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Monday, August 5, 2019

how to stop a child from hitting a parent

how to stop a child from hitting a parent
how to stop a child from hitting a parenthow to stop a child from hitting a parent,FriendWhat Are Good Friends?ship with our Christian colleagues,Young People Ask. . . How Can I Stop Hurting Bad Children?

Young People Ask. .
How Can I Stop Hurting Bad Children?
I began to hang out with a girl at school. She is not drugged, rude, or immoral. She had never heard him swear, and she was an excellent student. But she was a bad friend. ”- Beverly .
Why did Beverly reach this conclusion? Looking back, she realizes that the girl has influenced her to do bad things. Beverly says: “With her, I started reading occult books and even writing about spiritism.”
A youth named Melanie was also led into misconduct by someone claiming to be a Christian! How do you know that someone can be a good friend to you? Is it always dangerous to associate with unbelievers? Is the friendship between Christians always safe?
In particular, what about dating? How can you know if a relationship will have a positive effect if you think that someone might be your future spouse? Let us see how Bible principles can help us to answer these questions.
What Are Good Friends?
Should the fact that her schoolmate was not a worshiper of the true God have made Beverly hesitate to cultivate a friendship with her Of course, true Christians do not assume that a person is indecent or immoral simply because he or she is not a fellow believer. But they have reason to be cautious about cultivating close friendships. The apostle Paul warned those in the first-century Corinthian congregation: “Bad associations spoil useful habits. What did Paul mean?
The Corinthians may have been friends of the Epicureans, who followed the Greek philosopher Epicurus. Ephesus taught his followers to develop such qualities as insight, courage, self-control, and justice. He encouraged them to avoid even the vices. So why did Paul have “bad friends” with the Epicureans and in the congregation?
The Epicureans were not worshipers of the true God. Because they do not believe in the resurrection of the dead, their focus is on making the most of their current life. It is not surprising that some in the Corinthian congregation lost their faith in the resurrection because of being associated with such ones. That is why Paul , warns against bad associations, and he offers several reasons why the early Christians were convinced that the resurrection hope is true.
What is the message of this story? Even those who do not pursue a godly course can cultivate good habits. But if you choose them as your close friends, your thinking, faith, and conduct will be affected. Thus, in his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul stated: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers.
Fred, aged 16, learned the wisdom of Paul's words. Initially, he agreed to go to a developing country where he was teaching a program to teach children there. However, when he and the other students got together, Fred changed his mind. “I discovered that spending too much time with them would affect my spirituality,” he says. As a result, Fred decided to step aside from the project and help the needy in another way.
how to stop a child from hitting a parent
how to stop a child from hitting a parenthow to stop a child from hitting a parent,FriendWhat Are Good Friends?ship with our Christian colleagues,Young People Ask. . . How Can I Stop Hurting Bad Children?

Friendship with our Christian colleagues
What, though, about friendships inside theChristian congregation Paul warned young Timothy: “In a large house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earthenware; If anyone cleanses himself from the things I have mentioned, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful for his master, prepared for every good work. Paul here plainly stated that even some Christians may have unholy conduct. . He also gives Timothy firm counsel to avoid such things .
Does this mean that you should be suspicious of your fellow Christians? No. Nor does it mean that you should expect perfection from your friends.  However, the mere fact that a young person attends Christian meetings or has parents who are zealous in the congregation does not mean that he can be a good friend.
“Even by his practices a boy [or girl] makes himself recognized as to whether his activity is pure and upright,” says Therefore, it would be appropriate to ask: Is friendship with Jehovah the most important thing in his life? Or is it a reflection of “the spirit of the world”?  Does being with him or her encourage you to worship Jehovah?
Choosing friends who deeply love Jehovah and spiritual things will help you not only to avoid problems but also to strengthen your resolve to serve God. Paul told Timothy : “ Pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, along with those who call upon the Lord out of a clean heart .
If you are old enough and want to get married, have you seriously considered whether the above principles can affect your choice of a mate? While the person you are considering may attract you in many ways, the most important thing is your attitude toward spiritual matters.
Hence, the Bible repeatedly warns against a marriage that does not belong to “the Lord. Of course, non-Christians can also be responsible, decent, and considerate. However, they will not encourage you to develop such qualities, and they will not help you to make your marriage succeed over the years.
On the other hand, one who is dedicated to Jehovah and loyal to God, by all means, strives to cultivate and maintain Christian qualities no matter what the circumstances. He or she appreciates that the Bible links loving one's mate with having a good relationship with Jehovah. Thus, if both mates love Jehovah, this will motivate them to remain loyal to each other.
Does this mean that marriages among fellow believers are guaranteed to succeed It does not. For example, what if you marry someone who has little interest in spiritual things? A person who is spiritually weak is unable to resist the pressures of this system and is able to leave the Christian congregation. Think of the heartache you will experience if you and your spouse are attracted to “the uncleanness of the world.
Before going into marriage, consider the following questions: Does the situation indicate that he or she is a spiritual person? Is he a good example of Christian living? Is Bible truth rooted in him or does he need time to grow spiritually? Are you sure that his love for Jehovah is the strongest motive for his life? Knowing that the person has a reputation is helpful The important thing is to realize that the person is dedicated to Jehovah and can be a good marriage partner.
Do not forget that those who want to be friends with “the bad ones” really love bad things — entertainment and activities in the first place. Exemplary youths in the congregation would not cooperate with you in such a way. So examine your heart.
If you find that your heart needs discipline, do not be discouraged. The heart can be fixed.  What is important to you ? That is. Do you want to do what is right and associate with people who are morally good? Jehovah can help you to develop such a heart. And by training your perceptive powers to distinguish right from wrong, you will find it easier to determine who will make the most of your good friends.  
the end

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