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Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Improve Health

       How to Improve Health
Whoever wants to be ill? The disease does not only repeat the person, but it also erases the pocket. Due to this, your health is growing, you can not go to work or school, can not work and You can not take care of your family too. Other people have to take care of you and you may have to spend heavy money on medicines and medicines.

What someone has said is that "diet is better than cure." There are some diseases that we can not survive. You can still take some precautions that may reduce or decrease in some diseases. Or maybe it's over. Come on, consider five ways you can improve your health.

1 hand well smoke:
According to many health institutions, one of the best ways to prevent hand-washing and their spread.

People usually get nausea, cold, and fluorescence because they get nose or eyes with dirty hands. The best way to avoid these diseases is that you often wash hands in the day. Follow the principles of hygiene. So you can also avoid serious illnesses such as pneumonia and dangers etc. Due to such diseases, more than 20 million children suffer from death, which are less than five years old.
Applying a small habit of hand washing can also reduce the likelihood of spreading Ebola cognitive disease .In some cases, hand washing is very important to prevent the health of our patients, such as:
After using a toilet after adjusting or pissing them after pissing or puffing them on a wound and after meeting with a sick person, after eating or eating vegetables or meat etc., cutting, cooking, eating and drinking etc. After throwing an animal after touching an animal or its wasting after snatching, coughing or nose before offering it to others.

Use 2 clean water
Some can take precautions that may reduce or decrease the possibility of suffering some diseases.
Hormones usually occur due to drinking water or eating such a meal that contains germs for the patient's patient's disease. Whether it is caused by water or due to any other problem, How can you avoid diseases?
Keep in mind that you always use clean water to drink, toothbrush, ice cream, wash vegetables, cooking and wash the dishes.
In many countries the water of a public water or a good company is often protected.
If you feel that water mixed with pipe is contaminated, use it properly to boil or use water purification medicines. If you use chlorine or any other medicine, then use it. Follow the company's instructions carefully.
If you have standard filters available in your country and you can buy them, use them to clean water. If there is no medicine or water purification filter, do not mix domestic bleach in water. Only one in a liter water Add drops. Then clean it well and let it stay for 30 minutes. Use it later.
Be careful in eating 3 foods
Eating healthy foods
It is important for good health to eat balanced and nutritious food.
Keep in mind that do not use excessive salt, grease and sugar and do not eat more than once at the same time.
Make sure to add fruits and vegetables to your food and try not to eat the same type of food each day. The lunch of lentils is more fiber than white flour. Similarly, the bread of two loaves of bread, dairy and pasta They are more fiber and nutritious than the things made of mud.
Therefore, when purchasing them carefully consider the information written on them, so that you can see whether it is red or yellow. Eat meat that does not contain much fat in order to obtain protein. Grocery, butter, cheese, cake And biscuits etc., because they also have high fat. Using syrup or fat to cook, it is better to use a good oil.

Due to excessive salt in the food, blood pressure can increase which is harmful .If you are suffering from this disease, reduce the amount of salt in your food and if you buy a packaged food, then its label But check the amount of salt.
It is not important to take care of what kind of diet you eat, but it is also important to see how much you eat.
Take pleasure from your food, but do not eat as much hungry .If the food is not cooked properly or it is not preserved properly, it may cause food pose nuts, severe stomach and may be severe. Millions of people every year suffer severe illness due to such a healthy eating diet. Most people get well early but some die because of it.
What can you do to avoid it?
Vegetables often grow in the soil, so that they can wash them properly before using it. Wash your hand, knife, vessel and place where you place them by placing them with tears or meat. Use hot and soap water for it.
Do not keep cooked food in such a place or plate where you previously planted egg, raw meat or fish.
This place or plate first good

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