.
  • Shrimp - 200 g.
  • Dry cheese - 150g.
  • Canned corn - 200g. (Pot)
  • Onions - 1 pc. (Sweet onion is great)
  • Garlic - 3 slices.
  • Soup cream - 2-3 tbsp. Spoon
  • Soybeans - 2 tbsp. Spoon
Add strong boiled egg. Boil potatoes and carrots. Clean, cool and cut into cubes. Cut slices of soup into circles (if they are too thick and large - then half rings or a quarter ring). Chop the onion well and gently. Cheese should be baked.
Cut the pan into slices and sprinkle with spices: For this, cook the meat over high heat, then reduce heat, add soy, cover and simmer (20-25 minutes).
Chop the garlic into fine garlic and mix it with sweet cream, this dressing should update the salad.
Add all ingredients except the shrimp in a bowl and mix. Put on a plate and decorate with roasted shrimp. The appetite! 
Notes:  Adding corn marinade to poached salads or juices during poultry is not worth it - it will look soft and invisible.

Pineapple recipe

Pineapple recipe
Ingredients (4 meals, 30 minutes of cooking time)
  • Chicken meat - 200g.
  • Pineapple pumpkin - 200g.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 eggs
  • Soda cream is light and not greasy - 3-4 tbsp. Spoon
Boil potatoes and carrots, cool them. Mix hard-boiled eggs and freeze.
  Cook the chicken pieces (it is good to take white meat). All products must be cut in pieces. Pair and mix. Slowly chill the olives.
Tip First, cut the pineapple into a bowl or into a colon - so excess juice will stay away from it, and the salad will not be sticky.

Salmon recipe

Salmon recipe
The delicious and unusual salad recipe, of course, will be appealing to all guests and home.
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Fish crust 500g.
  • Potatoes 5 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • 5 eggs
  • Hot pumpkins 2 pcs.
  • A collection of greens
  • Mayonnaise 200g.
  • Cream 0.5 cups.
  • Salt, pepper.
Boil the fish, pour the juice and let it dry. When cooling, coat potatoes and carrots on their skins. Dry-boiled eggs, red and chilled. Sprinkle with peas. Now cut two pieces from fish to decorate. We cut all of the salad ingredients into cubes and mix them in a bowl. Distribute and Decorate!

In the neck of cancer

In the neck of cancer
The neck of the cancer was one of the most original parts of the original Olivier vibe that came to try. Preparing in those days is not an easy task, but we can do it today.
Ingredients (4 servings, cooking time 1–1.5 hours)
  • Chicken Fruit, 400g.
  • Potatoes, 5 potatoes.
  • Cancer neck, 12-15 pcs.
  • Pump, 3 pcs.
  • 5 eggs
  • Leaf salad, nuts.
  • Olive, 15 pcs.
  • Caper, 2-3 hours.
  • Cakes to taste.
  • Mayonnaise, 200g.
Chop the chicken, potatoes and eggs and freeze.
  Potatoes should be cooked in their own pots, and then cooled.
  Now cut the leaves first, then chop the potatoes and eggs, then the pumpkin and green. We clean olives and cafes with olives, and mix everything (except for leaf lettuce and crab claws). Fry the lettuce in the refrigerator for half an hour. Serve with lemon zest and serve with creamy necklaces while serving.

Olive viper with carrot

Olive viper with carrot
We've heard a lot about the benefits of carrots, and this salad, which is rich in carrots, is a great addition to the holiday table.
Resources (4 servings, 1 hour cooking time)
  • Boiled beef 200g.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • 4 carrots
  • Grilled or cooked pumpkin 3 pcs.
  • 5 eggs
  • Mayonnaise 150g.
  • Canned green peas 400 g.
  • One chips, one roll.
  • Green stick, a roll.
  • Salt, pepper, two tbsp. Spoon spoon.
Wash potatoes and carrots in the oven and bake, fry the eggs. Chop the beef well.
  Add boiled egg, potatoes, carrots.
  Leave the chopped pumpkin for five minutes to drain the glass.
Tip: If you use fresh pumpkins, then rinse and mix them with salt and place them in a cola - the juice will flow and the salad looks nothing.
Chop the greens well. Drain peas and combine all ingredients in a deep bowl. Spices Add spice to our spices. Good appetite!
  1. At the time of cooking, the cracked eggs are much smaller if they add salt in a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
  2. Boiled egg is sometimes difficult to spray. If you wash them in cold water immediately after cooling, this process will be much easier and faster - a severe temperature drop will destroy the lid. Now the egg can roll on the table, squeezing slightly - the shell breaks in one movement at a time and melts.
  3. If you use fresh pumpkins in the salad, then chop them first, chop them, add a little salt and leave for ten minutes - the juices in the salad will flow and your salad will be crisp and beautiful.
  4. If you want to add onions to the olives then it's fine to cut them individually, add a little salt and stir - this will greatly improve the taste;
  5. Sometimes the tasty onions should be added to the salad, but not always available ... If you want to replace the usual onions, pick the meat slices thicker - the onions are thicker, more soft.
  6. If vegetables are first cooked, cut and then pre-cooked - this will save about half an hour. This happens for three reasons: first - raw vegetables can be cut faster, the second - smaller parts will be prepared faster than large, and the third - and smaller pieces will be stored faster than larger ones.
  7. Chicken can be successfully replaced by replacing rabbit meat. The taste in them is similar.
Watch the video - Homemade Olive Diet Recipe:
Of course, there are differences in how to cook Olivia salads (such as mushrooms, shrimp, squid and other) in modern cooking. But the ancient recipes are very popular - with the grass with Olivia, he always cooks, "doctors."

Composition olivier - but except grass?

  • Potatoes. In a normal salad bowl, it takes approximately 5-5 medium-sized pumpkins, about 500-600g. Potatoes should be cooked in uniform until fully ripe. So make sure the salad is not too spicy, do not take fragile and easily damaged varieties, and do not add too much potato over Bluetooth, note the sizes.
  • Carrots. For salt lettuce, you need 1-2 medium carrots weighing 200 to 300g total. This amount is enough to make the salad delicious and important. Try choosing sweet ripe vegetables, concentrated orange. They should also wash completely without leaving the skin.
  • Boiled wool. Olivia's body fat does not cook, so it has to be high quality and always fresh. The "cooked" standard dose is approximately 400-500g.
  • The chicken egg takes 4-6 pieces, especially the large and fresh. You need to cook them to wash them well, but no longer than 10 minutes, they will not be digested anymore and left.
  • Pumpkins The first recipe uses pumpkins, however, they can be substituted with fresh and semi-fresh fruits. The amount will be added to the flavor, depending on the saltyness and volume of the product. According to a rule 1-2 pieces are sufficient, 150 g.
  • Peas. You need brains, sweet, and especially canned green peas. All liquid should be taken carefully from the jack to prevent it from entering the salad and not over water. It will take a little more than half the normal pot.
  • Onions. It gives the game the salad and the cereal. You can use onions or cheese. The size is tailored to taste, and as a rule, medium onions or 5-6 green onions are good enough.

What is the ideal mayonnaise to wear?

  Classic Olivia soup is mayonnaise. Shop at the store or make yourself with egg, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, mustard and lemon juice. The soup should be slightly sharp and thick, it should be moderately thin, its function is a barrier, and the taste of the remaining ingredients will not close. Depending on the taste, it is important that the salad is not too dry, not too thin. Toss the salad consistency, start with 3 tablespoons mayonnaise and add the size.
Total cooking time - 50 minutes
  cooking time: 15 minutes
  Score: 4 servings

The ingredients

  • Cooked plate - 400-500 g
  • 4 eggs
  • Potatoes - 4-5 medium pumpkins
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1/2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 200 g
  • Pills - 1-2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l
  • Salt to taste

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