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Monday, August 5, 2019

importance of exercise essay

importance of exercise essay
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 importance of exercise essay
importance of exercise essayimportance of exercise essay,benefits of exercise articles, mental benefits of exercise, physical exercise essay,social benefits of exercise

importance of exercise essay

Exercise twice a week to stay in shape. Exercise 30 minutes daily.Avoid alcohol to prevent cancer.Drink alcohol to prevent heart disease. Have you ever been perplexed by the advice you give?One day he says something, and immediately the next week something completely different is said. . . . Why can't scientists agree on something? Why is coffee said to be harmful one week later and not harmless next week? ”
importance of exercise essay
Barbara Brum, professor of exercise and sports studies
Medical professionals often struggle with issues of nutrition and fitness. Many people are puzzled by the amount of information you can do about this. However, there seems to be a general consensus among scientists regarding the importance of moderate exercise. So if you want to get good health, you need to exercise regularly!
Lack of adequate physical activity is a serious problem today, especially in industrialized lands. For centuries people in these lands have labored in agriculture, such as agriculture, hunting, or construction.Admittedly, the amount of labor that our ancestors used to earn a living was so high that they would have to shorten their lives.According to the Encyclopሪታdia Britannica , “in ancient Greece and Rome the average life expectancy was 28 years.” By the end of the 20th century, however, the average life span of people in developed countries was 74 years.Why is there such a change?
Is Technology a Blessing or a Curse?
People today enjoy relatively better health and a longer life span than they did a century ago.This is partly due to the technological change.Many modern tasks have become easier because modern tools have changed the way we do our work. The medical profession has made great strides in the fight against disease, improving the health of many.However, there was a confusing situation.
Modern technology has improved health, but it has helped many segments of society to spend most of their lives. “Economic growth, urbanization, industrialization, and globalization have led to a favorable lifestyle,” states the American Heart Association's International Cardiovascular Disease Statistics. The report states that “risk of inactivity and unhealthy diet” are among the major risk factors for heart disease.
Fifty years ago, people in many lands struggled with bulls and moose, worked their way up and down the road, and spent the night repairing things in their homes and yard.But their children's grandchildren live here It is completely different. The modern worker spends most of his waking hours sitting in front of a computer, traveling by car, and spending the evening in front of the TV.
According to one study, a Swedish woodcutter who used to cut and transport trees in the past used to burn up to 7,000 calories a day, but now he sees all the hard work in advanced equipment. Most of the world's highways were once built and maintained by people with shovels and drums. But now, even in less developed countries, heavy-duty drilling and drilling work.
In some parts of China, the preferred form of transportation is being replaced by smaller motorcycles. In the United States, 25 percent of all trips are less than 1.5 miles [75 km] away, and 75 percent of these short trips are made by car.
In addition, modern technology has also produced children who remain in their seats.According to one study, video games are “more fun and more realistic. . . More and more time is spent on video games. ”The same conclusion was reached regarding TV viewing and other forms of entertainment for children.
importance of exercise essay
importance of exercise essay,benefits of exercise articles, mental benefits of exercise, physical exercise essay,social benefits of exercise

The dangers of sitting down are usually
The drastic reduction in physical activity has led to many physical, mental, and emotional health problems. For example, a health organization in Britain reports: “Inactive children have lower self-esteem and more fear and anxiety. In addition, these children are more likely to become addicted to drugs and tobacco. Workers who sit and work longer are more likely to be out of work.People who do not get enough exercise may lose their ability to function and even have an active lifestyle. As a result, many suffer from a fall in the hands and a mental health impairment. ”
Cora Craig, president of the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute, says: “Canadians are far less active in the workplace. . . . In general, they have slowed down. ” "Forty-eight percent of Canadians are overweight," says the Canadian Globe and Mailnewspaper 15 percent are obese. ” The newspaper adds that 59 percent of adults in Canada are seated. “Maternal diabetes is on the rise,” warns Dr. Matti Uusitupa of the University of Kuopio in Finland.
A recent study in Hong Kong found that more than 20 percent of people aged 35 and over may have difficulty exercising. A 2004 study conducted by a group led by Professor Tai-Hing Lam of the University of Hong Kong concluded in a study published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology in Hong Kong that "the health effects of inactivity are greater than the effects of tobacco." Researchers also predict that “death toll will rise in the rest of China.”
Is their concern justified? Can inactivity cause more harm to our health than smoking? It has been widely accepted that many immobile people are more likely to develop hypertension, heart disease, erosion problems, some cancers, and obesity. *
The Wall Street Journal says: “In every corner of the world, even in areas with poor access to food, obesity is on the rise. The highest prevalence of obesity epidemic in the United States It is a combination of eating a calorie-rich diet and not exercising enough. ”According to Dr. Stefan Rosenner, professor of health-related behaviors at the Carolinas Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, he has said that "there is no country without obesity in the world."
A global problem
Obviously, a moderate amount of exercise is essential to our well-being. However, while much has been said about the dangers of inadequate physical activity, a large part of the world's population still does not get enough exercise. The World Heart Federation believes that between 60 and 85 percent of the world's population will not engage in "physical activity, especially for girls and women." “Less than two-thirds of children are physically active,” says the organization. In the United States, 40 percent of adults are sedentary, and nearly half of those between the ages of 12 and 21 do not exercise.
A study in 15 European countries found that the prevalence of inactive people was 43 percent in Sweden and 87 percent in Portugal.In São Paulo, Brazil, about 70 percent of the population is inactive. “The results of health surveys around the world are strikingly similar,” states the World Health Organization.It should not come as a surprise, then, that two million people die each year of physical inactivity.
Health experts around the world believe that this trend is alarming. As a result, government agencies around the world have launched various campaigns to educate the public on the importance of moderate exercise.Australia, Japan, and the United States have been up to a 10 percent increase in the level of physical activity of their citizens by 2010.Scotland plans to make a 50% increase in the physical activity of its adult population by 2020. According to a report from the World Health Organization, “Mexico, Brazil, Jamaica, New Zealand, Finland, the Russian Federation, Morocco, Vietnam, South Africa and Slovenia are among the countries that have developed a national program to increase their physical activity.”
Regardless of how governments and health authorities try, the responsibility of caring for our own health falls squarely on each of us.'Am I moving enough? Am I doing as much as my body needs? If not, how can I change my lifestyle? ' Ask yourself: The following article will discuss how you can increase your physical activity levels.
Inactivity can dramatically increase the risk of certain life-threatening illnesses. For example, according to the American Heart Association, “inadequacy doubles the risk of heart disease and increases the risk of developing hypertension by 30%. It also doubles the risk of dying from heart attacks and stroke and stroke. ”
The cost of not doing enough
Many governments and health organizations are concerned about the financial impacts of inactivity.
Australia - The cost of health-related health problems in this country is estimated at $ 377 million a year.
Canada - According to the World Heart Federation, Canada spent $ 2 billion in one year on health-related costs.
● United States - During the year 2000, the United States spent $ 76 billion on medical expenses directly related to inactivity.
Children need to exercise more
Recent studies indicate that the number of children who do not exercise regularly is increasing. Inactivity is more pronounced in girls than in boys. As children grow up, they also seem to be declining. The following are some of the benefits that children get if they exercise regularly.
Their bones and muscles will develop and have healthy joints
They are not overweight or obese
You can eliminate or delay complications related to hypertension
You can prevent the type of diabetes associated with age
They increase their self-esteem and reduce anxiety and anxiety
● Exercise makes them less likely to sit down when they are big enough to exercise
Better Health for the Elderly
It is said that as you get older, you will benefit from a moderate exercise program. Still, many older people hesitate to engage in regular physical activities for fear of getting hurt or sick. Of course, older ones should consult a physician before engaging in a serious exercise program. Experts, however, believe that physical activity can improve the quality of life of the elderly. If the elderly exercise regularly:
● Their mind becomes more alert
 Increase their ability to maintain balance and flexibility
have emotional health
They rquickly from injury or illness
Their stomach and intestines and their liver do the job better
The food you eat is well absorbed by the bodyI
Increasestheir immune system
 Their bones are tight
● They have better capacity

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