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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

simple recipes for beginners to learn

simple recipes for beginners to learn
simple recipes for beginners to learn

From Zuczini to the winter “close your fingers”: the most delicious recipes! Some secrets of cooking caviar. Spice for a Smooth Berrirov Caviar.

The Zucciani Cavia is an important protection for the winter, which is produced annually. This wonderful budget meal is loved by children and adults alike. The recipes for squash caviar are very diverse, we offer you the most successful options. Depending on all the recipes, you can cook for Zucciani for the winter, or choose two of your favorite two.

A simple recipe for winter squash caviar.

  • One and a half kilograms of zucchini, already mixed and taken from the egg,
  • Fresh tomatoes - 1 kg 200g;
  • Onion - 750g;
  • A few pepper flakes;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar
  • Carrots - 750 g.
When cooking 
  , chop the onions, rub the carrots lightly over the beans. Put all of this in a hot saucepan and rub it with oil and salt. 
  Cut tomatoes and zucchini into large pieces. Grind everything with a spoonful, adding roasted carrots to the onions.
Melt it with a little sugar and salt, add the peppers and place the fat in a brick or pan in the pan. In the process, add carrot pepper, pepper, finely chopped. Simmer should be at least two hours.
Tremble continuously, or else it will burn out.
When the caviar is ready, place it in the tins. Then, wrap the bottles in a lid, turn and close the towel. Leave the jars to cool overnight. After cooling, transfer to winter.

Post zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and tomatoes for the winter.

  • 6 kg squash;
  • 1 kg of onions;
  • Half a liter of tomato paste;
  • A glass of vegetable oil;
  • 4 large spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. Teaspoon salt;
  • Half a liter of mayonnaise;
  • 4 tablespoons vinegar - 70%;
  • To taste black pepper.
Zucciani Cavarian with winter mayonnaise - step-by-step recipe for photo recipes
  , chop the onion, chop it in the meat, then grind the zucchini. Already fry with roasted onions, put everything on fire and cook for 2 hours, stirring constantly.
Then add pasta and butter, salt and vinegar, sugar to the vegetables. Cook for 50 minutes, then add mayonnaise in a spoonful, mix and cook for 20-30 minutes. Insert zucchini caviar in a pot and in a saucepan. Go out until winter, wait for your turn.
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Winter carrot with tomato paste.

Is required
  • Garlic - 1 kg;
  • Zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 kg;
  • Paste tomatoes - 4 tbsp. L.;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • Garlic - 7 slices (this is a great Southern garlic, if small, twice as large).
  • Green - potato and fresh stick;
  • Ground pepper
How to cook: 
  Wash and install all vegetables. Then cut the new zucchini into the cube, sprinkle the carrots (on the grater), cut the garlic into thin rings.
Then heat a roasting pan with oil, place the zucchini in it. Pour over medium heat constantly. Then chop the onion in the same oil. The next carrot falls into the pot. When each item is golden, grind the vegetables in a saucepan or pass everything through a baking pan or electric mixer. You get a smoker.
Pour this mashed potatoes on a very thick wall, using a bowl or a stick. 
  After bringing the finished mass to the pot, let it cool slightly for 40-45 minutes. Add sugar and salt, pepper and herbs about ten minutes before cooking. Remember to constantly stir what you cook.
Roll through the hot caviar with the bricks. To cool the sealed planks, place them in a cool place in the apartment. In the winter, such a sweet squash caviar can be eaten as a side dish or as a pasta, buckwheat, potato or as a special treat. For example, bread sandwich. It will be delicious!

Roasted zucchini caviar with carrots and onions.

To taste, this Caviar from Zukushini looked like a store that was sold in the USSR. This recipe can be used to prepare canned goods for the winter.
  • Without 3 kg
  • One kilogram of fresh carrots and onions;
  • 3 tbsp. l tomato paste (tomato paste is best suited for these purposes);
  • 9% vinegar and salt;
  • Vegetable oil to cook salad ingredients.
How to cook a roast squash caviar for the winter: 
  All vegetables should be sliced, sliced and baked separately in the oven. Then all roasted vegetables are stored in an electric mixer, re-baked and mixed with salt additives. Next, add the entire pan to the pan with the mashed potatoes or sautages in a bowl.
Bake it on low heat for about 40 minutes. After twenty minutes in the mashed potatoes, add pasta and a spoonful of vinegar. Don't forget to mix the caviar. During steam, the bulkhead can burn a little without changing outward.
simple recipes for beginners to learn
Miracle Bittock - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!
The Miracle-Shield Storytelling Collector is ideal for windows, logia, balcony, terra cotta - anywhere in a house or apartment where the sun is setting. You can get the first crop in 3 weeks. Miracle-buttock A wonderful gathering throughout the year, and not just in the summer, it's not like a garden. The shoots grow 3 years or more, and from the second year you can add fertilizer to the soil.
Put the caviar in the hot pre-covered jars after turning off. Trim the covers, and place them in a cotton blanket. Allow canned foods to cool slightly from zucchini. Try this recipe - it will be delicious!
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Squash Caviar as a store✓

There were already lots of squash caviar cans on the shelves. The trick was that no matter how much they tried the recipe, no one succeeded in getting them to taste in the store. 
  But there are many recipes today that many people can cook their own Caviar to their taste.
  • 10 mg of vinegar 9%;
  • 150 grams of onions;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 2 kg squash;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • allspice and black pepper - 3 grams each;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Pears of green.
Squash Caviar Like Shop Face - Photo by Step-by-Step Recipe: 
  Take the young zucchini, cut circles no more than 1 cm, and rub it with oil on both sides. Allow zucchini to cool. Chop the onion and bake it until it is soft and rub the garlic with salt.
Then the banks should be treated without failure - for half a liter - one hour - 75 minutes, one liter - 90 minutes. Close the banks and store in a cool place.

Squash Caviar in the slow cooker for the winter.

  • 2 tbsp. l Paste tomatoes;
  • Pound squash;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 1 tsp. Chopped sugar and salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l Sunflower oil.
Recipe for Cavia in slow cooker; 
  Chop the onions and carrots, then place the large amount of mayonnaise into the porridge, change the butter in a saucepan, turn on the oven for "minutes" and boil it from time to time.
Then cook the rest of the vegetables, cut into cubes. Place in the bowl, stir and simmer again for 20 minutes to save the same mode.
Then, add salt and sugar, place the pasta on the vegetables and cook for 50 minutes. Then grind the vegetables with clean water, add the vinegar and mix.
simple recipes for beginners to learn
Innovative Plant Growth!
50% increase in seed in one application. Customer Reviews: Only one amazing fertilizer, 52 years old, yesterday. They heard a lot about him, but when they tried, they surprised themselves and surprised their neighbors. Tomatoes grew from 90 to 140 pieces of tomatoes. It is not appropriate to talk about zucchini and pumpkins: crops are carried in wheelchairs. We've worked in Dhaka for the rest of our lives and have never had such a crop ...
Prepare in prepared jars. Rotate the machine and set it to cool. After going to a safe place to store.

Zucchini caviar for the winter, "you will lose your fingers."

  • Four small zucchini;
  • 2 carrots of garlic;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Two carrots;
  • Heavy, but ripe tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Salt.
For winter with coconut oil for winter; 
  The most delicious caviar that can be consumed in an unlimited amount - there are very few calories in it. If you have young zucchini, it is not necessary to clean them. But if they have already been wronged, then it is important to avoid weeds and seeds.
Cut the vegetables into small cubes no more than one centimeter. Cut the carrots randomly, but smaller.
Put the vegetables in a saucepan, add a little water (no more than a glass), and set on a small fire. When eating zucchini and carrots, cut tomatoes.
If the zucchini is soft, pour the finely chopped tomatoes and a drop of oil into the pot. Spend a little more. Add the cooked garlic to the bowl five minutes before cooking. A delicious vegetable meal is ready for winter. You can keep it, wrap the heat and wait for it to cool down. After moving to the living room or downstairs for storage.
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Zucchini Cavarian for winter bell pepper

You need it
  • 1000g of onions;
  • 5 kg squash;
  • 5 delicious Bulgarian peppers;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l vinegar 70%;
  • One kilogram of carrots;
  • 50g salt;
  • 500 g of any vegetable oil;
  • 10 pea butter;
  • Half a glass of tomato;
  • 3 tbsp. l Sugar.
Add bell peppers to a simple recipe with soup caviar 
  and bell pepper, bell pepper and garlic. Then take the carrots, rub with the oil and fry it in the oil. Mix all the ingredients well, add spices and garlic, tomato paste and butter.
Bake on very low heat for 2 hours, not to burn. Then add pepper pepper. Put everything in dirty jars, roll it in. A delicious harvest is ready, a great addition to meat or porridge.

Zucchini Cavarian for the winter spice.

  • 2 carrots;
  • Pound Zucciani;
  • Bitter pepper
  • Onion;
  • To taste salt;
  • 2 carrots of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l Vegetable oil.
How to cook: 
  Chop the zucchini well, chop the carrots and peel, cut into small circles. Then cut onions and garlic. Chop hot peppers, remove seeds, cut as fine as possible.
Once all vegetables are mixed, place in a very deep pot, add oil and salt, pour a little water and bake until fully cooked. Then turn the caviar in a jar, reheat it on the pot and simmer for about 5 minutes.
Stir for 30 minutes after everything is done in the bank. Make it cool and head to the dark floor to protect your turn
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Sweet Zachinini with caviar apples.

For cooking, it is best to take sweet and spicy apples. It is recommended to remove the skin from the skin to make the caviar more compassionate. You will not get the best food for seasonal sandwiches. Cooking and see for yourself.
For 1 kg. Zucciani Resources
  • 0.5 kg of onions;
  • 500-600 g green apples;
  • One kilogram of tomatoes;
  • 500g sugar;
  • 12 slices of soup;
  • 600 ml of white wine vinegar;
  • 25 grams of ginger root;
  • On a teaspoon of sweet pepper and corridor;
  • Salt.
For the winter squash carrot with Apple; 
  Place all the tomatoes in a shallow bowl over medium-high heat and simmer in boiling water for one minute, quickly remove from cold water and clean immediately.
Cut tomatoes into small cubes. Then zucchini should be chopped and cut into cubes if necessary. Cut the onion into thin rings. Chop the apples and chop the vinegar. Beat the sweet apple. Then add spices and ginger in a white cloth.
Transfer all the vegetables to a pot, place a hammer in the spices and add the vinegar. Let the vegetables grow and mix. Then lower the fire and bake under an oven for an hour.
Don't forget to inspire.
Cook for another hour and a half after adding pre-seasoned raisins. Remove bag of spice leaves, caviar should be slightly cooled. The Cavarian from Zucquini rolls in the banks and rolls in and out of the cold. The covers should be plastic, not metal. The CVR fully cooks and cooks in one month.

Zucchini Cavarian with winter mushrooms and herbs.

Collecting vegetables for winter is the most boring thing in the world. But only for those who have no imagination! Try creating new recipes from Zucchini from Vizzini or try to develop long-term friends. For example, a lot of squash for the winter, but be different! This recipe is unique because it adds roasted mushrooms to zucchini cavaria.
simple recipes for beginners to learn
They forget about pressure problems forever!
Many modern drugs are not treated for high blood pressure, but only temporarily reduce blood pressure. This is not bad at first, but patients are forced to take drugs for the rest of their lives, putting their health at risk and risk. To treat the situation, there is a drug that works, not the symptoms.
The ingredients are dissolved in 1 liter of 0.5 mL.
  • 1 large zucchini;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • Champions of 150 to 300 grams of fresh mushrooms (champions);
  • 1 stump stick;
  • Salt, pepper, chopped garlic - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil is sufficient for cooking vegetables.
How to cook: 
  Wash and sprinkle zucchini and carrots first. Chop the zucchini into slices, sprinkle the carrots. Chop the onion and chop it well.
Combine all of this and pour it into the pot with the dense root. The oil in the tank should be plenty to keep the vegetables from burning.
Transfer the chopped zucchini to the bowl with the carrots and onions and mix with the sun. 
  Now take care of the mushrooms. Wash them and rub them. Chop the other onions well, mix the mushrooms and bake until melted.
Wash and dry the mixture well. 
  Add the zucchini caviar in the roasting pan, mix, stir for 1-2 minutes, add flour, salt, add spices, add garlic. Remove again and remove from heat.
Carrotka is ready for winter mushrooms! In clean jars, immediately pour boiling water (or put it in a microwave oven).

Video Recipe: Squash caviar from childhood.

Actionable, juicy, fragrant and fresh, that's all - taken from zucchini. The recipe for preparing this dish indoors is not only simple and inexpensive cooking, but also a homemade housewife who has not yet mastered all the "kitchen" techniques, this kind of garden protection. To facilitate the process, you can use the recipe in a slow cooker. In this option you are guaranteed not to burn anything, and even the smallest decorations, which you rarely drink for homemade products, will "stick your fingers" about the finished product. Fans of mild-tasting shades should pay attention to Ash-Kavarian recipes for a picnic, and the spice and spice notes should be in the spot, including the vinegar, tomato paste, cake and hot pepper.

Zucchini caviar for the winter with onions - a step-by-step recipe.

A step-by-step recipe with photography explains in detail how to make onions at home. The finished dish has a lovely juicy, sweet vegetable flavor and a light lemon aroma. If there is no interest in repairing the cans, you can simply wrap and cool the plastic lid. True, in this case the harvest cannot be saved until winter.
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Essential ingredients for sweet squash pink.

  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Zucchini - 2 kg
  • Tomato Carrot - 600 ml
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Eucalyptus leaf - 2 pcs.

Step-by-step recipes with zucchini with onions.

simple recipes for beginners to learn

Zucchini caviar for the winter - pack your fingers in apple recipes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
This recipe suggests that together with Zuczini for the winter, Cavarian will make maize beans for the winter, and anyone trying this will definitely "read your fingers"! The finished dish has a nice, soft and slightly sweet taste. The consistency of the product looks like dense cream and spreads nicely on bread, biscuits or crackers.

Essential ingredients for winter sweet squash and apple cavar.

  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Onions - ½ kg.
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp
  • Garlic - 6 slices
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Green apples - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Hot red pepper - 1 cup.
  • Flavored vegetable oil - 100 ml

Step-by-step instructions with apples for winter squash caviar.

  1. Separate vegetables and fruits, dip under running water, dry and cut into smaller pieces of arbitrary.
  2. Grind all the parts separately in a freezer, then dip them into a deep container and make a great mix to make the whole look even more similar.
  3. Place in oven and seal for 3 hours. Carefully and carefully look at the vegetables so they don't stick to the roots.
  4. Finally, sprinkle with the chopped garlic in the press, add sugar, sunflower oil and hot pepper. Mix well so that the spices are distributed evenly and cook for another quarter.
  5. Next, pack in dirty, dry jars, roll quickly and cool to room temperature. For storage, remove the Zucci caviar in the sink or on the porch.

Zucchini caviar for the winter - a simple recipe with tomatoes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
Extremely simple, smooth and smooth with the Tishchini tomato tomato Garvia, which is ready for winter according to this simple recipe. Allspice gives a lightweight punch to the plate. If you want to increase the brightness of the shades, you can add spices like nutmeg, cumin or dry thyme in the recipe.

Essential inputs for easy squash Caviar Recipe.

  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2.4 kg
  • Onions - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 1.5 kg
  • allspice - 10 pcs.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe from zucchini for winter

  1. Do not bake the onions and do not use heavy straw. Pour the carrots over a medium grain.
  2. Combine both components and sauté in vegetable oil until the mass has a light golden color. To taste the salt, remove from the fire and let it cool slightly.
  3. The zucchini and tomatoes are cut into large pieces and cut into a medium saucepan with the number of carrots and onions. Then add salt, sugar, all spices and mix well. Transfer the work surface to your steak on a thick wall and decide on the stove. Bake on low heat for at least 2 hours to prevent vegetables from burning.
  4. Pack the fresh squash caviar in a dry, pre-transplanted container, roll it down, and turn it in a warm cloth. When protection naturally cools, place it on the storage floor.

Paste the Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and tomatoes for the winter - a recipe.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
The recipe with kerosene with onion and tomato paste is easy at first, but it has its drawbacks. Do not disturb or bake the pan when it warms up the size of the garden to avoid them and to get a nice and tasty product during the outing. The caviar dries very quickly, and if left unchecked, it burns quickly. The taste will immediately be damaged and cannot be restored. Therefore, leave the stove and carefully monitor the process, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain.

For winter squash with tomato paste and mayonnaise for winter squash.

  • Zucchini - 6 kg
  • Garlic - 20 g
  • mayonnaise 67% - kg
  • Salt - 4 tbsp
  • Paste tomatoes - ½ kg.
  • Sugar - 200g
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Ground red pepper - 2 tsp
  • Vinegar - 6 tablespoons of vinegar

Step-by-step instructions for caviar preparation with turnip with tomato paste and mayonnaise

  1. Zucchini Wash, pepper and top seeds. Mix in the onion carrots and add to the meat sauce.
  2. Add vegetable oil, tomato paste, mayonnaise, sugar, salt, pepper and mix well.
  3. Pack the vegetable mix in a covered container and cook on low heat for 2.5 to 3 hours. Rinse constantly to avoid cake mix.
  4. Immediately pour in vinegar, re-mix, rinse the caviar with zincini, rinse with tin cans, cover with metal, cover with a blanket, and allow to cool completely. Then place it on the porch or on the porch.

As a store in the winter for the winter at home - a recipe.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
This way you can cook like a Stove Cake Caviar at home for the winter. Due to the consistency of the vinegar, the dish is enriched with a unique, slightly sweet taste and the garlic and apricot smells pleasant with bright and well-seasoned notes.

In-store ingredients from Vizakini for Cavarian recipes.

  • Vinegar 9% - 20 ml
  • Onions - 300 g
  • Sugar - 20g
  • Salt - 40g
  • Zucchini - 4 kg
  • Garlic - 12 slices
  • allspice - 10 peas
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Greenhouses - ½ Butch

Step-by-step instructions for preparing winter for Zucciani in winter as in the store.

  1. Cut zucchini into 1-inch-wide rings, pour in medium-sized sunflower oil, place on a plate and let cool slightly.
  2. Chop the onion well and stir in the nuts until smooth.
  3. Chop the garlic, divide it into clips, chop and mix with salt.
  4. Chop the guts thoroughly and gently.
  5. Combine all the vegetables and add in a good strainer, salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar, mix well, melt, and quickly drizzle with Zuczini with small lids. Place the cellar in the cellar or in the basement when the workspace cools to room temperature.

Squash Caviar - a delicious recipe in a slow cooker with tomato sauce.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
Tomato pasta made with slow cooker, with tomato pasta, made in slow cooker, juicy, fragrant and dense. You don't need to add water during preparation, as the zucchini releases a lot of juice. If it is mixed, then the plate will become very liquid and will change from caviar to ordinary vegetable soup.

Essential ingredients for the low dose of zucchini caviar for winter.

  • Zucchini - 2 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Sweet Pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 2 tbsp
  • Paste tomatoes - 3 tbsp
  • Ground paprika - 2 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 4g
  • Hot red pepper - p tsp
  • Butter - 2 tbsp
  • Greenhouses - ½ Butch

In the slow cooker step-by-step instructions for the tomato pasta recipe from Vizakini for Cavarian.

  1. Cut the skin from the zucchini and cut it into random pieces.
  2. Remove the onion from the pan and chop it well.
  3. Add carrots and stir.
  4. Remove peppers and seeds in peppers and cut into medium sized cubes.
  5. Set the scene by "Frying" on the multimedia display and run the onions and carrots for 6-8 minutes.
  6. Add zucchini and pepper, move the room to steak mode and cook for at least 2 hours.
  7. After the specified time, add salt, pepper, add all the necessary ingredients, add tomato paste, set Pilaf mode and cook for another 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.
  8. Transfer the butter, chopped greens and garlic to the press a quarter hour before cooking.
  9. Warm in dirty jars, close lid with metal lid, turn well and cool.
  10. To store, send the Zichichini caviar from sunlight to a protected area, so that the product does not lose its bright and attractive color.

Zucchini caviar - Recipes on video

How to cook delicious and rich Cavarian at home, this simple video recipe tells you in detail. The author recommends using not only classic green zucchini but also dense zucchini and squash. Vegetables provide versatility to taste, and consistency - delicious juices and textures. Ready Zucciani Caviar comes out as a great fragrance and says anyone who has a chance to eat will suck your fingers after this meal. If you love bright shades in canned events, then you will definitely love the recipes for cooking with chilled oil and tomato soup made with the listed slow cooker.
Zucciani ended from early summer to early autumn. During this time, they can be prepared in different ways. However, it is best to make a caviar depending on them to maintain their best taste and benefits in winter homemade. There are many recipes for this dish that use a variety of vegetables, spices and other spices. In this article, you can wash your squash for winter squash and get a variety of recipes for cooking step by step.

Zucchini caviar with tomatoes.

According to this recipe, Caviar looks like a store product. But it does not contain harmful ingredients, dyes, flavors, site enhancements and other suspicious substances. In addition, the taste of the oven is even more delicious and enjoyable.
  • Zucciani - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg
  • Tomato paste - 100 ml.
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Sunflower Oil - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 20g.
  • Salt - 2 tsp.
  • Black pepper and other spices.
The zucchini, carrots and onions should be washed and grilled. If the zucchini is strong, peas and large seeds should be removed. Zucchini is preferable to well-packaged gray, but you can also use a meat spoon. Carrots should also be sliced ​​and onions should be cut into small cubes.
Mix all ingredients in a container that is convenient to lighten, and you can also add spices and oil. You can cook vegetables not only in the oven but also in the oven or slow cooker.
Add sunflower oil and spices to the vegetables. Bake occasionally and bake for an hour. To be consistent, the finished mix must be mixed using a brush. This is optional. Most people like vegetables, like a caviar that contains vegetables.
Add sugar, salt, tomato paste and cook for another 10 minutes. If desired, you can add some chopped green beans at the end of the cooking.
Prepare and pack the finished food in pre-prepared jars. It is advisable to wrap the bottles in a warm blanket and leave them for one day. Store in a pot or porch.

Zucchini caviar “You Will Have Your Fingers”

Zucchini caviar for the winter "You'll make your fingers" - a popular recipe for making open spaces for the winter. It has a sweet and savory taste, and the preparation does not take long.
Main ingredients for cooking:
  • Zucciani - 1 kg
  • Onions and carrots - 400 g each
  • Tomato paste - 50g.
  • Garlic - 4 slices.
  • To taste black pepper, salt and sugar.
  • Sunflower oil.
The first step is to prepare vegetables. They must be cleaned and grounded. Carrots can be cut into small pieces or shreds.
Chop it in non-flavored oil. Then the mass is the same, so they have to be painted.
The resulting mixture should be salty, sugar and add the spices needed. Using the press, chop the garlic and add to the mixture.
Simmer over medium heat to keep the vegetables soft and juicy. The CVR should be continually updated so it does not cling to the baking walls. Banks need to be washed early. And, when you have made the caviar, put it in cakes and pack it.
The Zucchini Cavarini is well maintained for the winter, too, so you can prepare your family for the whole winter to enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal.
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Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise.

Cavalier is better than the traditional recipe woo recipe with mayonnaise for the winter. Adding mayonnaise will make the dish lighter and easier. In this case, it is recommended to change the pasta for the tomato.
  • Zucciani - 2 kg
  • Tomato spoon - 150 ml.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Vinegar - 30 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sunflower Oil - 80 ml.
  • Sugar - 70g.
  • Spices
  • Mayonnaise - 70 mg.
Freeze and remove large seeds. It should then be cut. The pieces should be small enough to fold through the meatballs. Spread the zucchini with chopped garlic. Mix the following mixture with vegetable oil, sugar, salt, spices and mayonnaise.
Bake on low heat for two or three hours to achieve uniform consistency. Add half a vinegar and a tomato spoon about half an hour before cooking. Put ready caviar in banks, then roll.
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Caviar with apples and zucchini

An apple can be used in sweet and soft squash caviar. Even a small amount of green apple juice gives it a fresh and unusual taste. Moreover, this recipe uses fresh tomatoes, not tomato paste, which makes it more useful and natural.
  • Onions - 0.7 kg
  • Zucciani - 2.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Apples - 0.4 kg
  • Carrots - 5-6 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 mL.
  • Sweet pepper - 0.4 kg
  • Chile pepper - 1 pc.
  • To taste salt, sugar and green.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
Zucchini, onions, carrots, apples and peas should be made. Zucchini, onions, apples and carrots finish well. Chop pepper and cut into slices or cubes. Remove the seeds from chili peppers and cut into thin slices.
Chop vegetables one by one. Then combine to find a similar set. In the resulting mixture, apples, tomatoes, salt, sugar, black pepper and garlic are trapped through a spoon. You can add chopped green ones if desired.
Simmer the mixture at low heat for two hours. Distribute and rotate the finished caviar in the pots previously. Store ready-made storage in the pond.
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Zacchini caviar in the oven.

The importance of baking vegetables for a meal in the oven is important for Visa's first recipe because of this, more important components are preserved and vegetable oil should be used in small quantities.
For CavR Inputs
  • Young Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 0.8 kg or ready-made tomato juice.
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Bell pepper - 0.3 kg
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 5 slices.
  • Sunflower oil - one glass and one third.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.
  • Parsel - 1 roll.
First, vegetables should be cut. Then cut it slightly to remove it well. Sweet and fresh peppers are cleaned from seeds and cut into cubes. Grind the garlic using the press.
Place the finished mixture in a cast iron dish. Add vegetable oil, pepper, salt, sugar and herbs. Place in oven for 1.5-2 hours at 200 degrees.
Pour the bottles into the pond or oven. Spread the finished caviar in them and cover them with warm coats. Store in a backyard or in a cool place.
simple recipes for beginners to learn

Egg yolk and zucchini caviar.

If you add a little egg butter for the sushiini game, \ u200b \ u200b will taste great. They give the dish an unusual and exciting flavor.
Fitting parts:
  • Eggplant - 2 kg.
  • Zucciani - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Tomato paste - 100 g.
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.
  • Sunflower or olive oil - to bake.
Zucciani needs to wash and rub. If old and large zucchini are used for cooking, it is recommended to grind and remove the seeds. Eggs should always be removed, and unpleasant pieces remain in the caviar. Eggs are cut in the same pieces as zucchini.
Mix egg yolk and zucchini and cook on low heat for several minutes. We turn it into a pan with thick walls.
Add the carrots and chop onions and tomatoes into cube. It is recommended to sprinkle the tomatoes. Boil vegetables and add to egg yolk. Add salt, pepper, sugar, chopped garlic, mayonnaise, tomato paste, and spices.
Simmer for about 1.5 hours. Finished food should be washed with clean water. Simmer again and pour into banks. Pack fresh covers. Wear a warm blanket for a day.
simple recipes for beginners to learn
If the finished caviar is destroyed by the same consistency, it will be in the store, just like the Cravini in the store. Vegetables can be left in the tray for more natural flavor.
You will find many more delicious recipes in our section.
There are many recipes to assemble for the winter squash caviar. There are some simple ones that only include zucchini, onions, carrots and butter. These ingredients are found in all recipes. And then other ingredients, tomato or tomato paste, garlic add to this foundation - for food lovers, herbs, roots. Of course salt and pepper.
Differences are found only in a limited number of entities. At some point, they kill a lot of onions, carrots, or vice versa. Various vegetable oils are added, or even cooked with mayonnaise. The vinegar is added, or without it, the food is prepared, served or chilled with it.
The ingredients are roasted, baked, baked. For this, use foods with a thick bottom, such as a "bowl." Or cook it in a slow cooker. Then grind or leave slices in mashed potatoes. A well-prepared caviar eats or gathers for the winter.
Home cooking is never hard. And it doesn't take long. So many love to cook! Moreover, these gardens with their summer cottages are always in abundance. Sometimes they don't even know what to do with them. Eat and prepare already, and they all grow and flourish.
Have you ever worked in Vienna from Zuczini? Not all? Let's put it together. I want to give you many recipes, and you will choose for yourself. Or do as I did. Prepare according to different recipes, one at a time - two jars. You will taste in the winter.
According to these recipes you can eat right away, but you can prepare for the winter. And in fact, and in other cases, when you eat, you get a lot of flavor! It is not accidental to use the phrase "You will lose your fingers!" That is, all today's recipes fall completely under this definition.
I cooked it for two days in different ways. My whole family was predators. Four recipes have been reached. I'm sharing with you today!
This is the first recipe I want to offer you, and when they tasted, they sounded very complimentary. We all loved it. And when we spread it on black bread and ate it, we were struck with joy, in fact we dropped our finger. It was so delicious!
This recipe is very easy to make. And at the same time it will be very delicious. It's not something people call "you lose your fingers." It's airy, soft, sunny, beautiful and incredibly delicious!

simple recipes for beginners to learn
We need it
The set of spices gives two meanings. Depending on the original value, 5-6 half-liter cans will be issued. Two 650 grams of gram cans were found in the second value (I used).
  • Zucchini - 3 kg (1.5 kg)
  • Carrot - 1.5 kg (750g)
  • Onions - 750g (400g)
  • Paste tomatoes - 3 tablespoons (1.5 tablespoons)
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml (150 ml)
  • Sugar - 7 tbsp. Spoon (3.5 tbsp.spoons)
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. Hill without a spoon (1.5 tbsp.spoons)
  • Pepper - 1 tsp (incomplete) 0.5 tsp)
  • Water - 3/4 cups (0.5 cups)
  • Vinegar 9% - 70 ml (35 ml)

simple recipes for beginners to learn
The vinegar was not the first in my recipe. But I will add. First, it tastes better, and secondly it contributes to the better protection.
Add it to the taste and interest.
1. All vegetables are cut. Zucchini cleared from seed. Note that weights without seeds and pears are provided in the recipe.
2. The zucchini and onions are cut into cubes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
3. Add the carrots.

simple recipes for beginners to learn

simple recipes for beginners to learn
4. We cook food in the kitchen, so we store all prepared vegetables in it. Pour into the water. And set it on fire.
You can also use a thick pot of potatoes and a large pot for cooking.
We let it cool for about 40 minutes, cover with a lid and reduce the heat slightly. Occasionally, tattoo.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
5. Put the vegetables in a saucepan after the set time and allow the excess liquid to flow.
The vegetables were enough juice. Therefore, the body of the work should be washed, not drained, so that it does not become liquid. It can still come in handy.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
6. Next, place the vegetables in a box and use a bra to squeeze them until smooth.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
7. Once again in a saucepan, add vegetable oil, tomato paste. I use tomato pasta "tomatoes", it has a rich flavor and a nice color.
Pour salt, sugar and pepper. Mix everything well and send to a gas oven.
Add all flavors to your taste. For me it is suitable for such sizes, it may be different for the other person. This storage does not affect!

simple recipes for beginners to learn

simple recipes for beginners to learn
8. We cool for 30 - 35 minutes after cooling. Determining the boiling time is very difficult because the thigh is so thick. When mixing, I describe this "feature" in its behavior. By the way, Caviar can also "shoot".
Close low heat under cover. Don't forget to occasionally stir.
Caviar needs to be well cooked and ripe. We make it thick and heavy, and after washing it has to be carefully washed to prevent the fermentation process from beginning in the bank.
9. Take care to keep it burning. If only one hint appears, you can add two tablespoons of soup.
10. After 30 minutes add the vinegar and mix. Cover again and cook for another 5 minutes, during which time the acid is stirred several times to diffuse.
Add vinegar to your liking. If you take the cans, you can do it at all. I will increase the amount specified in the recipe. To whomever, add it. Try to pour in half first. You can add it if needed.
There is also this kind of behavior that can look salty when it is hot when the caviar is hot immediately after cooking. When freezing, the taste is not sweet. It will be completely balanced.
24. After filling the jar to the frame, cover it with a lid and tighten it with a sewing machine. Then, wear the cover and cover with a plaster. Leave to cool completely. Then turn it on and place it in a cool place away from the battery.
As you can see, this does not require recipes.
Sometimes fresh vegetables are added, especially in this recipe. It can increase if its white roots cannot be found. If you do not have your own site and you do not grow the roots yourself, then you can only find them in the big supermarket, and then they may not be fully stocked.
So, you can add green instead of root. This does not greatly affect the taste. It can also be collected in cans. All you have to do is take it out well. Arsril is well absorbed and can lead to dehydration.

simple recipes for beginners to learn

simple recipes for beginners to learn
Caviar is very delicious for this recipe. It does not mean that they liked products with the GOST acronym during Soviet times. And everyone knows what that means. This is a specific quality signal, a state of the state. It was by this standard that we could measure the amount of spices. So, our "storage" is no other.
The following delicious recipe is delicious and easy to prepare. I recommend taking it for yourself. Due to the addition of garlic, a new clear note will appear in it.

A simple recipe for cavars from Zucchini.

We need it
  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Paste tomatoes - 4 tbsp. Spoon
  • Garlic - 7 slices
  • Green - potato, stick - a sprout.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. Spoon (better to taste)
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Oil - 200-250 ml
  • Vinegar 9% - 1/4 cup (as small as possible, but better to taste)

simple recipes for beginners to learn
Basically the entire squash caviar will be prepared according to a schedule. First, all the ingredients are fried or roasted, then baked, and then pre-cut again. But we make a few adjustments to the recipe for change, and prepare it differently. In an easy way.
1. We clean all the vegetables. If the fruits are large, remove seeds from them. Their weight is given in a pure form, without seeds and pebbles.
2. Cut all vegetables into cube in random order. You can also grease them with grease. The trick can be anything.
3. Grind all the vegetables and herbs in the old to the right condition.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
4. We cook food in kitchens or other thick walls. Gray cabbage.
5. Pour the oil and warm slightly. We were spreading potatoes cooked in hot oil.
6. Cook and simmer for 45 minutes. It's best to mix with a lid closed on a slow fire. Don't forget to stir occasionally to avoid burning.
7. Add tomato paste and finely chopped or chopped garlic into garlic, mix and cook for 5 minutes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
8. Add salt, sugar, pepper. Ground pepper can be used, but you can pick up 15 pieces of pepper and all 5 slices of pepper, sprinkle in a coffin or grill in a coffee grinder. The smell of this pepper is very strong. Pour in vinegar. Simmer and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
9. Next, we put it in the hot pots to the ends. Grab a spoon to avoid air bubbles. Cover with foil lids, and combine. No need to cling.
10. Rotate the twisted cans and place them under the pan until completely freezing. Or just spread bread.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
This caviar has a very pleasant, slightly unpleasant taste. The texture is airy and melts in your mouth! She wants to eat and eat even if she has already eaten!
Now let's look at another recipe. We will not harvest vegetables according to this recipe. I love this recipe, all the pieces here are tangy and delicious. So I try to make it at least a little bit better with this recipe along with the frozen caviar.

Squash Cavars in Salads

We need it
  • zucchini - 1, 4 kg.
  • Carrots - 300 g
  • Onions - 300 g
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs) Small)
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Oil - 100 ml
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. Spoon
  • Pepper - 0.5 tsp

simple recipes for beginners to learn
It is good to cook such a caviar in a slow cooker. Simple, fast, simple and delicious. But today we are going to explore how to do this in the kitchen.
1. Zacchini clean. If he is young and his skin is very thin then it is not necessary to clean him. In this case, we don't get the same color as the original recipe, so you can leave it in the oven.
2. If the fruits are large then you need to clean the seeds. Making a spoon is easy. Provides weight without seeds and pajamas.
3. Cut them with the kidneys along the 1cm side.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
4. Cut the carrots into small cubes and chop.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
5. Chop the onion and cut into cubes.
6. Cut slices of tomato on both sides. Pour on them boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then turn off the water. Chop tomatoes and cut into small cubes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
7. We cook it in the kitchen. Or you can cook through another wall with thick walls. In such foods, the contents are equally stirred and not burned. Gray cabbage. Then we pour in that oil and warm it.
8. Spread the onion, chop until golden.
9. Then we distribute the carrots, cook for 5-7 minutes.
10. Now the turn of Zukushini. Add them and sauté them all for 10-15 minutes.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
11. Add tomatoes.
12. Salt and pepper to taste. Bake for at least an hour with a closed lid. During this time, vegetables are added to a sufficient amount of juice. This is good, the Caviar will be even better. Don't forget to periodically stir.
13. 5 minutes before cooking, add the garlic.
14. Cool or warm. She's good in every way. But it would be better if he was allowed to call her a little.
15. Or we put it in hidden pots, cover it with stacked lids and wrap it with a sewing machine. No need to cling.
In this case, it comes out with juice, and we put it in a pot.

simple recipes for beginners to learn
16. Rotate the pot, place it under the blanket until completely cool.
Or eat with bread, rinse with sweet tea. to eat!
All the recipes offered today are made without massage. After cooling, they are well stored in a cool place, in the basement, in the storage tank, away from heating.
If this is not possible, I advise you to leave before you can run the banks. It's very easy to do.

Video on how to cook delicious squash caviar with mayonnaise.

Recently, they often started cooking caviar with mayonnaise. They say this is amazing. We, too, will not stand side by side. And the recipe is here.
Yes, you can cook your favorite piece in such an unusual way. Try it and share your insights. And if you have your own delicious recipe, please share with us!

How to point bottles in empty places.

I'll write about this briefly. And who cares, go on this topic.
  • Make a large pot, put a bottom or a piece of cloth together. Pour hot water into it, but not boiling water, so the pot doesn't break when we put it in the water.
  • Put the jars in the pot. The lids on them should not be curved, the pans are covered only by them.
  • Add water, it should reach the shoulder of the canvas.
  • Place the pot on a gas stove. Reduce heat to boiling water after boiling. Slightly cooked.
  • Fill the floor with 1 liter cans for 15 minutes, 650g containers for 20 minutes and 25 minutes.
  • Then carefully remove the pot with special tails and baptize it.
  • Roll up, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.
Today we've seen some delicious recipes for squash caviar. I've tried to make the most popular choices for you. All of these recipes have been tested, and I can confidently tell you that one recipe is better than the other. They are all easy to prepare and all are delicious. In one word - "You will lose your fingers!"

simple recipes for beginners to learn

They only have one drag, and as soon as you open the canvas, the Cavarian disappears quickly. And disappears in an unknown direction. Well, okay! We set it up for this!

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