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Saturday, July 13, 2019

health care Be careful, these 6 symptoms could indicate a dysfunction of your heart

Health care Be careful, these 6 symptoms could indicate a dysfunction of your heart

Cardiovascular disorders are the leading cause of death in the world and take away every year 17,7 million of people. In some cases, these illnesses occur suddenly without warning signs, but in other circumstances, people are unaware of symptoms that actually indicate an underlying heart problem. Today we are going to look at these.

1. Edema on the limbs

If your heart does not pump enough blood, blood vessel fluid will start to spread to nearby tissues, causing your legs to swell. This is a fairly common symptom of heart failure.

2. A rash

Two independent studies have confirmed that eczema and zonas are an important factor in heart problems. People with eczema also tend to have high blood pressure, while zonas are associated with an increased risk of heart attack.

3. A pain in the heart that spreads in the left arm

This is the most common symptom of ischemic heart disease. In this situation, the pain starts from the heart and tends to radiate towards the jaw, the left shoulder and the neck. If you experience localized pain in at least one of these areas, it is vital to immediately consult a doctor or medical emergency department.

4. Shortness of breath

The feeling of running out of air during intense physical training at the gym or when walking on sloping ground is physiologically normal. However, breathing problems at rest or when performing very light tasks usually indicate heart failure. Those who suffer from it may then develop pulmonary edema; the lungs are filled with fluid from the blood vessels. This is a serious medical emergency.

5. Pale or bluish skin

Such symptoms indicate that the heart is not functioning properly and does not send enough blood to the extremities of the body. Another common cause of a pale complexion is anemia, a disorder that results in a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

6. Lack of appetite or nausea

Often, these symptoms are related to disorders of the gastrointestinal system. However, nausea and vomiting are often among the first signs of a heart attack. There is also a form of heart attack whose disorders are felt in the abdomen and may be misinterpreted as acute appendicitis or perforation of a gastric ulcer.
Take good care of yourself and see a doctor immediately if you experience the symptoms mentioned in this article. And do not miss to share it with your loved ones to inform them about this important topic!

This article is for informational purposes only. Do not use self-medication and, in any case, consult a certified health provider before using the information in this article. The Editorial Board does not guarantee any results and does not hold itself responsible for the evils or other consequences resulting from the use of the information provided in this article.

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