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Saturday, August 3, 2019

importance of exercise

importance of exercise

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity
Exercise and health

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity

importance of exercise

The purpose of exercise is to maintain health and to achieve health, it is necessary to exercise at an appropriate time. Health and physical fitness are closely related and indivisible; in order to achieve optimal body function, in addition to a balanced diet and good living habits, moderate exercise is also very important.In modern life, the need for healthy fitness and exercise is especially promoted. 
However, the needs of children and adolescents in this regard are often overlooked.Some parents even think that exercise is a waste of reading time and suppress it. When children grow up, they greatly increase their chances of suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. In fact, as long as the time is allocated well, both academics and sports can be both.
Factors affecting human health

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity
importance of exerciseGenetic
People's appearance, posture, even personality, temperament and other aspects will be affected by heredity. Often engaged in physical exercise, not only can promote personal physical development, but also improve the physical foundation of the next generation. Genetics also have a direct impact on height, size, athletic ability and physical quality. Many facts prove that the children of talented athletes often have good athletic ability.Studies have shown that response speed, explosive power, general endurance, sensitivity, maximal oxygen uptake, and maximum pulse rate are all related to genetic factors.
importance of exercisesurroundings
A certain environment can make the genetic factors fully developed, and some defects in genetics can be suppressed and compensated. 
Environmental conditions include the natural environment and the social environment. The natural environment has a great impact on human health; fresh air, abundant sunshine and a non-polluting living environment promote human health; but with the development of industry, air and environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, these harsh environments It is seriously threatening people's health. 
The social environment refers to people's material living conditions; the economic backwardness material life is poor, the human body is inevitably poor, and the average life expectancy is short; the economy is developed, the material life is good, the human body is better, and the average life expectancy is longer.
importance of exerciseSports training
"Life is in motion" profoundly illustrates the importance of physical exercise in maintaining and enhancing human life. In sports training, with the contradiction between energy consumption and over-recovery, the energy reserve in the human body continues to grow, and the human body's moving organs and internal organs are trained and developed.Congenital genetic factors, although affecting physical strength, but not invariable, through the adjustment and exercise of the day after tomorrow, the weak can become stronger.Especially in adolescents, the body is in the stage of growth and development, has not been finalized, and has great plasticity. It is a key period for forming a good body shape and posture, enhancing physical fitness and obtaining bodybuilding physique. If your physique is naturally weak, don't be discouraged. As long as you can keep science sports training and persevere, you can get a strong body, plenty of energy and a well-balanced body.
importance of exercisePsychological factors
Psychology includes personal thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Emotions have a direct impact on health. Good emotions give moderate stimulation to the human body, coordinate the regulation of the cerebral cortex, nerves, and body fluids to improve health. Conversely, bad mood can cause malignant stimulation to the cortex, which can lead to increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, gastrointestinal dysfunction, loss of appetite, and decreased functional resistance. 
It is an important factor in human health to maintain a happy spirit and a good mood.Laughter is a happy performance. Laughing can make the cerebral cortex get good stimulation, and it can make good activity in the muscle, heart, blood vessels and endocrine regulation.
The benefits of sports

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity
In addition to enhancing physical resistance, exercise has many other benefits, such as:
 1. Promote metabolism, consume heat and prevent fat accumulation. 
2. Helps to stretch the body and mind and eliminate the pressure of school, work and life. 
3. Increase social life and improve communication and social skills. 
4. cardio exercise and stronger muscles, can reduce children's risk of developing heart disease and other Yanchongjibing, high blood pressure, diabetes in adulthood and so on.
People with better physical fitness have better health status, are less likely to get sick, and have better physical exercise capacity. Strong physical activity has positive effects on the growth or development of children and adolescents. 
Precautions for participating in physical fitness activities:
 1. Understand the relationship between exercise and health. 
2. Choose the sport that suits you. 
3. Set appropriate exercise prescriptions such as appropriate exercise time, exercise intensity and exercise frequency based on gender, age and physical strength. 
4. Pay attention to clothing, equipment and equipment, body preparation, and cognitive preparation during exercise. 
5. Really execute the plan. 
6. The correct attitude to exercise. 
7. Persevere, such as three times a week. 
8. Bad competition, no competition, especially in mountain climbing, cycling and swimming. 
9. Pay attention to water and land safety. 
10. Do your best and slowly increase the amount of exercise.
Sports safety guidelines

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity
 1. Appropriately add water before, after and during 
exercise. 2. Warm up before each exercise 
. 3. Wear appropriate sportswear and sneakers 
during exercise. 4. After the main exercise, take the speed. Slow exercise to ease, as a finishing exercise, such as slow step, deep breathing, and then stretching exercise. 
5. In stretching, mainly static stretching, each time the main muscle groups are statically stretched for 10 to 30 seconds 
. If you encounter the following conditions during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately, take a break, and consult a doctor if necessary: 
~ Heartache, neck, jaw or arm pain 
~ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
~ Stunned 
~ Stomach stuffy or nausea 
Heart palpitations Or abnormal heartbeat 
~ abnormal fatigue 
~ joint pain such as knee or ankle joint 
7. If you feel tired, do not exercise vigorously, should be changed to light exercise such as walking, otherwise it will only cause muscle or joint injury

Exercise and health

importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity

importance of exercise

The purpose of exercise is to maintain health and to achieve health, it is necessary to exercise at an appropriate time. Health and physical fitness are closely related and indivisible; in order to achieve optimal body function, in addition to a balanced diet and good living habits, moderate exercise is also very important.In modern life, the need for healthy fitness and exercise is especially promoted. 
However, the needs of children and adolescents in this regard are often overlooked.Some parents even think that exercise is a waste of reading time and suppress it. When children grow up, they greatly increase their chances of suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. In fact, as long as the time is allocated well, both academics and sports can be both.
Factors affecting human health

importance of exerciseGenetic
People's appearance, posture, even personality, temperament and other aspects will be affected by heredity. Often engaged in physical exercise, not only can promote personal physical development, but also improve the physical foundation of the next generation. Genetics also have a direct impact on height, size, athletic ability and physical quality. Many facts prove that the children of talented athletes often have good athletic ability.Studies have shown that response speed, explosive power, general endurance, sensitivity, maximal oxygen uptake, and maximum pulse rate are all related to genetic factors.
importance of exercisesurroundings
A certain environment can make the genetic factors fully developed, and some defects in genetics can be suppressed and compensated. 
Environmental conditions include the natural environment and the social environment. The natural environment has a great impact on human health; fresh air, abundant sunshine and a non-polluting living environment promote human health; but with the development of industry, air and environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, these harsh environments It is seriously threatening people's health. 
The social environment refers to people's material living conditions; the economic backwardness material life is poor, the human body is inevitably poor, and the average life expectancy is short; the economy is developed, the material life is good, the human body is better, and the average life expectancy is longer.
importance of exerciseSports training
"Life is in motion" profoundly illustrates the importance of physical exercise in maintaining and enhancing human life. In sports training, with the contradiction between energy consumption and over-recovery, the energy reserve in the human body continues to grow, and the human body's moving organs and internal organs are trained and developed.Congenital genetic factors, although affecting physical strength, but not invariable, through the adjustment and exercise of the day after tomorrow, the weak can become stronger.Especially in adolescents, the body is in the stage of growth and development, has not been finalized, and has great plasticity. It is a key period for forming a good body shape and posture, enhancing physical fitness and obtaining bodybuilding physique. If your physique is naturally weak, don't be discouraged. As long as you can keep science sports training and persevere, you can get a strong body, plenty of energy and a well-balanced body.
importance of exercisePsychological factors
Psychology includes personal thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Emotions have a direct impact on health. Good emotions give moderate stimulation to the human body, coordinate the regulation of the cerebral cortex, nerves, and body fluids to improve health. Conversely, bad mood can cause malignant stimulation to the cortex, which can lead to increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, gastrointestinal dysfunction, loss of appetite, and decreased functional resistance. 
It is an important factor in human health to maintain a happy spirit and a good mood.Laughter is a happy performance. Laughing can make the cerebral cortex get good stimulation, and it can make good activity in the muscle, heart, blood vessels and endocrine regulation.
The benefits of sports

In addition to enhancing physical resistance, exercise has many other benefits, such as:
 1. Promote metabolism, consume heat and prevent fat accumulation. 
2. Helps to stretch the body and mind and eliminate the pressure of school, work and life. 
3. Increase social life and improve communication and social skills. 
4. cardio exercise and stronger muscles, can reduce children's risk of developing heart disease and other Yanchongjibing, high blood pressure, diabetes in adulthood and so on.
People with better physical fitness have better health status, are less likely to get sick, and have better physical exercise capacity. Strong physical activity has positive effects on the growth or development of children and adolescents. 
Precautions for participating in physical fitness activities:
 1. Understand the relationship between exercise and health. 
2. Choose the sport that suits you. 
3. Set appropriate exercise prescriptions such as appropriate exercise time, exercise intensity and exercise frequency based on gender, age and physical strength. 
4. Pay attention to clothing, equipment and equipment, body preparation, and cognitive preparation during exercise. 
5. Really execute the plan. 
6. The correct attitude to exercise. 
7. Persevere, such as three times a week. 
8. Bad competition, no competition, especially in mountain climbing, cycling and swimming. 
9. Pay attention to water and land safety. 
10. Do your best and slowly increase the amount of exercise.
Sports safety guidelines

                  1. Appropriately add water before, after and during 
 2. Warm up before each exercise 
 3. Wear appropriate sportswear and sneakers 
     during exercise. 
4. After the main exercise, take the speed. Slow exercise to ease, as a finishing exercise, such as slow step, deep breathing, and then             stretching exercise. 
5. In stretching, mainly static stretching, each time the main muscle groups are statically stretched for 10 to 30 seconds 
   If you encounter the following conditions during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately, take a break, and consult a doctor if necessary: 
~ Heartache, neck, jaw or arm pain 
~ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
~ Stunned 
~ Stomach stuffy or nausea 
Heart palpitations Or abnormal heartbeat 
~ abnormal fatigue 
~ joint pain such as knee or ankle joint 
7. If you feel tired, do not exercise vigorously, should be changed to light exercise such as walking, otherwise it will only cause muscle or joint injury
Weight control weight

Obesity is a phenomenon of excessive body fat. In general, males have about 10-20% of body fat and 15-25% of women. If men exceed 25% and women exceed 30%, they can be called obesity.
Principles and Key Points: 

1. Prevention of obesity is more important than treatment 
2. Ideal weight control plan should include exercise, diet and behavioral changes 
3. Adolescents who are at the development stage should encourage more exercise when losing weight, and do not limit energy intake too much to avoid causing malnutrition is now as 
4. best way of aerobic exercise, because the movement can be maintained for a long time, will not be too intense and may consume             more energy 
5. brisk walking, stair climbing, swimming, jogging, ball games, etc. It is the ideal exercise for weight control. 
6. At the beginning of exercise, due to the increase of muscle mass, the weight may not be reduced, but the amount of fat will be reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience in exercising exercise.
Differences between exercise and dieting to lose weight:

importance of exercise

Exercise to lose weightDiet and weight loss
Increase energy consumptionReduce energy intake
Less weight loss in a short timeLose weight in a short time
Reduce fat, maintain or increase muscleReduce fat and muscle mass
Promote health and improve physical fitnessCan't improve physical fitness or health
Actively encourageNegative restriction
Increase basal metabolic rateReduce basal metabolic rate
Improve psychological stress, reduce and eliminate anxiety, depression and build self-esteemUnable to improve psychological stress, reduce and eliminate anxiety, depression and build self-esteem

importance of exercise

In theory, it is very complicated to improve a person's physical fitness or a person's exercise habits. In fact, this should be everyone's own responsibility, because health and fitness have an unfixed nature; it is also a source of life and a necessary condition for improving the quality of life. Exercise is indeed one of the best ways to achieve health. Therefore, we should control the weight naturally and healthily by exercise.
   importance of exercise,benefits of exercise essay,importance of exercise essay,exercise benefits,importance of health essay,10 benefits of physical activity

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