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Saturday, September 7, 2019

strawberry jelly recipe sure jell

strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Homemade strawberry gel. Raspberry jelly for winter (five minutes, cooking) - recipes. We all know about the benefits of strawberries, especially when it comes to winter chills and when it comes to medications, it puts us on our feet faster.  There are many recipes on how to prepare these berries with all the high levels of vitamins. If you want to get a consistent and seedless gel, use Pectin or gelatin.    In the first case, you need to add more sugar and berry juice. The second way is for people who love less taste.  Raspberry jelly is ideal for hot pancakes or pancakes, they can be poured on a homemade cheesecake or spread out on a saucepan. No less delicious, it will be a role for crackers or fillings.  The usual way to make a strawberry gel without additives. Of course, it's not as thick as a warehouse, but it doesn't contain unnecessary chemistry.  And here is a step-by-step guide you should follow to get a good treat on the way out. Wash the jars well and arrange a special activity by placing the water in a pot.  You can use the old boiling water method - place it in a glass container on boiling water.  Grind the strawberries in a blender or in a sieve. Transfer to a ripe bowl and gently stir and bring to a boil over low heat to avoid burning.    Refrigerate and cool completely on a baking tray to avoid a gram of sponges and to get fresh juice.    Pour the berry juice into the bowl and add sugar to the squash. The fire should be moderate so that it does not burn and does not leak out of the containers. Don't go too far from the fireplace to avoid the bitter, burning monkey.    Fruit - strawberry - Very sweet berry that doesn't want to cook long.    Cook for ten - fifteen minutes, enough, set aside, cool, and place on the gas oven again for five to seven minutes.    When stirring with a spoon, lift the bowl up, and pour the jelly backwards, see consistency: If it suits you, you can spread it out and close it in bottles.    Remember that the size will be thicker after the last cooling.  Some housewives follow the trend of keeping berries and vegetables free of heat treatment, significantly increasing the likelihood of maintaining the benefits of this product. There is some truth to this, and there are many recipes for protecting roses from this drink.  We separate the strawberries, remove the debris and place them in a large container. In no case do you suck the strawberries, otherwise the moisture will fill up and lose its many benefits. We sleep with sugar and pressed berries, using a traditional wooden fan.  You can use a more convenient way - to kill a whale with a clean water or to twist it in a meat grinder, but vitamins are also lost with iron.  We put it in a non-perishable pot, sprinkled one-half of an inch of sugar on top of it, drying the cork out of the oxygen pan and closing it in a plastic lid.  Put the strawberry jelly in the refrigerator.  In this method, make sure that the most important thing is to store it only in a cool place and consider the amount of berry sugar, otherwise there is a big risk that the gel can leak.  This name was collected from the Rubber Jill for the winter.  You can even buy the most inexperienced, homemade mistress for the winter. Only interest and a set of products are required.  Separate the strawberries from the garbage, rinse them in cold water for a few minutes and carefully remove them with a pump or a spoon. Lay on a towel and let dry.  When excess moisture evaporates from the berries, place it in a bowl and cover with a thick layer of sugar.    Stay for four to five hours. When the strawberries are completely absorbed in the sand and when the juice is out, they remove it from the oven and bring it to yeast. Pour for about five minutes.  Wash the jars well and place in a large saucepan, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.  Fill the five-minute strawberry gel to the eye and tighten with metal lids, the plastic doesn't work.  Cover closed bottles in a thick blanket and leave to cool completely.  Then place them in the basement, on the porch, in any dark, cold room.  If you use the recipes from this article, an unusual candy will be released to anyone in the homemade fruits. Therefore, do not throw cream pieces into the trash.  And here are some ways to cook rhubarb vinegar.  Raspberry Jelly is ready to eat for one and a half to two months after the wait, during which time it will have enough thickness and a pleasant aroma.  You should not use damaged berries, it is best to process them immediately with compote, otherwise the umbrella may be molded and mold growth on the surface of the yard.  If you follow all the technologies and preservatives, then this berry can be kept in the ground for more than a year or two.  Look for strawberries in autumn. The dishes may contain unpleasant odors that spoil the aroma and taste of the dish.  We hope you enjoy our recipes. Good luck to you dear hosts!  Raspberry jelly is a very fragrant food with a lot of vitamins. It can be made at home for a winter snack or for summer preparation.  This option lets you forget about the taste of fruit berries, sunny days and not a happy time.  Raspberry jelly - General preparation principles. Jelly can be made based on berries, juice or butter. It all depends on the recipe you use, as well as the size of the strawberries. If there are many berries, then you can prepare a treatment that is rich in flavor. If the strawberries are small, it is best to make a decoration, you can add other juices and vinegar, then make it from this liquid gel. They contain aromatic compounds in the berries and can be cooked easily. But increasingly, using simple table gelatin, the process is easier because you use a simple table gelatin. The product occurs in plans, but is not sold everywhere. It is easy to buy bags in bags, it is in all shops.  Basic rules for using gelatin  1. The product must be measured in depth, the quantity specified in the recipe is determined. You can consider the ratio with the fluid specified in the instructions.  2. Pour gelatin in cold water or at room temperature.  3. Galatians needs time to bloom. It is in the instructions. Even quicker products should stand for 7-10 minutes, and even more.  4. gelatin is undesirable to eat without decaying for winter butterflies. After cooking, the swelling potential of the product decreases.  5. Jill never freezes, it only spoils it. To drink, simply sit in the refrigerator for several hours. The exact time is based on technological observations, quantities and temperatures.  After preparation, gelatin is mixed with aqueous gel gel and heated. If the sweetener is intended for immediate use, it will warm up slightly. The mass is then spread out in the ponds or poured into a large bowl to solidify.  Raspberry Jelly for dessert A simple strawberry gel recipe that can be prepared for dessert. Here you can use fresh or frozen berries, allowing you to treat them at any time of the year.  The ingredients.  100g strawberries;  400 ml of water;  10g of gelatin;  30g sugar;  1 pin vanilla (optional).  Cooking method  1. Pour 40 mL of water, mix with Latin gelatin. It is important to use liquid at room temperature. If the water is hot, trees will appear immediately. Separate gelatin, withstand the time specified in the package.  2. Mix strawberries in the remaining water, place them in the oven, simmer for a few minutes and then simmer.  3. Fry the soup, sprinkle the berries in the same bowl. Drop bones and movies.  4. Add roasted sugar to the strawberry sauce, stirring. Generally, the amount of sugar and the sweetness can be adjusted according to your choice. Make a small piece of vinyl, stir again.  5. gelatin is already swollen. Turn it into a hot fog, soak it. If the base is already cold, place it on the stove and heat slightly over low heat. All hours must be digested.  6. Pour the oil into the mold, bowls or vases with the gelatin, you can use only the glasses. Get three full services.  7. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours. When serving, place a few strawberries on top and decorate with a little leaf.  Raslatberry Jelly without gelatin for winter winter. Bright and delicious recipes for the winter. For him, you can use soft, ripe berries, as well as juice stored at the bottom. The key is to sort everything out, remove the damaged strawberries. If the berries are no longer fresh, give them wine, then they cannot be used for winter crops.  The ingredients.  1 kg strawberry;  100g of water;  3 grams of citric acid;  1 kg sugar.  Cooking method  1. Pour the cooked berries into a pan, add the cooked sugar.  2. Pack well to absorb everything. No need to leave, just send it to the oven as soon as it cooks.  3. Bring to a boil over low heat to undo all the sand. Then cook for 30 minutes.  4. Chill the frozen strawberries, cut them in a sieve, wipe all the bones.  5. Return the cooked potatoes to the oven.  6. Citric acid is dissolved in water. Pour one spoon gel into the future, each time bringing it to the pot. Pour another quarter hour.  7. You need to rinse the cans with steam while the massacre is getting ready.  8. Pour, roll, and store jelly in prepared jars. In a cool place, the size will be thick.  Winter strawberry gel with gelatin. Of course, gel without gelatin is very sweet, gentle, but consistency is not always as important as it should be. Treatment often seems like a mystery and can even be spread on bread. For those who want to make thick cherry jelly for the winter, this recipe is ideal.  The ingredients.  1 kg strawberry;  700g of sugar;  30g of gelatin;  1 tsp citric acid;  250 g of water.  Cooking method  1. Pour gelatin in water, use up to 150 grams, enough for this \ u200b \ u200b powder. Stand alone, stand up and swell.  2. Pour the berries into a saucepan, add the sugar to the sugar, slightly add and mix the juice. Sugar is lower than berry fruits due to gelatin.  3. Place the strawberries in the oven, and fry until smooth. About ten minutes is enough because the berries themselves are so tender.  4. Close the liquid tightly, wipe out the remaining berries and drop off the excess.  5. Sprinkle the sauce on the stove, and simmer for another ten minutes.  6. Add citric acid mixed with hot water, cook for another five minutes.  7. Enter the swollen gelatin. Turn the jelly on for another ten minutes, but now turn on the lightest mode. Bulk congestion should not be mobilized and actively digested. Keep it warm.  8. We preheat the pots: bake or bake in the oven, warm in the microwave, and pour a little water. Cover the layers with boiling water.  9. Pour when the gel is hot, the strength is liquid.  10. Roll, sell, and sell bottles quickly. Once the sweetness has cooled, you can leave it to store.  Strawberry and cream gel The most popular junk food served with cake. Common gelatin for food, cream with a fat content of more than 33%.  The ingredients.  150g strawberries;  200 ml of water for berries;  40g sugar;  150g cream;  21g of gelatin;  3 tbsp. l flour sugar;  90 ml of water.  Cooking method  1. Dissolve 14 grams of gelatin, add 60 mL of water, and leave to dissolve. Also combine 7G gelatin and 30 mL of water.  2. Pour the strawberries with medicine, drain for a minute, sprinkle with corn. Add canned sugar.  3. Repeat the strawberries, remove a 14g gelatin strain, stir up the heat and remove from heat.  4. Sprinkle Raspberry syrup into sections, filling only half. Keep in the refrigerator for one hour.  5. Beat cream with flour. We put it on to taste the vanilla.  6. Dissolve gelatin 7 g melts. In a microwave, you can put it in a water bath or at a low heat. Pour into cream as you continue the rash.  7. Apply the cream to the rosemary gel above. You can squeeze in a puffy bag without a messy bag.  8. Put the pans in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours, thoroughly and thoroughly.  Strawberry jelly with berries. A tasty treat with all the berries in it. The dessert also cooks gelatin, but with a juicy berry. You can mix it with apple juice, oranges, other fruits or berries.  The ingredients.  300ml strawberry juice;  150g berries;  15g of gelatin;  2 tbsp. l Sugar  30 ml of water.  Cooking method  1. Mix water and gelatin, add 30 mL of juice, the mixture will thicken.  2. Add sugar to the remaining juice, melt.  3. To dry, wash and dry berries.  4. Mix in soft gelatin, juice.  5. Pour the gel layer into the mold, half a teaspoon. Let cool in the fridge for 20 minutes. The gel does not freeze, but it does make it slightly firmer on top.  6. Fill out the form, distribute the strawberries.  7. Trim the strawberries on top. The bottom layer is not yet solid, so it does not need to be fastened. Sprinkle the rest of the sponge slowly, cool for two hours.  Uffff strawberries and orange jelly. It is best to collect such gel in larger glasses without the picture. With a clear glass, you can appreciate the beauty of the flavors.  The ingredients.  250 ml of orange juice;  150g strawberries;  20g of gelatin;  260 ml of water;  Sugar to taste.  Cooking method  1. Divide gelatin in half, fill each section with 30 ml of water.  2. Pour the strawberries in a glass of water, pour the water into a cake pan or squeeze. Sugar to taste.  3. Add a piece of gelatin in hot strawberries and dissolve them.  4. Pour 1.5-2 cm soup strawberry glass into each glass. Place in refrigerator.  5. Melt the second part of gelatin. Mix in the orange juice. If it is not sweet, you can increase sugar.  6. Remove the frozen strawberry gel, pour one orange juice. Refrigerate again  7. Pour the cherry fruit again as soon as the orange layer is exhausted.  8. The number and thickness of layers is arbitrary, the main thing is to give a little stiffness so that the liquids do not mix.  If there is gelatin in the dishes, then the amount is the same as mentioned in the recipe. It is absorbed in cold water that is not considered in the recipe. And the liquid there is simply added to a mashed potato or pot. Canned plates are taken from the water, added to the total quantity, dissolved.  As a cooking stove, it is important to remove the foam that is sprayed when cooking. This is especially true in winter openings. Trash and air accumulate in the foam, the treatments slow down the shelf life and damage the good.  The strawberry goes well with the herbs and lemon juice, you can add a few slices to the stick, but don't put it in the pots.  In addition to gelatin, agar-agar can be used to enhance the thickness of the wholesale, sold in the sales department, and in size.  So, they gathered a large raspberry crop. How to save for winter? The best way is to make jam or jelly from refined berries. Such a blank can be done in half an hour.  How to make strawberry gel for winter? If you have more juice, your work will be much easier. If it is not there, you will need to grind strawberries in a pan and squeeze the juice.  In any case, as soon as you reach it, measure the amount and then add exactly the same amount of sugar.  Such is the simplest strawberry gel recipe for winter. Take fresh berry juice and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix the two ingredients and cook the fat. Simmer for 10 minutes. The product should then be poured and cooled in banks. More detailed recipes are listed below.  It's important to know. To prepare winter without pectin without winter use chips juice. If it cools, it doesn't get greasy, and the fresh berries contain pectin, so they don't need extra thickness.    You need the following ingredients  5 cups fresh chopped strawberry juice. 5 cups (or 1 kg) of sugar. How to do it? Mix strawberry juice and sugar in a dry pot. Cook until the sugar is melted, stirring often over medium heat.  Increase the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. This means that the liquid will continue to melt even when mixing. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the mixture reaches a temperature of 101 ° C, often bubble over and collect.  In the winter, strawberry gel pour in clean bottles, cover and cool to room temperature. Store better in the refrigerator.    Biscuit Rinse the basins with soapy water and lower in boiling water. Be sure to place a metal stand underneath the bottom before inserting the cans, or you can usually use a folded towel. If not, the glass will tend to touch the bottom of the hot floor.  Put plugs and rings in boiling water and turn off the heat. Don't wear them, as this will reduce the quality of the spare tire.  Raspberry jelly for winter: Instructions for Canon: Step-by-step instructions Leave the free tip about 1 cm apart and pour into a secret pot. Run the knife on the inside edge of the ship to remove air bubbles. Be careful, when using metal objects, do not touch the bottom of the sealed container.  Clean the ends of the canvas with a dry cloth or paper towel. Place the covers and secure the ring around them, but not too tight.  In a large pot with boiling water, stand the bottom of the pan. Make sure the pots are covered with water at least 10 cm. Bake for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave in the oven for five minutes before transferring to the refrigerator.  When the jars cool, you should turn them upside down to make sure they are tight. If everything goes well, they can be stored in the pond for up to 1 year.    The second option. The recipe above for the winter strawberry jelly is just too far away. You can add lemon juice to it and mix it in another way. What do you want  1.5 kg of strawberries. 1.5 cups of water. Sugar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice. Filtered salt. How to do it? Mix the berries and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cool, occasionally stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula until the berries are very soft. It will take 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a fine spatula on top of a heat-resistant bowl. Allow the juice to boil for about 4 hours without pressing. Dip the resulting juice into a vase with a wet wallpaper. You should get about 3 to 4 glasses.    In a large dry spoon, bring the juice to a boil. Add 3/4 cup sugar to each juice. Add lemon juice and salt (1/4 teaspoon). Simmer again and cook again for 8 to 12 minutes. To check that the gel is ready, slice a large metal spoon into it, lift it above the panel and let the mixture float backwards when the mixture is slightly mixed, and the drops gradually drop a teaspoon. Make sure you remove all the bubble above.  You can store the jelly that has been in the refrigerator for up to 1 month or in a pot for up to 1 year.  Forest \ u200b \ u200b strawberry option. You can also make strawberry jelly in the winter. It has a unique flavor and aroma that sets it apart from the culture of the garden. But keep in mind that her dress is darker, and a beautiful crystal-red jelly will not come out of her. What do you want  3 cups finished berry juice (one and a half kg of fresh berries). 4 cups lemon juice. 100 grams of liquid pectin. 5 glasses of sugar. How to cook? This is a five-minute gel made from winter cherries. To begin with, sprinkle the wild strawberries with a wooden spatula, and divide it into small pieces. Place the mashed potatoes in a wet bag in several wet stages. Allow the juice to flow through the process for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight). Since the juice is not very good, try removing the bag from the flask.    Pour the juice into the pot, mix with the sugar and boil. Make sure the sugar is completely cooked, then just pour in the pectin and lemon juice. Simmer over medium heat for five minutes, then place in a secret pot.  Spice version. While it may seem strange, the pepper really refreshes the sweetness and aroma of the cherries. To develop such an unusual treatment you need to:  1 cup strawberry juice (you can prepare using any of the methods mentioned above). 2 Half bell peppers, chopped. 1/4 jalapenos, finely chopped. 3 cups white sugar. 3/4 cup Apple Cake vinegar. 60 g of liquid pectin. How to cook? First of all, you should treat bottles and lids by dipping in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. Heat them until ready to use.  In a saucepan mix the strawberries, bell peppers and jalapenos with sugar and vinegar. Bring the mixture to medium heat and cook on high heat for 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and stand for 5 minutes.  Add pepein slices to the mix and run through any filter to remove pepper peppers. In winter, place strawberry gel in stacked jars, cover with bags and check the fluids. Store in a cool, dark place. After opening the canvas, keep the product in the refrigerator.  You can use both red and yellow red strawberries or a combination of the recipes listed above. This does not affect the taste of the product, but the use of yellow fruits is not as attractive as the jelly look.  Raspberry Jelly for the winter is the   original type of blankets. As a rule, housewives prefer bedding, retaining and integrating. But don't give up on experiments.      Recipes for winter Raspberry recipes .  Raspberry Jelly.  Pass through 2 kg of berries, wash, dry them, smell them in a clean bowl, and pass through a checkpoint that must be folded in several steps. Pour chopped sugar. Remember 1 kg. Sugar drinks juice per liter. Pour the mixture until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Leave the mixture for ten hours. Plant it all in hidden pots, chop it, and put it in a room that is comfortable to store. Due to the fact that we do not use heat treatment during cooking, the maximum amount of nutrient is stored in the workspace. And this is especially important in winter!  Optional with currants.  Currant juice can be added to the workpiece to get thick consistency. The cooking technology will continue to be the same as the previous recipe. For one liter of cherry juice, you need 320 ml of currant juice and 1 kg of sugar. Cook the whole mass until it is 1/3 of the total volume.        Production as well. Repeat with pectin or gelatin.  They should be included in the package to achieve dense handling, pectin or gelatin. Also, you need to change the dosages: Take 1 g of pure ginger, 1 g of a gelling agent and 1.5 kg of sugar. Pour in water, leave to rot, heat on low heat, and pour into the strawberry juice at the end of cooking. Add the pectin according to the instructions on the bag.  Grandma's recipe.  2 kg of chopped strawberry will pour 2.5 kg of water, drain for 15 minutes, and stir in a canvas bag. Add 1 kg of sugar to one liter of juice, keep it flowing well on a plate. The blank itself will be thick, but add gelatin to speed up the process.  Jelly is one of the most popular strawberry recipes for the winter. No, of course, it's very sweet, but the bones in this place, sometimes ruin happiness. That's why I love the strawberry jell cut for the winter. And I have to assure you that I don't like long recipes - I always want to do everything fast and easy.  And in this regard, the one that agrees with me is this: The winter raspberry jelly has a simple recipe that you won't have to bother with in the kitchen for a long time. Never expect the knife to be cut straight. But the roasted strawberries prepared according to this recipe will be perfect. You do not find any surprising additions in its composition - strawberries and sugar, equally.  But thanks to a method for adding juice to the spring, Raspli jelly has become thick and pretty. For morning toast, aromatic coffee, this workout is perfect! You can also use this gel for baking as a filling for baking. If I'm interested in you, I'll tell you in detail how to make strawberry gel for the winter.  Resources.  1 kg strawberry; 1 kg sugar; 2 teaspoons lemon juice; 100 ml of water.

Homemade strawberry gel. Raspberry jelly for winter (five minutes, cooking) - recipes.

strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
We all know about the benefits of strawberries, especially when it comes to winter chills and when it comes to medications, it puts us on our feet faster.
There are many recipes on how to prepare these berries with all the high levels of vitamins. If you want to get a consistent and seedless gel, use Pectin or gelatin.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
In the first case, you need to add more sugar and berry juice. The second way is for people who love less taste.
Raspberry jelly is ideal for hot pancakes or pancakes, they can be poured on a homemade cheesecake or spread out on a saucepan. No less delicious, it will be a role for crackers or fillings.
The usual way to make a strawberry gel without additives. Of course, it's not as thick as a warehouse, but it doesn't contain unnecessary chemistry.
And here is a step-by-step guide you should follow to get a good treat on the way out. Wash the jars well and arrange a special activity by placing the water in a pot.
You can use the old boiling water method - place it in a glass container on boiling water.
Grind the strawberries in a blender or in a sieve. Transfer to a ripe bowl and gently stir and bring to a boil over low heat to avoid burning.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell recipes
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Refrigerate and cool completely on a baking tray to avoid a gram of sponges and to get fresh juice.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Pour the berry juice into the bowl and add sugar to the squash. The fire should be moderate so that it does not burn and does not leak out of the containers. Don't go too far from the fireplace to avoid the bitter, burning monkey.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Fruit - strawberry - Very sweet berry that doesn't want to cook long.
Best 🍓 jelly recipe sure jell
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Cook for ten - fifteen minutes, enough, set aside, cool, and place on the gas oven again for five to seven minutes.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
When stirring with a spoon, lift the bowl up, and pour the jelly backwards, see consistency: If it suits you, you can spread it out and close it in bottles.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Remember that the size will be thicker after the last cooling.
Some housewives follow the trend of keeping berries and vegetables free of heat treatment, significantly increasing the likelihood of maintaining the benefits of this product. There is some truth to this, and there are many recipes for protecting roses from this drink.
We separate the strawberries, remove the debris and place them in a large container. In no case do you suck the strawberries, otherwise the moisture will fill up and lose its many benefits. We sleep with sugar and pressed berries, using a traditional wooden fan.
You can use a more convenient way - to kill a whale with a clean water or to twist it in a meat grinder, but vitamins are also lost with iron.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell and juice 
strawberry jelly recipe sure jellWe put it in a non-perishable pot, sprinkled one-half of an inch of sugar on top of it, drying the cork out of the oxygen pan and closing it in a plastic lid.
Put the strawberry jelly in the refrigerator.
In this method, make sure that the most important thing is to store it only in a cool place and consider the amount of berry sugar, otherwise there is a big risk that the gel can leak.
This name was collected from the Rubber Jill for the winter.
You can even buy the most inexperienced, homemade mistress for the winter. Only interest and a set of products are required.
Separate the strawberries from the garbage, rinse them in cold water for a few minutes and carefully remove them with a pump or a spoon. Lay on a towel and let dry.
When excess moisture evaporates from the berries, place it in a bowl and cover with a thick layer of sugar.
strawberry beautiful jelly recipe sure jell
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Stay for four to five hours. When the strawberries are completely absorbed in the sand and when the juice is out, they remove it from the oven and bring it to yeast. Pour for about five minutes.
Wash the jars well and place in a large saucepan, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.
Fill the five-minute strawberry gel to the eye and tighten with metal lids, the plastic doesn't work.
Cover closed bottles in a thick blanket and leave to cool completely.
Then place them in the basement, on the porch, in any dark, cold room.
If you use the recipes from this article, an unusual candy will be released to anyone in the homemade fruits. Therefore, do not throw cream pieces into the trash.
And here are some ways to cook rhubarb vinegar.
Raspberry Jelly is ready to eat for one and a half to two months after the wait, during which time it will have enough thickness and a pleasant aroma.
You should not use damaged berries, it is best to process them immediately with compote, otherwise the umbrella may be molded and mold growth on the surface of the yard.
If you follow all the technologies and preservatives, then this berry can be kept in the ground for more than a year or two.
Look for strawberries in autumn. The dishes may contain unpleasant odors that spoil the aroma and taste of the dish.
We hope you enjoy our recipes. Good luck to you dear hosts!
Raspberry jelly is a very fragrant food with a lot of vitamins. It can be made at home for a winter snack or for summer preparation.
This option lets you forget about the taste of fruit berries, sunny days and not a happy time.

Raspberry jelly - General preparation principles.

Jelly can be made based on berries, juice or butter. It all depends on the recipe you use, as well as the size of the strawberries. If there are many berries, then you can prepare a treatment that is rich in flavor. If the strawberries are small, it is best to make a decoration, you can add other juices and vinegar, then make it from this liquid gel. They contain aromatic compounds in the berries and can be cooked easily. But increasingly, using simple table gelatin, the process is easier because you use a simple table gelatin. The product occurs in plans, but is not sold everywhere. It is easy to buy bags in bags, it is in all shops.
Basic rules for using gelatin
1. The product must be measured in depth, the quantity specified in the recipe is determined. You can consider the ratio with the fluid specified in the instructions.
2. Pour gelatin in cold water or at room temperature.
3. Galatians needs time to bloom. It is in the instructions. Even quicker products should stand for 7-10 minutes, and even more.
4. gelatin is undesirable to eat without decaying for winter butterflies. After cooking, the swelling potential of the product decreases.
5. Jill never freezes, it only spoils it. To drink, simply sit in the refrigerator for several hours. The exact time is based on technological observations, quantities and temperatures.
After preparation, gelatin is mixed with aqueous gel gel and heated. If the sweetener is intended for immediate use, it will warm up slightly. The mass is then spread out in the ponds or poured into a large bowl to solidify.

Raspberry Jelly for dessert

A simple strawberry gel recipe that can be prepared for dessert. Here you can use fresh or frozen berries, allowing you to treat them at any time of the year.
The ingredients.
100g strawberries;
400 ml of water;
10g of gelatin;
30g sugar;
1 pin vanilla (optional).
Cooking method
1. Pour 40 mL of water, mix with Latin gelatin. It is important to use liquid at room temperature. If the water is hot, trees will appear immediately. Separate gelatin, withstand the time specified in the package.
2. Mix strawberries in the remaining water, place them in the oven, simmer for a few minutes and then simmer.
3. Fry the soup, sprinkle the berries in the same bowl. Drop bones and movies.
4. Add roasted sugar to the strawberry sauce, stirring. Generally, the amount of sugar and the sweetness can be adjusted according to your choice. Make a small piece of vinyl, stir again.
5. gelatin is already swollen. Turn it into a hot fog, soak it. If the base is already cold, place it on the stove and heat slightly over low heat. All hours must be digested.
6. Pour the oil into the mold, bowls or vases with the gelatin, you can use only the glasses. Get three full services.
7. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours. When serving, place a few strawberries on top and decorate with a little leaf.

Raslatberry Jelly without gelatin for winter winter.

Bright and delicious recipes for the winter. For him, you can use soft, ripe berries, as well as juice stored at the bottom. The key is to sort everything out, remove the damaged strawberries. If the berries are no longer fresh, give them wine, then they cannot be used for winter crops.
The ingredients.
1 kg strawberry;
100g of water;
3 grams of citric acid;
1 kg sugar.
Cooking method
1. Pour the cooked berries into a pan, add the cooked sugar.
2. Pack well to absorb everything. No need to leave, just send it to the oven as soon as it cooks.
3. Bring to a boil over low heat to undo all the sand. Then cook for 30 minutes.
4. Chill the frozen strawberries, cut them in a sieve, wipe all the bones.
5. Return the cooked potatoes to the oven.
6. Citric acid is dissolved in water. Pour one spoon gel into the future, each time bringing it to the pot. Pour another quarter hour.
7. You need to rinse the cans with steam while the massacre is getting ready.
8. Pour, roll, and store jelly in prepared jars. In a cool place, the size will be thick.

Winter strawberry gel with gelatin.

Of course, gel without gelatin is very sweet, gentle, but consistency is not always as important as it should be. Treatment often seems like a mystery and can even be spread on bread. For those who want to make thick cherry jelly for the winter, this recipe is ideal.
The ingredients.
1 kg strawberry;
700g of sugar;
30g of gelatin;
1 tsp citric acid;
250 g of water.
Cooking method
1. Pour gelatin in water, use up to 150 grams, enough for this \ u200b \ u200b powder. Stand alone, stand up and swell.
2. Pour the berries into a saucepan, add the sugar to the sugar, slightly add and mix the juice. Sugar is lower than berry fruits due to gelatin.
3. Place the strawberries in the oven, and fry until smooth. About ten minutes is enough because the berries themselves are so tender.
4. Close the liquid tightly, wipe out the remaining berries and drop off the excess.
5. Sprinkle the sauce on the stove, and simmer for another ten minutes.
6. Add citric acid mixed with hot water, cook for another five minutes.
7. Enter the swollen gelatin. Turn the jelly on for another ten minutes, but now turn on the lightest mode. Bulk congestion should not be mobilized and actively digested. Keep it warm.
8. We preheat the pots: bake or bake in the oven, warm in the microwave, and pour a little water. Cover the layers with boiling water.
9. Pour when the gel is hot, the strength is liquid.
10. Roll, sell, and sell bottles quickly. Once the sweetness has cooled, you can leave it to store.

Strawberry and cream gel

The most popular junk food served with cake. Common gelatin for food, cream with a fat content of more than 33%.
The ingredients.
150g strawberries;
200 ml of water for berries;
40g sugar;
150g cream;
21g of gelatin;
3 tbsp. l flour sugar;
90 ml of water.
Cooking method
1. Dissolve 14 grams of gelatin, add 60 mL of water, and leave to dissolve. Also combine 7G gelatin and 30 mL of water.
2. Pour the strawberries with medicine, drain for a minute, sprinkle with corn. Add canned sugar.
3. Repeat the strawberries, remove a 14g gelatin strain, stir up the heat and remove from heat.
4. Sprinkle Raspberry syrup into sections, filling only half. Keep in the refrigerator for one hour.
5. Beat cream with flour. We put it on to taste the vanilla.
6. Dissolve gelatin 7 g melts. In a microwave, you can put it in a water bath or at a low heat. Pour into cream as you continue the rash.
7. Apply the cream to the rosemary gel above. You can squeeze in a puffy bag without a messy bag.
8. Put the pans in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours, thoroughly and thoroughly.

Strawberry jelly with berries.

A tasty treat with all the berries in it. The dessert also cooks gelatin, but with a juicy berry. You can mix it with apple juice, oranges, other fruits or berries.
The ingredients.
300ml strawberry juice;
150g berries;
15g of gelatin;
2 tbsp. l Sugar
30 ml of water.
Cooking method
1. Mix water and gelatin, add 30 mL of juice, the mixture will thicken.
2. Add sugar to the remaining juice, melt.
3. To dry, wash and dry berries.
4. Mix in soft gelatin, juice.
5. Pour the gel layer into the mold, half a teaspoon. Let cool in the fridge for 20 minutes. The gel does not freeze, but it does make it slightly firmer on top.
6. Fill out the form, distribute the strawberries.
7. Trim the strawberries on top. The bottom layer is not yet solid, so it does not need to be fastened. Sprinkle the rest of the sponge slowly, cool for two hours.

strawberries and orange jelly.

It is best to collect such gel in larger glasses without the picture. With a clear glass, you can appreciate the beauty of the flavors.
The ingredients.
250 ml of orange juice;
150g strawberries;
20g of gelatin;
260 ml of water;
Sugar to taste.
Cooking method
1. Divide gelatin in half, fill each section with 30 ml of water.
2. Pour the strawberries in a glass of water, pour the water into a cake pan or squeeze. Sugar to taste.
3. Add a piece of gelatin in hot strawberries and dissolve them.
4. Pour 1.5-2 cm soup strawberry glass into each glass. Place in refrigerator.
5. Melt the second part of gelatin. Mix in the orange juice. If it is not sweet, you can increase sugar.
6. Remove the frozen strawberry gel, pour one orange juice. Refrigerate again
7. Pour the cherry fruit again as soon as the orange layer is exhausted.
8. The number and thickness of layers is arbitrary, the main thing is to give a little stiffness so that the liquids do not mix.
If there is gelatin in the dishes, then the amount is the same as mentioned in the recipe. It is absorbed in cold water that is not considered in the recipe. And the liquid there is simply added to a mashed potato or pot. Canned plates are taken from the water, added to the total quantity, dissolved.
As a cooking stove, it is important to remove the foam that is sprayed when cooking. This is especially true in winter openings. Trash and air accumulate in the foam, the treatments slow down the shelf life and damage the good.
The strawberry goes well with the herbs and lemon juice, you can add a few slices to the stick, but don't put it in the pots.
In addition to gelatin, agar-agar can be used to enhance the thickness of the wholesale, sold in the sales department, and in size.
So, they gathered a large raspberry crop. How to save for winter? The best way is to make jam or jelly from refined berries. Such a blank can be done in half an hour.

How to make strawberry gel for winter?

If you have more juice, your work will be much easier. If it is not there, you will need to grind strawberries in a pan and squeeze the juice.
In any case, as soon as you reach it, measure the amount and then add exactly the same amount of sugar.
Such is the simplest strawberry gel recipe for winter. Take fresh berry juice and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix the two ingredients and cook the fat. Simmer for 10 minutes. The product should then be poured and cooled in banks. More detailed recipes are listed below.

It's important to know.

To prepare winter without pectin without winter use chips juice. If it cools, it doesn't get greasy, and the fresh berries contain pectin, so they don't need extra thickness.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
You need the following ingredients
  • 5 cups fresh chopped strawberry juice.
  • 5 cups (or 1 kg) of sugar.

How to do it?

Mix strawberry juice and sugar in a dry pot. Cook until the sugar is melted, stirring often over medium heat.
Increase the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. This means that the liquid will continue to melt even when mixing. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the mixture reaches a temperature of 101 ° C, often bubble over and collect.
In the winter, strawberry gel pour in clean bottles, cover and cool to room temperature. Store better in the refrigerator.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell


Rinse the basins with soapy water and lower in boiling water. Be sure to place a metal stand underneath the bottom before inserting the cans, or you can usually use a folded towel. If not, the glass will tend to touch the bottom of the hot floor.
Put plugs and rings in boiling water and turn off the heat. Don't wear them, as this will reduce the quality of the spare tire.

Raspberry jelly for winter: Instructions for Canon: Step-by-step instructions

Leave the free tip about 1 cm apart and pour into a secret pot. Run the knife on the inside edge of the ship to remove air bubbles. Be careful, when using metal objects, do not touch the bottom of the sealed container.
Clean the ends of the canvas with a dry cloth or paper towel. Place the covers and secure the ring around them, but not too tight.
In a large pot with boiling water, stand the bottom of the pan. Make sure the pots are covered with water at least 10 cm. Bake for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave in the oven for five minutes before transferring to the refrigerator.
When the jars cool, you should turn them upside down to make sure they are tight. If everything goes well, they can be stored in the pond for up to 1 year.
strawberry jelly recipe for good
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell

The second option.

The recipe above for the winter strawberry jelly is just too far away. You can add lemon juice to it and mix it in another way. What do you want
  • 1.5 kg of strawberries.
  • 1.5 cups of water.
  • Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice.
  • Filtered salt.

How to do it?

Mix the berries and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cool, occasionally stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula until the berries are very soft. It will take 10 to 15 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a fine spatula on top of a heat-resistant bowl. Allow the juice to boil for about 4 hours without pressing. Dip the resulting juice into a vase with a wet wallpaper. You should get about 3 to 4 glasses.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
In a large dry spoon, bring the juice to a boil. Add 3/4 cup sugar to each juice. Add lemon juice and salt (1/4 teaspoon). Simmer again and cook again for 8 to 12 minutes. To check that the gel is ready, slice a large metal spoon into it, lift it above the panel and let the mixture float backwards when the mixture is slightly mixed, and the drops gradually drop a teaspoon. Make sure you remove all the bubble above.
You can store the jelly that has been in the refrigerator for up to 1 month or in a pot for up to 1 year.

Forest \ u200b \ u200b strawberry option.

You can also make strawberry jelly in the winter. It has a unique flavor and aroma that sets it apart from the culture of the garden. But keep in mind that her dress is darker, and a beautiful crystal-red jelly will not come out of her. What do you want
  • 3 cups finished berry juice (one and a half kg of fresh berries).
  • 4 cups lemon juice.
  • 100 grams of liquid pectin.
  • 5 glasses of sugar.

How to cook?

This is a five-minute gel made from winter cherries. To begin with, sprinkle the wild strawberries with a wooden spatula, and divide it into small pieces. Place the mashed potatoes in a wet bag in several wet stages. Allow the juice to flow through the process for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight). Since the juice is not very good, try removing the bag from the flask.
strawberry jelly recipe for juice
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell
Pour the juice into the pot, mix with the sugar and boil. Make sure the sugar is completely cooked, then just pour in the pectin and lemon juice. Simmer over medium heat for five minutes, then place in a secret pot.

Spice version.

While it may seem strange, the pepper really refreshes the sweetness and aroma of the cherries. To develop such an unusual treatment you need to:
  • 1 cup strawberry juice (you can prepare using any of the methods mentioned above).
  • 2 Half bell peppers, chopped.
  • 1/4 jalapenos, finely chopped.
  • 3 cups white sugar.
  • 3/4 cup Apple Cake vinegar.
  • 60 g of liquid pectin.

How to cook?

First of all, you should treat bottles and lids by dipping in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. Heat them until ready to use.
In a saucepan mix the strawberries, bell peppers and jalapenos with sugar and vinegar. Bring the mixture to medium heat and cook on high heat for 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat and stand for 5 minutes.
Add pepein slices to the mix and run through any filter to remove pepper peppers. In winter, place strawberry gel in stacked jars, cover with bags and check the fluids. Store in a cool, dark place. After opening the canvas, keep the product in the refrigerator.
You can use both red and yellow red strawberries or a combination of the recipes listed above. This does not affect the taste of the product, but the use of yellow fruits is not as attractive as the jelly look.
Raspberry Jelly for the winter is the   original type of blankets. As a rule, housewives prefer bedding, retaining and integrating. But don't give up on experiments.

   Recipes for winter Raspberry recipes
Raspberry Jelly.
Pass through 2 kg of berries, wash, dry them, smell them in a clean bowl, and pass through a checkpoint that must be folded in several steps. Pour chopped sugar. Remember 1 kg. Sugar drinks juice per liter. Pour the mixture until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Leave the mixture for ten hours. Plant it all in hidden pots, chop it, and put it in a room that is comfortable to store. Due to the fact that we do not use heat treatment during cooking, the maximum amount of nutrient is stored in the workspace. And this is especially important in winter!
Optional with currants.
Currant juice can be added to the workpiece to get thick consistency. The cooking technology will continue to be the same as the previous recipe. For one liter of cherry juice, you need 320 ml of currant juice and 1 kg of sugar. Cook the whole mass until it is 1/3 of the total volume.
strawberry jelly recipe sure jell

   Production as well.
Repeat with pectin or gelatin.
They should be included in the package to achieve dense handling, pectin or gelatin. Also, you need to change the dosages: Take 1 g of pure ginger, 1 g of a gelling agent and 1.5 kg of sugar. Pour in water, leave to rot, heat on low heat, and pour into the strawberry juice at the end of cooking. Add the pectin according to the instructions on the bag.
Grandma's recipe.
2 kg of chopped strawberry will pour 2.5 kg of water, drain for 15 minutes, and stir in a canvas bag. Add 1 kg of sugar to one liter of juice, keep it flowing well on a plate. The blank itself will be thick, but add gelatin to speed up the process.
Jelly is one of the most popular strawberry recipes for the winter. No, of course, it's very sweet, but the bones in this place, sometimes ruin happiness. That's why I love the strawberry jell cut for the winter. And I have to assure you that I don't like long recipes - I always want to do everything fast and easy.
And in this regard, the one that agrees with me is this: The winter raspberry jelly has a simple recipe that you won't have to bother with in the kitchen for a long time. Never expect the knife to be cut straight. But the roasted strawberries prepared according to this recipe will be perfect. You do not find any surprising additions in its composition - strawberries and sugar, equally.
But thanks to a method for adding juice to the spring, Raspli jelly has become thick and pretty. For morning toast, aromatic coffee, this workout is perfect! You can also use this gel for baking as a filling for baking. If I'm interested in you, I'll tell you in detail how to make strawberry gel for the winter.

  • 1 kg strawberry;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • 100 ml of water.
  • strawberry jelly recipe sure jell

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