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Monday, July 15, 2019

How to lose weight Pressing the press technician shines fiercely Press Curves

Pressing the press technician shines fiercely. Press Curves

Greetings to My Blog's Station.
Today is a good day - I have finished the assessment. They were very beneficial and fun to study honestly, but for subsequent activities I felt burdened with this process. I want to write something into his mind. And direct writing - focusing on the chosen subject to the end. Though it's a very important and legible topic in the blog, it's still boring!
Well, I'm peaceful for the issue.
The best way to break the news is for the stomach muscles. And today, you and I understand this practice in depth, to find out how exactly you can fold, which patch gap is best for you.
Based on the results of the most effective underlying laboratory tests, the aggregate results of the aggregate results showed that the aggregate score was not high.However, this does not mean that there is a great amount of physical activity because this is important.

For Print Technician

For the press, the parcel is laid out on the ground. The advantage of turning around the ground is that it can be done anywhere else.Jympic on your back, towel, any. Or sit in a clean cell in a cellar.
It is important to lie on the floor to make coils. Hold your straight knees, or hold to the right corner, loaded onto the floor floor.
His arms are attached to his knees and stand on his head. Except for the weight you have done, it is useless to stop your hands in the steering wheel, unless you want to lose weight.
The image has been adjusted to the ceiling.
With deep breaths, we raise the floor above the floor. Exercise is done for the muscles of the stomach, and we have to warm the abdomen in the stomach muscles.It is important to bring stress when you turn around.
It is important to lift the back of the back from the floor and not just "lift" the practice. We begin to turn around, so it is necessary to turn around. This means turning abdominal muscles during exercise. The upper frames located at the top end should be shaped like a cube below the bottom. To do this, you need to turn your back, give your cheeks to your knees.
When you reach the highest point, you need to expand the power.
From the top point, we often need to copy a press, for a few seconds, and then we start the negative step of the activity.
The movement will go too far into the original destination. The printer must be firm enough, increasing the efficiency of your operation.
Immediately touch the next approach to touch the ground bumper sticker.

How often is exercise?

As we know earlier, the effort we made on the press was a good one.Once we learned the best 10 exercises for the pump, we need to learn how to properly configure them.
It's good news in the newspapers once a week, and it's good to do other difficult and difficult tests.For example, first raise your feet, then "bicycle", and adjust everything to the usual charms.

What will maturity be many?

2 - 3 There are many facilities available for Facebook on a training session framework. If the adhesive is a separate series of work, get a 4-5 presentation.

How Much of the Reports?

There are 25 responses to poor and skilled athletes since the beginning of the game. More work will be of no use if it is much easier to say that the past jokes have been accomplished successfully.
  • The head should be physically extended and should be compared with the shoulders.
  • There is no need to close my hands in the instrument, the brain pulls it off the neck, causing damage to the neck.
  • The eyes slowly move slowly to the knees.
  • In football, the legs and lower jugs are firmly pressed to the floor,
  • If you have difficulty keeping your feet on the floor, you can ask someone to hold onto your feet, or you may have to put heavy hoels on the floor and have feet below them.
  • The koulan height is not the main thing, because the part of the mud, the lower back and the muscles will be forgotten, we will have a great desire for the quality of the press bracket!

Archive for the press video:

That's all. Today, we've finalized the best-selling experiences for printing, but it's still going on. It is important to think about the summer games for blog readers.It's just joke. even though ...
Beautiful printing industry is a function of every reader. Whatever I'm talking about, before you ask yourself about someone you want to coerce. On this blog I was lazy in the last winter. And when he enters the hospital, he is completely fat. One reader remembers the topic -
"Conversation of two blogs online:
- what are you doing?
- Press the vibration.
- what's this?
- Good and beautiful for health ...
- "Please download the link."
Let's take a good, positive note.
Thoughts about the perfect human body over time, but the thin belly is always sweet. Package - The most productive experiences for the blogs. By doing so, you can replenish beautiful cats or strengthen your navel.
What muscles muscles do - rectus abdominis muscle, above all - the upper muscular upper part of the muscle.
The application complexity-of-practice is ideal for beginners.

Performance method

At first, the physical activity is simple:
Common errors:
  • Instead of shifted, it builds a ship.
  • Do not punish when the matter is overturned;
  • Practice activities in the ears:
  • In very low places, by direct injection of the body,
  • There is so much of your head.
It is a common mistake to promote excitement rather than twitching. It is a common misconception that initiators, and even advanced physiotherapists and bodybuilders, make common sense. With the right mechanism, the back is closed, and the upper part is below.When the body is lifted, it is straight, the printer is weak.
Bend down to your body with great thrill - When you touch your shoulder, release all the air from your lungs and then snap up. At this time, both the up and down movements should be kept hygienically clean.
Even if you do not opt ​​for a hospital, do not be embarrassed.Giving a strong cure will help to build muscle kidney function as quickly as possible, and the results will be fast growth.
As you stretch the body, lower the shoulders down to the floor - stay clear of the waist above the floor in very low places. By using this approach, the printer will continuously move the machine and stop as much as possible.Exactly as many people do, it is never worth it.

Fitness options

Check other paired options to identify training programs.

The significance and competition of physical activity

  • This exercise is even appropriate for beginners, which is very effective,
  • You do not need a particular device or machine to do this, you can do this practice anytime and anywhere.
  • Physical activity does not include the lower part of the press.
  • At first, it may not be easy to take the correct approach in the process.
These chips are flexible - they can be called large scale defects. Low abdomen does not have any problems with other tasks such as, or, and developing a method. In fact, being unplayed is best practice for the press person. It's important to do this, open the Kidney Controls with it.

Everyone who goes to the sport wants to get some nice help. A person needs to dig for "circles" to drank and sprinkle somebody's body. By these goals, it is known as the "stomach muscle" in the evening. The exercise is easy, the right strategy to take is very important, so it is recommended that you know yourself thoroughly in all stages.
The rot is similar to regular corpses, but it is still different. This finding is not important here, and it is not necessary to take the body in the right direction. Most importantly, muscle activity is ongoing and activity control. To do this, you can turn the tooth in the back of the teeth to the back of the teeth. This is highly acceptable and does not include the risk of harm.
It is good to turn around by different activities, because one or the other, by customizing your sport and by creating a part of the newspaper. They have a beneficial effect on the spine and stack.
The process itself is simple. In your actions, you will feel the feeling of extending and disseminating press releases. You can treat them at any time and at any time, without the use of samples and additional equipment. Respect for the overall sports score 10-15 minutes , you can complete the stomach muscles.It is important to know how to accurately change.

What do muscles do when swipe?

Group work is working on all printers on press shifting, but some parts may receive a specific load. It is best to seek different ways of varying the different muscles of the stomach.
You can work against the oppressive choices Steam, straight, flexible and muscular muscles .In some trades, the shoulders, arms, belts, and so on are included in the job. However, stomach muscles contain the main weight because the exercise is about 100% of the workflow. The rest of the muscles must participate in the work.

Bullying in the newspaper: a means of enforcement

The methods used to practice colorectal expression in the press may vary depending on the type of exercise. Check out the feature to get started. The right tactic is very important to him, because exercise can result in both effectiveness and harm. The usual straight cover of the press is simple, and the beginners have to be guided by them, and then only the physical changes happen.
They happen as follows:
  • Lay down on the floor.
  • Hold your waist upwards.
  • Keep your hands secure on the knee, so that there is a right angle between the thigh and the bottom leg.Place your foot on the floor.
  • You can put a hand on the back, on the chest, or face to face.
  • Next, they pick up the knee bumps as they bust their stomach muscles. The sole should be on the floor, and the floor should be on the waist.
Take your stomach muscles in good shape and move on. So they can get high marks.
Now repeat the required time interval. Also, consider the following questions in the question about how to rotate the newspaper.
  • Behind the boot when it starts to move, and the whole body.
  • His feet certainly should not be on the floor and shun away.
  • Lower your head, up to a second, and lower yourself while breathing. Muscles must be firm.

Install Add-ons: Other Options

It is better to switch between different issues on the question of how to turn the newspaper into. Options for developing muscles to fully develop muscles. See popular differences.

Recall ripples

It is different from the competitors because it is important not only to lift the shaft but to lift its feet. They were made as follows:
  • Swing on the floor or the bench.
  • Feet and elevate your feet on knees. The floor of the tumbler should be sideways and sidewalks.
  • Hold your hands at the tip of the hair or hold their hands.
  • Wash the stomach muscles and pull the knees toward the chest. When your feet reach the highest point, the position of the office should be higher than the platform or the floor.
  • Take this place for 1 second.
  • Turn your hands down and repeat the required number of times.
During training, it is important to focus on the feet of only the efforts of the abdominal muscles. Heads can not adjust, otherwise the burden is divided between the press and the starter.

Side by side or straightening

The flaccid penis helps to form the abdominal muscles. They were made as follows:
  • When you're talking on the ground, roll your legs to the left.
  • Left your right arm from the head, close your left hand right on your stomach.
  • Raise the muscles of the right-hand side, try to access the knee with your right arm.
  • Tell us at the end of a second, then head back to the original place.
So they work on your right.Likewise, you have to do the same physical exercise, but slowly move the other side towards the other side.

Dashed dots

Italic colors are like straight lines, but the method points to a few differences.
  • Tell us to lie on the floor, on the waist, and take your knees to the right angle.You can sit on their feet or benches and put their feet on their hands.
  • The right hand should be in the back of the head, the left hand must be placed on the person's head.
  • Now open the lid from the shoulders and touch the right palm with your right arm.
  • Once they have been touched, return to the beginning.
Then something similar happens in the second part. You need to get tired of the muscles of the muscles in the smoke and go down in the air.

Double bending

It is good to put up on the newspaper because of the fact that the cargo is being distributed in the press press. This allows good work and the low and upper part of the abdomen. They happen as follows:
  • You have to hid it on your back, tell us back to the floor below, bend the knees to the right and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Put your arms out of your head without flipping your fingers.
  • Send it, tick the chest and the boat to one.
  • Only hold the traffic for a second, when it is lifted, down, do not place your shoulders on the ground.
Do not give the head when you do the exercise. This can cause damage to the cover.

Turn the wheel over the course

The spine on a broken bank looks not only to the abdomen but also to the muscles of the thigh muscles.This practice is as follows:
  • Adjust the pad knob to allow the manifest to 30-50 degrees. This determines the level of installer.
  • Sit on the seats, under the wheel, keep your hands on your chest.
  • Lie on the bench and head up.
  • Take a deep breath, head up, raise your head. First, the head and shoulders should be raised and later - the tail.
  • When the right ring is raised between the laces and the shafts, stand up.This is the last point.
  • Keep this place for a second, and clamp your abdomen.
  • Throw the dragon until the floor looks like the floor.This is the lowest point.
Do not throw him into the bed until you finish the whole presentation.This increases the effectiveness of exercise as there is constant stress in the muscles.

Fitball twists

Stacked plastic padding on the "Pole" window is a complex one, as it can accommodate kidney muscles, maintain balance, and withstand better body muscles.Such attempts are as follows:
  • Sit on the ball to plunge the egg.
  • You need to take a little turns to the back of the ball to the ball.
  • Hold your hands behind your back.
  • Extend the head to the burn on the head.
  • Wait for a second, cure your muscles and get back to the position.

Russian couple

This option allows the abdominal muscles to function. It also contributes to your weight loss. Do the exercises as
  • Stay on the floor, hold your feet on the knees and step back slightly.
  • Take your foot off the floor.
  • Switch the person one way and the other way. His hands should not stay.Repeat the desired length of time.

In the Roman chairs, there are also options for imitating in a group.The screams and other masses to help the limbs become famous and turn.

Safeguards and precautions

Although the practice experience has many benefits, especially if the hair correction method in the press press is correct, there are some contrasts. It is important to consult a specialist before beginning classes for cardiovascular and cardiovascular, kidneys, respiratory and spine disorders.Organic additives in the body can be eaten in the liver, by the skin, by the mouth.
Also, consider the following questions that help with the mismanagement of the newspaper:
  • Twice every 2-3 minutes .The physical activity is simple, but the muscles must recover.
  • Do not repeat the exercises many times. Above all, the right mechanism and stomach muscles are the most stressful thing. Will be enough for beginners 15-20 consecutive times.
  • The burden and over-testing are important.
  • Practice must be live in the newspaper, so try to assist yourself with your arms or legs. You need to know how the stomach muscles are rolled, twisting, and sturdy.

Video training on TV

You can get the desired results if the correct change strategy is desired. This exercise is easy, but it also involves many disorders.Below you will find the exercises for press events listed below.

Would you like to expand the cups inside the stomach? To do this, you need effective abdominal exercise and proper diet.
Package - the most famous physical activity for the press. It's simple and very effective.
Grab a large cube or bind your throat, which can accelerate furious fungi.
This practice includes the entire mastectomy, but above all, it is loaded over the top of the abdomen. The main thing - to put it in the right way, otherwise the effect can not be achieved.

What muscles do?

When installing windows:
  • Vegetable muscle;
  • Stomach muscles flattened
  • Medium and lower back muscles;
  • Hats:
  • Muscles of the inside and outside of the muscles.

Fitness options

In a well-known version, it is mounted on the ceiling on the bench or on the footsteps of your legs. In addition to this method, there are many other options for exercise.
  • Switching to the bottom of the bench - this method will allow you to fulfill the minimum kidney function.To do this, you need to sit down in the sun, because your head is beneath your head. By this method, lifting the body is difficult, which means that the muscles have high pressures.
  • The slabs in the bowl of the bowl do exactly the same thing as the lobsters on the ground. In this case, the back is on the floor of the gym and the legs are on the floor. When making a squirrel, it can increase the temperature of the organism.
  • Filters on Rounded Legs: Suspended on a sturdy winter canopy on the same jetliners. The only difference should be on the footsteps of everyday activities. To do that, the thumbs must finally be switched on by both knees and apostolate belts to hold down the middle and the lower stairs between the turns and the steps.
  • The load is suitable for those who carry heavy loads. It is commonly used as a brick-and-mortar floors or a suitable weight.
  • Seamless stitching: To carry out this sale edition, take the appropriate handle, knead in front and bend and unpin it. When the upper rupture occurs, the hands must be on the back of the head, and when the body is expanded it must be above the front.
  • It is another option to prepare another printer for those who serve athleans. The components in the device are allowed to adjust the load, and the method is designed to be skewed in a wrong way. This means that in any situation, the press gets good grades, so the facilitators in the tool are best for beginners. They work side-by-side and straighten, making them look like twists and turns on the right place and the narrow side. It's different in nature.
  • Turning the windshield wobbling through the bumps of the body. If the arms are at the back of the head, the clamp must first touch the right knee, then the grip. If the arms stick to my chest, the thread must reach the edge of the tail. This exercise allows you to load muscles thoroughly. Everyone decides whether they want to work. Girls are more likely to have increased muscular muscles, ligaments, and head mass.
Every usual practice differs from the burdens given to the stomach muscles, unlike others. Also, body physics are very important; One for the right methods, others - others are better. In general, you should try to get what is best for yourself. You can start with a version that is known.
Another important factor to keep in mind is the position of his hands. They go over the chest, or from the wound on the wound, the head to the back of the head. The first option is for beginners easy and good. You need to switch to the second to add complexity.
There is a very complicated option, but it is not used repeatedly - holding hands in a hood. In this way, the hands will be lifted out of the head as he puts his hands into their hands.


Technological breakthrough:
  • Take the first place: Slip on your back, knees break at 90 degrees, place your feet on the floor, cross your chest or place them behind you;
  • Scroll around the body and push the shoulders closer to the shoe.
  • Breathing into the first breath,
  • It takes about half an minute to complete the desired number, and continues to the next.

Frequency of repetition

The frequency of rehearsals and the training should be on the objectives of the training. Frequency 8 to 15 repeated in three or four types, if you want to install large docs. In this case, you will often need to use an extra burden. For this purpose, the desired weight of pancake is very suitable, but you can produce a scream of wild boar. Experience exchange can be done on math machines in the hall to increase the load.
If your goal is to make sure that your baby is able to refill your chest and improve your abdomen, you need to repeat several times - 25 or more. If you want to increase the number of Ruler layout, it must exist between the five.

Common errors

The common misconception of anyone with this practice is doing physically rather than twisting. At the twilight of time, the body seems cold, and as the body approaches the urine, the body starts to move, the back flat, and the shoulders go to the knees.
It does everything through this technique but not the press. Similar scenarios can be used for months and years, but they never expected the results.
Also, when doing this exercise, many people bow their heads and lay their fingers on their chests. This should not be done - this is a huge burden and should be avoided. In addition, breathing is a big problem for many.
You need to prepare fast and strong fluid during brewing, so the tip on the kidney is high. Do not be afraid to talk even if you put up a hospital - this is why your press conference will work.
In the biochemical laboratory at the University of San Diego, American scientists have done research on the production of press printing. During the course of exercise, they used electrolytes to investigate the loads of muscles.
They were stabbed in their hands by three hands, stuttered, and steeped in the bowl.
In the meantime, they took the first and second places, such as foot and bicycle, as much as possible, as well as most effective exercise.
Swing - The greatest practice for the blogs, it allows both to bend the big cube and turn it off. Initially it loads the upper part of the newspaper, but it is generally used to fill all abdominal areas.
Do not forget to retain basic rules to make your exercise successful and productive.
  • First of all, it is important to choose the appropriate approach and to determine the number of loads and repetitions.
  • Feet is not a foot.
  • The rising heat of hot weather - this highs the press.


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21 levels, average- 5,00 out of 5)

Spring Bodybuilding is one of the basic exercises for stomach stools. It's popular with popular athletes and beginners. Accessibility, performance simplicity, etc. It filters out global experiences.
And it is not necessary to go to a gym to pick up each muscle group.
You can even do a full tutorial, though at home, even though there are distinctive lines and tools. Recurring and properly practiced, and watching the most popular DVD stops.
Let's find out just how much effort we have put into filming the newspaper. Common mistakes protect yourself from falling flat on the flat surface of the abdomen.

Benefits of used benefits

All spine movements include abdominal medication. It keeps the nest in a stable condition, so a strong load liner is not a priority, but important.
Flexible mobility practices work on two fronts at the same time. A flat belt gives you a powerful muscular bra that protects the lining from damage. Powerful press corners help maintain a good body.
The exercise is simple, but it encourages the intestines effectively. Even when practicing for 15-20 minutes a day, you can spread your press coverage well. Every workgroup you feel will feel better and worse.
Do not forget to change the installation level. Moving to a more advanced version from time to time complicates the tension.

In alternative way

How to rotate on the kidney? From a technical perspective - Simplicity is an easy process for mediation. This is done by removing the upper body.

Do not lock your hand. There are unnecessary clutches in your back and neck.

For Press Release-Operation-

  1. Take horizontal slopes.
  2. Close your knees.
  3. At the back of your hand.
  4. Bring out
  5. Emboss her up and tie up her back with the blend.
  6. Upper rear round.
  7. Continue to the maximum level of inspection.
  8. Keep this layout. The stats help to lower the number of stomach muscles.
  9. Go down without problems. Make sure you keep track of the download process. Completely down. They will receive more loads a few feet from the floor. To do such a thing, they increase the effectiveness of the activity.
There is a direct bearing of kidney muscles for the six different medical machines to handle.
Raising height is not the priority. When you lift your body, the newspaper is less, and the belts are more inclined.

Change the exercises for the bloggers

A direct press release controls the kidney seat completely. But similar activities are not recommended more frequently. The body can use the training effectiveness in the same sort of installation.
This exercise will allow you to train many types of muscle groups.
It makes it easier to change the bodybuilding, to change the condition, to work on each problem. You can include the training process with the following options:
  • Direct load . Take a throat or other items (sand or water bottles).
  • Twisted. When he hugs his body, he raises a leg to the side.
  • Manual. Raise your hands, hold your hands. Slide on top, do not shake your head upwards with your hands. Take your head and hands online. Dive in this place, lower yourself.
  • Double. Float on your knees. He lifted his legs inside and pulled his legs against the body, trying to drag each other as hard as possible. Get closer to the chest. Hold on here, return to original position. To increase the load, just lower shoulder weights, and weigh the weight. You can make your legs heavy.

  • Biphasic. This happens in two steps: first, head off your head from the head, from the distance, shaking your shoulders. The back room should be maintained. Chen did not enter the chest.
  • Horizontal left . Training for training, special missions (benches). Their feet are adjusted to separate stops.

  • Using a spoof . Everything is so easy: take your special vehicles with your feet, pick the cargo, and hold on with their own hands with their hands. Your chest will protrude until your waist.

side by side. We provide a lateral and rectangular shape

The stitched edges on the newspaper are a tangible tactic of the broken muscular muscles. With their help, you can find beautiful shapes.
To understand the tide of tapeworms, it is necessary to understand the structure of this dynamic group.

The main function of these muscles is to analyze the opposite direction, stabilizing the body. It is necessary to turn around the body when working side-by-side (tooth full).

  1. Keep matching position.
  2. Close your knees.
  3. Take the side and mount on the floor.
  4. Save one hand from the head, and adjust the other side to the correct abdomen muscles. You can do both of them.
  5. Clash, turn the body. Buy your back muscles and lift your shoulders. It is important to focus on side effects because not only your arm on the gauge but also the lavator. Do not seek lift up. His shoulders come out slightly out of the ground. It is not necessary to push the toe into the chest to achieve the maximum pressure of the English muscles without stomping the neck.
  6. Bring out
  7. Take the first place.

One option is to turn the ends of the fingers as far as possible. So one body hangs on one shoulder and the other at the other. In this position, the cargo bridges the load to the ultra highway.

So one body hangs on one shoulder and the other at the other. In this position, the cargo bridges the load to the ultra highway.

Backward Team Combination

Swing on the knife, not only the main, but also the muscles. Such sections can be held at the gym or at home.
When you train on a foilball, you build your thumb, back, elbow, and chest. The printer will carry the main burden, and the rest of the group will have a stable body position and static load.

Side turn technique

  1. He sat down on the balances,
  2. Take your legs off;
  3. Drop your back down down below;
  4. It brightens your body and joy.
  5. Stay in the top for a few seconds.
  6. Take the first place.

It's just because of the press freedom push because of yourself. It may be a physical injury to remove the training.

We train inferior muscles

Performance extended stomach muscles bemet’efizezi newspaper on use (internal, external).

These sections are essential to full bodily absorption. It's not enough just to turn around. The method is simple, but there are some errors that can be removed.

Pencil method

  1. Sleeps in the horizon.
  2. Turn your legs off.
  3. Tip one foot at the other end of the foot.
  4. Put one hand out of the head.
  5. Take the long breath.
  6. Reduce by half. Suggesting forward, upwards. Raising them will greatly reduce the effectiveness of exercise.
  7. A shoulder breaks, toward the opposite of the arm.
  8. Relax as much as possible.
  9. Bring out
  10. Take the first place.
  • Do not increase the total amount of the exercise. As a result, the main burden will be added to the area of ​​the Gurgaon.
  • It's the position of the hands that play a big role in net performance. Excessive loads are required when carrying bundles with the towel hands. Medium - Curly, light - hanging in front.
  • You can add the load by installing the installer on your chest. A large load is set when riding a head.
  • Do not throw your head back in any circumstance. You will get more profit when looking at another. The correct position: downward, look at the belly.
  • Do not lower the head, as you would not bow your neck.


It is very useful, not just for your muscle, but for the whole body. But notwithstanding all the good, it can not be reached for everyone. If you are a primary athlete, consult your doctor before starting training. If you're not in the opposite sex, your pure desire to improve your physical health can adversely affect your health.
Some spiders are not sufficient for full physical activity. Measure all body muscle groups to fit into the required amount of training. At the same time, turning around to harden the stomach with the stomach is encouraging.
Whatever you choose without focus, focus on each activity, no matter what your choice. Make your classroom regular and different. Only your training will be effective this way.
We also advise you to practice the practice against yourself by yourself. The muscles of the stomach muscles work well, and the effects of taking hidapies in the stomach in the stomach. Leave your comment and share physical activity on social networks!

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