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Monday, July 15, 2019

How quickly will it fall after Christmas? After weight loss, lose weight fast without loss of health.Recommendations for children Take off after illness after a holiday

How quickly will it fall after Christmas? After weight loss, lose weight fast without loss of health.Recommendations for children Take off after illness after a holiday 

Observing the winter holidays as a whole, have you increased the weight? Do not panic! With two nutritionists, we've studied the program to help you weight your teeth within a few weeks.
We have a great chance to lose weight for ourselves because we do not accept winter travel.
Imagine that some of us at the New Year's festivals are some kilograms.This is naturally: We will have cold and dark borders on the roads, and we will have many pilgrimages on the table. Often, dietists, counting calories, and celebrating holidays.
But now, you are sadly in trouble.We need to lose weight as quickly as possible. However, the right nutrition professionals are not recommended to follow a strict diet. Initially, your body was in tension, and it was eating fat and fat in celebrations," said Ekaterina Belova, a dietician who created the center of an individual's diet. " In the second stage, The risk of losing weight and muscular weight is serious, and finally, if your hunger is defective, the lack of fuel - the food - the food goes into the energy saving factor and the weight loss.
Thus, it uses between 1400 and 1500 calories a day to reduce weight. At the same time, try to stay out of the way on your table and gift items, fruits, vegetables, cereals (pasta, bread, cereals, grain flour). "Elena Palaguta, a teacher of the program" Part of the World's Dinosaurs " because of fitness orcompleteness - Training for a few weeks, especially if you have changed physically, but can help you to grow weight slightly and to grow a bit more firmly. "" The effect is not only on nutrition but also on behavioral attacks and attacks. "At least three weeks at least a week study and, if possible, a study should be undertaken at the same time, with the greatest number of muscle groups, including strength and card loads K’enejeti is important. Uric šolivivēvi, the Federal fitness clubs yeji’ēmi explains soybeans X-Fit.
Food for the first week after New Year
- Repeat the refrigerator in the refrigerator. Get rid of the table, sweet leaves, cheese and towels without the temptation. Buy Fruits, Fresh and Grain Vegetables, Meat and Dairy Assortments, Grains, Vegetables, Pulses, Pasta, Pasta, Pasta, Bakery, and Bread.
- Get started to eat fragments: in small amounts and every 3-4 hours. So do not overuse, protect against starvation, lower your belly to normal (after the New Year's celebration).
- Adjusting the drinking state.Use 30 milliliters of water per 1 kg of body fat. We wrote in the past, otherwise the weight does not decrease! If it is unsuitable for such liquids, part of a teaspoon, hot noodles, and sugar cane freezing.
- Avoid high-fat and greasy foods: Sweet, white bread, high fat meat products (cattle, pork meat, herbs made from herbs) and dairy products (dairy products) and dairy products - cheese - over 20% fat - from 5 % Above - Joop - more than 1.5%. Do not cut anything, especially deep. "And even if you consume more than 2 sliced ​​a day, you have a healthy vegetable oildaily - Marina Steincini and a dietician, clinical assistant doctor, says," Weight Weight Factor "- It is possible to simply give thanks, reduce weight and past fat."
- Properly build the menu. "It'sgood to have porridge or porridge to eat breakfast, - Manona Stephanie. Then they eat a grapefruit or one or two fruits. Take dietary protein supplements that are fed by lunch. Ripping again on fruits or vegetables. And supper - Fish or mayonnaise with kurry. "
The first week after the new year: Fitness
Come back to physical fitness gradually. Even if you are fully trained, your body will stay away from many stages," - Elias Palikta,During the next two days you can walk 40-60 minutes a day and travel faster.
Then begin to perform the strengths of the muscles of upper and lower body muscles. For example, mass dexterity, swelling and lungs or squids. Training with Alternative Strength Training.
After a few days of rest, you can try to return there if you visit an Exercise Club. To begin with, choose quiet habits: Yoga, Pilate, Swimming. And check out your safety, " says Elena Palaguta. " If you have been drinking and drinking two days before you've mentioned that, when you feel stressed, tired, and nauseous during your stress, your body is not ready for anxiety."
Use all the options to move more things. Do not go up any higher way, get two stops for yourself.
Generally, the first seven days of training on holiday festivals are as follows:
1st, 2nd day - moves at an average speed.
3rd, 5th: Strengthening the strength of home or fitness clubs.
The seventh day - rest. Better - Active (Achievements, Skiing).
Mild food helps to lessen weight without injuries to health.
Food in the second year after the new year
Based on your overall plan, basically according to the same plan, your emotions and results and, if necessary, adjust the dress appropriately.
- Weight is not cheap or you will not be quickly depressed. Ask for a day of fasting. It is possible and the two are cut at least two days.example:
Eat porridge or porridin in your protein and fruit juices, and then eat half-a-dozen cups a day, and each unusual - 60 grams of chicken breast milk,
In the buckwheat, eat between 120 and 150 calories per day, make no butter and sugar, five or six times a day. You can add 1 liter of low fat fat to kefir.
- If he was hungry. Analyze how many vegetables and fruits are in your diet. If not, make sure they add: They are wargings that are high in volume, abdominal cramps, and an abundance of emotions.
- If you are sweet. Consider how often you consume extra complex carbohydrates. Unburned powdered potatoes, breads, whole-grain flour, pasta food, up to half of the meals and cereals. During meals, we can usually put them in the menu. It's in vain! If you eat foods that are heavier (for breakfast and for breakfast or lunch) or lunch, you will not be able to reduce your weight. But the creatures begin to find that they feel deficient in their power and get an easy way to get it done - sweet potatoes, coffee and other quick carbohydrates.
- It begins when the diet begins.Skip the menu! There are many reliable ways to do this - Katherine Béla says: Teff only eat just by eating natural gel, salad, lettuce juice and butter, not just cooking, but also on low cooked foods, steamed beans, beer, and meat and spices. Cook it. "
Physical activity during the second year after the new year
You increase your sports activity gradually, making it harder and harder. If possible, add 60-minute slopes and try to move it fast.
If you are in the gym at the end of the week, return to your regular exercise routine. If you work at home, incorporate new experiences on your large training-halt, block, and overcrowding. To correct your work, add a five minute difference between two squares to the Woreda training session or increase the number of words up to 15-20. Simple, traditional experiences for you, lifting weights, whether technically complex or done with them.
The training program, which came out seven days after the festival, is as follows:
1, 3, 5 days - Speed ​​up and climb - 6-9 Floors or heart-drawing clubs in your chosen team (heart and team training).
2nd, 4th day - Strength training in the home or fitness club.
6, 7 Day - Rest, stay as active as possible.
Feeding and applying according to this plan can weigh in at 2 to 2.5 kg in 14 days. In fact, most of us have holidays and profits.
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New Year is not just a wonderful family holiday, but a lot of sweet desserts. However, after all of them were exposed to victories and honors, all good gifts were just a few centimeters longer than the problem. It is important to think about this after going back to the new calendar year and returning to a "right" diet.
The New Year's celebration has been aggravated by the delayed reporting on at least several more days. Also, many more events will follow. So, on weekends, there are many meals on the shoulders, pelvis, and stomach that do not include different sizes of calories.On average, NAN takes between 3 and 5 kilograms of excess weight.Solving this problem in a number of ways: Solid food, exercise, fasting, etc. However, it is important to remember that each method is not suitable for anyone.Especially, fasting can cause serious health problems.Therefore, it is advisable to start fasting on fasting days, sports, weight loss.
If you are engaging and refusing to participate in your own routine, weight may increase during the following weeks. After a new year, it is recommended to follow simple tips to reduce body weight.

Fill the refrigerator with just the right products

First, give your attention to your feed. There are a lot of delicious foods and products that are not important to the value of during the start of the new year. It is recommended to review the food at the end of the week. After the new year, weight and diet should be filled in vegetables, fruits, edible meat (eg, cockroaches). It is advisable to gradually switch to nutritious foods, soups, and chops to lessen the purity of the dish. It is very important to reduce weight: Several fruits, oranges, and leaves, so that they can be used to record fats in the areas that cause trouble.
Important! Special dietary attention should be paid to dairy products during the diet. Dairy, cheese and liquids should be kept in small quantities of fat.
Also, it is useful to build a rubber knife. It is very important to clean the drinking water after the new year. Instead of using alcohol and batteries, it is recommended that you use a green tea. Adjusting to the gene will have a significant contribution to reducing weight after the new year, and strengthens the immune system.

Look at the diet after the new year

One of the biggest problems in the first year is wrong eating. Snacks and late meals are known for the next day.
Therefore, the following rules are important:
  • After a year of weight loss is effective and effective at the right time.
  • Breakfast should be served.At the same time, not only coffee but full meals (eg, a loaf, cheese, boiled egg, etc.). Black beer instead of coffee is recommended.
  • The heaviest food must be food.
  • The dinner should be a light. The best option includes vegetables and eating meat.
  • Snacks like fruits, leaves, vegetables can be used.
Fast forward to the new year's diet.Countless.
A detailed list of dietary meals is as follows:
  • Breakfast: porridge (cypress), psychic cheese or a small percentage of ointment. A substitute - a substitute for those who can not afford sweetness - Honey.
  • Snacks: 7 Seeds of Eggs. Or pork.
  • Lunch: You can enjoy a light vegetable soup, cooked meat, or fish. Often, they should not be served with soup and sauce, but not in stew or chicken.
  • Latch 2: Dried fruits.
  • It is recommended to eat lunch in poultry or fish, boiled eggs, crumbs, and nuts.
We recommend getting good results by introducing a small hand gesture with a few hours before eating. This destroys hunger, and thus eats up at least mealtimes at mealtime.

After the new year, they fasted for the next day

After fasting of the new year - this is exactly what you put it. This protects against harmful substances and eliminates excessive odors.
It is advisable to remember many options if you chose to count on a fasting day.
  • "Dutch". The main thing is to use only mineral and mineral water all day.Remember that this product can cause allergic reactions.
  • Apple Fade Date. It can be called up to 2 kg pounds per day. Non-scented scenters use water for drinking. If this type of rule is difficult to resist, you can replace 1 liter of unleaded ink (1 kg) of apples.
  • Bochim + Huff. They eat these products only a day.

Sports - an effective way to lose weight

It is not the only tool to reduce weight. No matter how balanced and caring your meals are, the best results can be achieved through nutritional and physical activity.
After the new year, it is very difficult to dress yourself.However, this is very important if you want to keep your body properly. Individual and group rooms as well as home-based training are effective at the hall.
To keep unwanted results, you need to follow the following tips:
  • No day practice is required for people who are just getting started. Because the number of sports activities and the load can gradually increase, the body has time to repeat.
  • Good repetition is 3 times a week. At the same time, the aerobic activities are required to change by strong training.
  • It is important to determine your health problems when choosing physical exercises and diaphragms. If available, yoga, adolescent, organs is recommended.
On the other hand, do not miss the importance of morning activities.Simple lobbies allow you to quickly wake up from sleep and bring muscles in the voice.

In-house activity

They do not go into the utensil to accommodate the body. You can easily remember simple memorabilia to help restore beautiful pictures.


Number of Offer - 20. The ends should be kept the distance to the width of the shoulder. When it's time to dive into the spine and go back to the first place - do it.


On the opposite side, the upper arm is throttled to the left and then to the left. On each side, you have to do about 20 spells.


Number of frequencies - 20.


Placard gives you several muscular and muscular training.

We benefit from happy people

Only after the new year, sports and diet will help to lose weight. Fun events that are more appealing.
  • Adding essential oils and salts to the bath. Conflicts can happen every day when there are no conflicts.The time is 10 minutes.
  • Shana and Gila Bath - every 4 days.
  • It improves the sense of the specialist practiced by the specialist, not only the skin condition but also the cellulite and the overburdening.
After Christmas, weight loss is not difficult. It is important to build on basic principles: proper diet and exercise. It is also best to develop pregnancy procedures (massage, drinking pipes, etc.), which are not useful, but are beneficial.
How to fast-track the shape after the new calendar year? New year festivals bring fun and joy. Various tasty dishes, dumplings, jewelry, beautiful jewelry tables and a charming cedar tree. But after such a banishment is on our bodies, a great load is laid.
During the summer holidays, we have not only about the end of the New Year's holiday, we have too much weight, stomach and extreme anxiety. So, we need to make extra pounds and bring your body to the new year. It must be eaten by this! Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the form out.
Grain flour and sweetness. You can only eat one day of a day or a few chocolate chips. Every day before breakfast, two glasses of water or liquid water and before bedtime - too much crème. You can eat fruits and vegetables during the day. We advise her to drink her bones, thanks to her, not only the liver but also the weight of the body.Drinking during the day can serve mild, moderate, and watery drinks.

Beautiful women! Do not! Try everything in small coins. It is better to leave salads with Sammo's clothes. Some fried meat or boiled fish. But if you can not keep it, carry it slowly and briefly.
Darkness increases the growth of blood pressure and increases the intensity, alertness and movement.Green molds remove toxic substances, include overcrowding and improve secretion

Try other weight loss strategies.Prepare a fruit basket. Only give them morning tea and drink only water. As fruits become liquid, they remove most toxins and toxins from the body.
Before cutting to rubbing, rub a special brush with a damp cloth.So, remove the old, uncloud feature. Your skin is more complicated, fat will be removed, and the facial and facial skin will improve. Additionally, if one kilogram of salt is added to the bath, the solution removes the fluid from the body from the pen.

A good diet after the new year:

We will give you a good recipe for a meal after the New Year to loot food. Fill 500 g of figs and water with three water tanks. Blink until the liquid hits the halfway point.Eat half a glass before each meal. If you gain a kilogram excessively, you can quickly and easily exclude them within two days. The recipe is simple - do not eat, do not eat, and do not taste sweet. It can last for two weeks without needing three pounds - this is for a while, bread and bread products, delicious dishes, roasted, spices and crisp.

Assign high caloric alcohol

Try to avoid high calorie food. Additionally, this includes a lot of calories, such as shampoo or wine, alcohol.
Alcoholic beverages are very high in calories, especially alcohol and alcohol. The fact is that alcohol is the amount of meat it is consumed in the sugar. Choose beer or dry white wine, these are small calories. Do not drink more than a glass. This will give you a slimmer look and a clearer understanding of the mind.
How to lose weight after the new year First you need to get back to normal enough to get back to the bottom. However, it is time to start a variety of activities that will help you cope with stress, excess weight loss, weight gain, and weight loss.
The New Year is an exciting day that we await. Newly tasty desserts are being prepared for the new year. But it is not just a result. Excessive, supple, addictive, and delicious foods are very harmful to the body of the body. And for this reason, additional kilos that have not been out for us will be returned to them during these holiday days. So, the first idea after giving birth to most girls is "Can weight be reduced?"
It is important that you do not lose weight after Friday, start preparing for the new year, and clean the day one day. Prepare your fast and precisely recommended diet plan for the New Year's Eve, and provide the best of healing. Also, the joint decision is not to eat at the table for the new year and actively participate in holiday celebrations.

How they are getting better on the new calendar

All festivals are packed with fun dishes. So it's not easy to keep yourself fresh and fat at this time. But it is possible. You need to follow a few simple rules (no need to eat) -
  1. They eat a little, but it's enough. Do not Affect Hungry - Loses the kilograms given. Shut the system down on the feeding system.
  2. Avoid cooking in the lunch break. Or replace sandwiches with fruit, and replace cakes with light milk rolls.
  3. In fact, we look at delicious Noodle tables with delicious dishes, as a guide, volunteer. But you only have to limit yourself and take too many beautiful beverages when you are in a hurry. To try everything.
  4. Restrict the consumption of sweet, salty, spices, oils, and alcohol consumables throughout the world.
  5. Fasting helps to clean the body. Set up at least one vacation during vacation. Only select the lowest calorie foods you love. And then, fasting days are difficult and difficult for you.
  6. Reducing weight is easy when your heart becomes cheerful and joyful. Allow delightful circumstances, gifts, happy meetings. So, do not try to get upset and anxious during the first few days of the new year.
I felt a little self-serving and little movement was possible to be on holiday for no overflowing effect.

After installation, the installation will begin

Helps to clean the body as soon as possible and to save on many festivals as it can help absorb toxins and toxins. During the trucking day, the body will be completely cleared, and the weight will work as clock time. But someday you should fix your diet before you can eat a diet.
  • An empty stomach in the morning to drink pure potable gas from the gas.
  • Next, build a day to take a small meal every 2-3 hours.
  • It is preferable to products from plant products: fruits, vegetables, legumes.
  • The last meal should be within 19 hours.

Losing weight of drinking water

After the holiday season, you will need to establish a drinking system during the day to clean up the body and reduce weight loss. Easy to do. You must drink at least 1 liter of liquid a day.
Of course, you tried to try this method, but in your homework, you would need to drink a glass of water every hour during the first half of the day.
There is a simple and very useful tip: Keep your bedding water in all segments. You can immediately drink water and mirror as soon as you look at your eyes. So you will find it easier to meet the drinking level.

After fasting after the holiday

To reduce weight after the new calendar year, you have to organize at least one fast day, which will help you to normalize and return. During the uninstall process, metallic processes are common, hygienic, stressed during all holidays, the internal organs are being adjusted.
After weddings you can choose any product that you can use to fasten your day. Apples, grapefruit, vegetables, squash, barley, omele, can be cold. The most comfortable thing you can do is lay the foundation for the body and restore it to a healthy diet. Additionally, fasting may come out of several calories calories.

How to cleanse and lose weight?

  • It is the base of pure drinking water. It is recommended to use it within a day. Standard - 30 milliseconds. By 1kG Weight. Point out how much you drink each day and keep going from sleep. Drink at midnight of the day. After lunch - 1 cup for 2 hours. Last hour at 8 pm.
  • It is best to choose a low fat dish, which is easy and fast, generally easy to eat. It is possible to have a lot of water from the scaffold and low-fat home baked goods, pomegranates and fruits, corn, biomedicale, and fruit sauce.
  • Suitable for all types of vegetables (eg, from Iodine 1: 1: 2 from ceramics, oranges and cabbage). Broiled barbitur or rice is a good taste. It's better to avoid eating meat.
  • For example, dairy, dairy products, proteinuria, vegetable milk choices.
After the hotel's "stomach" you will be able to return to the form and fully restore it. And then, you can go to heavy commercial ways like weight, like weight lifting.

Eat after the new year

I have to say that when a food is in high quantities, it should be taken care of:
  • They give you new disturbances for the body to start a little self and start a hunger. All the PAs they have in the holidays will be with you. The nutritional process reduces the speed, but it is likely to be overweight.
  • After the new year, gradually switch to a diet. They eat a little, but many times.
  • Increase the amount of plant foods in your diet.
  • End of meals at the end of 18-19.
  • The stronger diet that is built on one or more products is not a burden to your body.
Nutritionists recommend resting a day after the new year, and after a while, continue to eat and lose weight.

Activity to reduce weight after the holiday

  • Walking and walking . New year's holidays are over a day. Therefore, visiting friends and taking strangers takes time. Outside your home or alone outdoors. Ride within the park quickly, so fast within the stadium. Make body weight weight light enough to restore body parts.
  • Scandals and socks. If you leave an active passenger, this new year is a good time to breeze. It's very important when traveling between slopes or snow chasing (in the winter - far) hills meetings. After a few years weight loss is not easy, so this type of weight loss will help you lose weight.
  • Training on Simplified . If it's time to go back to this kind of physical activity from time to time, it's time to break off during breaks. How to drive a "solitaire" bicycle and paddles. But overloading yourself is not the same. Change of dynamic change is not healthy.
  • Outdoor Games . This is a lovely, big blow. If you and your family or friends decide to walk after completing the rest of the new year's table, mix it with some fun games. Throw snowballs, run, genuinely enjoy. The more sloppy, the easier it is to lose weight.
  • Move party as much as possible. Disco - a good option for the holiday. Organize your home with friends at the same time, just sit back and organize it.

We go to the bath

Not only diet and exercise but also help you lose weight. Reduce weight, wash or sanitize after the new year. This is a great way to eliminate additional food items stored during holidays. Excessive sweating, the body passes poisonous substances if you do not want to quit it.
  • It is not advisable to fill in early in the morning if you plan to wash. All the festivals, such as alcoholic beverages and desserts, may be packed with foods that are very heavy, so it is better to decide which foods you can eat a day or even a day to eat during your day to catch your hunger.
  • Procedures to reduce weight loss, over time, should not be compromised. At high temperatures, you have to make many visits for 5-10 minutes, and then clean up in every one.
  • Green tea and mineral water help understand the most significant metabolic processes in the body during traditional processes.
  • All kinds of wraps contribute to the removal of toxic substances, so it's good to wash your body and remove excess fat and combine it with a lot of help.
The question is how to reduce it after the summer.

Refresh the daily routine after the New Year's Day

Every day, every Christmas, every Christmas break, no matter what's good. Your weight increases faster, and your diet does not help to reduce the number of pounds and reduce the weight.
  • After 19 hours, the food is eaten slightly mixed. By morning, her body is in bed, and a new portion of the food on a breakfast only adds anxiety to the stomach. They often slept to sleep and slept. In the morning, after drinking water in an empty stomach, a small hotel receives a small amount of hot food, and the delay is delayed and the problems continue unpredictably.
  • If you want to lose weight after Friday, the day-to-day regime of the day will be a major factor. Eat your body at certain times. The New Year's Eve is unexpectedly unpredictable at work. When you change your diet system quickly, weight loss process makes it easy.
  • Also, your work will not be rebuilt after your vacation is over. That day regime will help to prevent new stress, such as regulation, fat, flour and sweetness.
  • Sleep loss is a process of reducing sleep. They are given the opportunity to maintain the central nervous system, which takes up 22 to 24 hours, as well as sleep until midnight.
The new year is to breathe in the air and to start the movement of our activities next year with better forces. Reduce weight after a new year. Demand is sufficient, and impossible is possible. Diet, exercise, daytime, and certain restrictions will help you. If they follow the advice given in this article, the results do not take longer to wait. Easily reassemble your body into your original form and adjust your body style in a short time.
Only a few fortunate women can transport opportunities that are not suitable for eating or eating. Each week, they are covered with more suprilin or soft meat. Well, it's a weekly marathon - this is a real test for the couple, and not everyone can stand up in dignity. So, in the middle of January, your control will not change to pumpkin. After the new year, Oliver will have time to lose weight and lose weight.
Of course you can go to the hospital, and under the strict supervision of the trainer, begin to punish yourself by taking too much rest in food. But there is no strength, no time, no one to fit. Do not print out any health problems? Fast Diet & Fast Food - This is what you want. By the way, it's good to keep them, even if it's not even thicker for the new year. In fact, it's such fat, sweet, salty and harmful as it can go away in these two weeks.

Protein after eating

A protein diet is one of the most successful foods that can produce instant results. Under his name is acknowledged for teams, and will be used to reduce the weight as quickly as possible. This dietary food helps to get rid of excessive water, give you the relief of the current muscles and help you lose weight later in the year.
As your name implies, your diet is the main body of your diet. Often - animal origin. But do not forget about vegetables and legumes. The most common products:
  • Chicken shoe;
  • Banana oven
  • Eggs (mostly egg white);
  • Dairy products up to 2.5% with high fat content;
  • We need meat;
  • Give up
  • buckwheat;
  • Brown rice
Of course, meat and fish must be cooked in the stove or inside your bowl, butter, salt, quickly with carbohydrates - baking, brush, sugar and chocolate. There is no limit to a small area, but it still needs to be fed fraction and a little. It is hard and nutritious for these small commodity collections, but not. In addition to the roasted roasted roasted roasted roasted chicken, you can cook a variety of dishes. If you add a little apple and egg, you will get good nutrition from the cottage. Slice of meatballs with zucchini rice. The meat is easy to cook on food. Using very small amounts of oil, you can add the chicken pot. Do not forget to drink up to 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day. But it is because the fluid is stored in the body. In any case, such low-calorie diets have even good results, even with the physical strength.

Fasting days

For a few weeks, this kind of diet will not only reduce weight after the New Year, but also thoroughly cleanse your intestines.
The main reason of this diet is simple: You only eat fruits. No meat, no cereals, dairy products or eggs. New or dried fruits, vegetables and water only. Salt and chips are not allowed to be dried. It is advisable to drop out of the largest quantities of blood in the list of whites and whites. Fruits can be eaten with specific numbers, but it is better to mix with 2 different types at a time. We can use a simple exercise to improve the seat: Wash dried apricots and washbasins, pour boiling water, and for several hours in the hospital. Then bury in a sink, put in a bin, and put it in a freezer. Have a stomachache in one pair. Drinking water. Dried fruits are close to potassium, which is useful in the heart.

Egg yogurt

The essential version is built for 4 weeks strictly, reflecting the weight of the weight of the new year. Just one week - and you can lose at least 3 kilograms!
As you might guess, the main product is a chicken egg. 6 times a day to eat. If you are afraid of such a size, sometimes 400 ounces of meat, chicken, or 250 grams of raw fish will be replaced. The breakfast table is the same for every 7 days of eating; 2 Eggs of a Chicken Uncalable and a Bunch of Fruits. However, it can be replaced with large orange. Daily meals start with 2 eggs, so you can experiment with any kind of crisp baking. In addition to the oysters, you can eat tomato, egg yolk, or sponge. Get a black coffee or a black tea. For a day's rest, with the rest of the 2 eggs, you can eat meat or a little bit of chickpeas, or roasted vegetables, as an offering of meat. During the whole diet, you can consume no pure carbonated water, black coffee, sugar and vegetable juices.
If you get the disease, any foods should stop right away.

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