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Sunday, July 14, 2019

How to Ball Guides. Pintani: storytelling, laws, and techniques. Great places to play in Pentac

Ball Guides. Pintani: storytelling, laws, and techniques. Great places to play in Pentac

Games for the Pantatin 6 heavy metal and a small light-cosplay (French - "little pig"). The goal of the game is to throw the right ball at the edge of the game.
Two teams play Petersk, each team includes one, two or three players.The game does not use over 12 balls. If a team consists of one or two players, each one plays in three shots. If a team includes three players, such a team will play with two players in such a team.Choose which teams to play first, picking the selections. This team has a circle around 30 cm in diameter.
The first group of players throw a wooden ball - a cosine within 6 to 10 meters, but not more than 50 centimeters from any obstacle. At this point, the player must be in the foot of the player until the tree stops.
After a bunny is thrown, any team player takes the first ball, tries to get closer to the venues. Likewise, the ark's foot should not go above its glory. The Second Team The player plays in the same circle after the first football. Draw the ball closer to the circle or throw the opponent's ball.
The next batch is recorded in the group more than a kickoff, and one until the ball is driving at one end of the ball instead of the opponent's shakers. Then, dissenting opposition groups will go down. If the team does not have a basket, the other team is trying to keep the rest of the ball closer to the cockroach. Both teams are drawn, and the balls are drawn.The team won many points in the basket, where the baskets are close to the circle, rather than the proximity of the competition team.

Each group is divided into one round of balls. The winning team will start a new round, the first round starts with a circle, and it will be re-branded and a new round will begin. The team continues the game until the end of 13 points.
The official rules of the Petatán game include all National Federations, all members of the International Federation and Diary Games.
These regulations were approved by the IPP International Conference in Dundalk (Senegal) on 14/11/2008
General Guidelines
Article 1 - Membership Team
Tattooing is played by three players playing with three (three).
The following alternatives are also permitted:
- 2 players have two (Billiards),
- 1 player plays with one (one-man-in-one)
In the Salaas, each player uses two balloons.
Double & One-Match Games - For every three balls.
Other options are not allowed.
Article 2 - The allowed ball characteristics
Pennant plays with the allowed ball and MFP with the following features:
(1) Balls must be made of metal.
(2) The balloon diameter must be at least 7.05 cm and less than 8.00 centimeters.
(3) Balls weighing at least 650 grams and no more than 800 g. The manufacturer's performance and the weight of the ball must be shaped and displayed at any time.
National competitions (up to 11 years old) use 600 grams and 65 mm diameter, provided by authorized distributors.
(4) Balls should not be filled with sand or pencil. You can not change the ball in any way. Ball strength to change the strength is strictly forbidden.
However, the player's first and second names, as well as the different logos, the first letters and the acronym, may indicate the size of the pins.
Article 2a - Punishment of non-essential balls
Any player who violates any situation (4) will be terminated immediately with the party.
The ball is not false, but after the factory is defective or defective, the official check does not pass or meet the requirements (1), (2) or (3), the player must be replaced. If desired, you can replace the whole set.
All team games must meet these three points before the game begins. Therefore, players must meet their competitors football and ball above.
Exemptions under paragraph (4) may be stated in the game, but between the matches. If a match is awarded after the third round or after the third match and if it is unreasonable, it will be added 3 points for the match team or player.
A judge or jury can investigate any player's ball at any time.
Article 3 - Authorized Priest
Cutting cuts must be made with wood products or mixtures with the manufacturer's mark and must meet the MFP requirements. The thermometer must be 30 mm (error: +/- 1 mm).
It is possible to paint any color, but not magnetically.
Article 4 - Licenses
Each player must provide his / her permission before the contest starts. In addition, the judge or the opponent must meet the requirements.
You can play pescs anywhere.However, you may request that the committee or judge have the parties play in one specific area. In this case, the size of the site:
For national contests and contests - 15 m 3 m 3;
In other contest court cases may allow other dimensions but may not exceed 12 megms.
When the two playgrounds have common boundaries and court corridors, the tunnel is outside for both courts.
When the playground is closed, the guard should be at least a meter away from the playground.
The game will continue up to 13 points. Up to 11 points in tournament and team competitions are allowed.
In some contests, playback may be limited.
Article 6 - The Beginning of the Game - Circle Features
Groups must cast lots to determine which group will select a site and drop the board.
If the site is set by the editors, it will be priced on this site. Groups participating in the game do not have the right to transfer to another site without a license.
Win the winnable, then any player of the team chooses the home location and spins a circle, or makes it possible for any player to stand on both feet. The diameter of the diameter must not be longer than 35 centimeters and not more than 50 centimeters. The spiral shape has a diameter of 50 centimeters (error +/- 2 mm).
Circles - Designing decisions are made by an organizing committee, which is given to the participants.
The circle must be within 1 meter of any material and at least 2 meters from any of its playgroups.
The koshonet groups must delete all circles near the circle used.
Cleansing the inside of the weights completely, removing gravels, etc.During the weight, but at the end of the weighing, it should be restored everywhere.
The circle failed.
During playtime, a player must be in the entire circle, touch the tunnel and not leave the ground until the ground touches it. Any circle of the player must be exposed outside of the ring.
Different players, with the exception of foot and feet, are allowed to have only one foot in the circular motion.
It is not more than a gambler with at least one tread on a wheelchair that wants to throw a ball in a wheelchair.
It does not mean that the throwing of koshonet's throw from the team does not have to throw the first ball.
Article 7 - Distance from Cannon to Cannon
The denominator is condemned by a game if it matches the subject of a game.
(1) Distance from the curve to the inner circle Distance within the circle:
4 m - 8 m - Children (up to 12 years);
Children: 5 - 9 meters - for kids (12-14 years);
6 - 10 meters - Jiangans (15-17 years old) and adults (over 17 years of age).
(2) The club is at least at least 1 meter away.
(3) The bus is approximately 1 ¾ kilo meter distance and is far behind the site.
(4) The player looks at the cabinet, stops the circle, and stands in the ground as much as possible at the ear of the player as much as possible. In case of emergency, the judge determines whether the fence is open. Appeal of a decision is not allowed on this issue.
In the next round, Cosans should be placed in a Chesapeic club at the end of last season unless otherwise:
The circle will be less than a foot away from any obstacle.
Composer can not be placed on any permitted distance.
At the beginning, the player should draw or place the circle in the position he was in need of.
For the second time, the new layout goes back to the next round, until the player enters the jackpot rules.This rule applies only if the maximum distance can not be placed in any direction.
If you install three subsequent domains in a group but do not meet the position of the site, the Forum will facilitate three attempts to another team based on the three attempts and the code outlined above. After that, if the circle back to the previous group, the circle can no longer move.
Three of these horses will have a maximum of 1 minute.
After the first three attempts, the team that had the right to abandon the right of the Kantarabo team initially dropped the ball.
Article 8 - The kosonetically condemned for whom they are sought
If a judge falsifies a person by falsehood, player, viewer, animal or other object, it must be removed from the game and thrown again.This will not be counted among the three attempts made by the group.
After Koshonet and the first ball was shifted, he had the right to accept the Kiev position. If the objection is accepted, the ball and the corollary will fall down once again.
The caching is transferred by the parties to a mutual agreement or by the judge. If a team continues to make such a decision, it has the right to remove the Causeway rights.
The opponent dropped the ball, then it was considered in koshonet, and other objections were unacceptable.
Article 9 - Leaving the game
Kosonet is considered to be in the following circumstances:
(1) the tree moves from place to place (though it does come back).The quota on the edge of the coin resides in the game. Exceed the game and go beyond the entire boundary. The cat is out of the field completely oblivious. If the cat is floating in the water free of charge, the game is out of the game.
(2) In the game, the cactus is hidden in a court of law, but not in a circular seat. The director may momentarily move the ball to clear the position of the cubicle.
(3) Snoring over 20 meters (adult or juvenile) or about 15 meters (infants) or within 3 meters of the game.
(4) playing in the playing field, when the player crosses a length longer than the track, or when crossing the end of the street.
(4a) passes through the marked lines during the timetable of the marked areas.
(5) If the consensus is not found within 5 minutes.
(6) A game zone between the Club and Playground.
Article 10 - Removing obstacles
Players are not strictly prohibited to remove, move or clear any obstacles in the playground.
In this way, a player can try three places where he / she is preparing to receive the ball (it is less likely to measure the weak, not the weak).
A player or team member can raise a level between one of the previously played ball games.
If the player does not agree with the rules outlined above, the player considers the punishments described in section 34 of the "Discipline".
Article 10 - Changes in the Basketball or the Canaries
Players are forbidden to change the Shark and Ball Ball games except during the game:
(1) If the ball or ball is not found in 5 minutes.
(2) If the ball or ball is broken, their positions will be closed in this position. If no balls are still installed, the bogies or balls that have been added will be replaced by a similar or lengthwise diameter (after the required dose).In the next round, the player can redesign his ball balls.
Article 11 - Cocosseus is hidden and diverted
During the game, these items will be deleted when closed with chimney, leaves, paper, etc.
For example, if the tree is moved, the wind or the activity of the site, the site will return to the site if it is marked.
There is a similar principle when a censor, player, spectator, animal or other moving thing is altered, or a ball or cochinee suddenly changes from another toy.
To avoid misunderstandings, the players must check the position of the ship. Claims not made on unclaimed balls or cards will not be accepted.
If the tree moves in a game ball, it's in the new game in the game.
Article 12 - Take the place of the ark to another place
If a codec is playing in another game during a game, if it is not in text 9, it is considered to be in the konet game. This situation is also true in the areas marked and unknown.
Players using koshonet should wait until the game goes on in the country to continue.
At this time, players must show patience and humility.
In the next round, Borrow looks at the provision set out in paragraph 7 in the squadron of the interview.
Article 13 - Laws mentioning a catastrophe
If the game breaks out in the game, there are three options:
(1) A picture is displayed when both teams make a soccer match.
(2) Counts as many as the number of balloons left in the hands of a single team.
(3) If any team has no ball, a drawing is specified.
Article 14 - Following a foreign intervention, the Kitenet site
(1) If a bundle is suspended or it is dismissed or rejected by the consortium, it will have a new status.
(2) If the square kilometer on the player is judged or changed by the player, the opponent has the right to:
(A) leave the embroidery in a new manner;
(B) Return to its original location.
(C) Chat should be free from anywhere (1) (2) (after 2nd), short distance (more than 15 meters) for the distance (more than 15 meters).
Only items (b) and (c) are acceptable only. Otherwise, it stays in the place where it stands.
After the cat's stolen, he interrupts the house and after returning home, he is taken from the game and Article 13 is carried out.
Article 15 - Throwing the first and the next balls
In the next round, the team player or the previous round defeated the first ball.
The ball will then descend into the team that has not scored a final score.
Players can not draw or use other objects to point out the loading line or ballpoint points. As the player leaps out the last ball, he will not play any game in the second leg.
Balls fall only one.
A ball can not fall again. See another site, animal or other moving object (soccer, etc.) and second paragraph 8.
Exiting soccer or censorship is prohibited.
Before removing it, you must remove all waste dirt from the balloon. Penalties for violating this regulation are described in Article 34.
If the first ball is out of the match, if there are no more balls in the jungle, the opponent will continue the game.
If there is no game after the destruction, or a marking field, then paragraph 28 will be used.
Article 16 - Behavior of viewers and players during the game
When throwing off the ball, viewers and other players need to be quiet.
Opponents should walk, have gyros, or not move the player in any way. Only the members of the player can be held between the circle and the payor.
Opposites must be at the back of the club or behind the back (behind the back), by the throwing side and must be at least 2 meters away (from the club or circle).
After you abide by these rules, players who do not abide by these rules will be removed from the dropdown after a warning.
Article 17 - Ball training and ball passing off the ball
The players are not allowed to drop the test during the game.Players who violate this regulation are subject to Article 34.
Excerpts will be counted within the game, except for circumstances described in Article 18 during the game.
Article 18 - Ball on the ball
Any ball that goes completely beyond the playing field is counted from the game.
The ball on the edge of the site is in the game. The ball is completely over the game, crossing the ball to the fullest, for example, the ball is unlimited. When playing in a playground with similar rules, the ball is more than one track closer to the play track, and the track is not in the position of crossing the finish line.
During games in a time zone within the selected area, when the line passes the game, the ball will exit the game.
If the ball rejoins the playground or other object in the play-offs, it will be excluded immediately from the game without the game.Anything added to this ball will be returned.
Any ball outside the game must be removed immediately in court, otherwise the ball will be dropped in the game by the other team.
Article 19 - Football Stand
Any ball stops or stops because of any viewer or judge.
Any ball drawn, stolen or accidentally removed from the same team will be removed from the game.
If a player is interrupted by a ball or the opponent is suddenly knocked unconsciously, he or she restores or stays on the basis of the player's decision.
If a player is locked or if a player is in the team, the competitor has the right to:
(1) Leave it off.
(2) Move from the original position to the right position, above the ceiling above, where the correct position is located on the correct line on the spot.
(3) Any gamers deliberately halting the ball should not be equal to their team.
Article 20 - Time to download
From the time the cosplay is thrown, every player has 1 minute to beat the ball. The count starts with the previous soccer ball, and if the measurements are needed to work, the starting point of the equation.
Possession of this rule by koshoneta - Player has 1 minute to three attempts.
Actors who do not abide by these rules are subject to the sanctions listed in Article 34.
Article 21 - Ball transport
For example, if the ball is changed, the wind or the podium will have to return to the starting position.By a player, the judge, the viewer, the animal, or any other moving thing is the same law that is used in the same ball. 
To avoid a disagreement, players indicate the position of the ball. 
Exceptions are not counted for unapproved balls. If the parties disagree and the disputes remain the final decision, the judge will remain. 
When the ball moves in another game, it plays on the new position. 
Article 22 - An unusual soccer 
player receives a warning from a player who does not play in football. Such balls stay in the game, but should be replaced immediately after the shots are determined. 
If this is supported by the game then the selection is canceled and the ball has changed. 
Article 23: 
Any ball casted outside the office shall be taken from the game and removed from the game will be returned to the original place (if any). 
However, the opponent can defend the rules himself and mistakenly value the ball. In this case, the abandoned ball and the balls are in the new position.
Calculating points and measuring calculator 
Article 24 - Temporal 
Panicle Shoots allow the balls between the balls and boats to be adjusted at a temporary speed. 
After the postage, all things are back to their place. If the thing is stagnant, it is using special measurement tools to measure. 
Article 25 - Measurements are 
determined by the player by throwing one of the last balls or group members. After all, opposers have the right to decide for themselves. Wherever the ball appears anywhere, a judge can call to determine a round decision at any time, and it will be final. 
Each team must be made with the appropriate device that it has. 
Hiking is forbidden. Players who do not adhere to these rules shall be subject to the penalties specified in Article 34 "Disciplinary". 
Article 26 - 
Before the ball ends, the players will not be allowed to remove game balls. 
All the balls drawn in court come out before the given points are reached. No complaints will be accepted on this issue.
Article 27 - If the 
player or bogot listed as one of the most popular soccer or bowl games in the system during the game, the ball is considered to be better than the enemy ball. 
In the final round of the weight, one player moves the commons before an agreement is reached on the score, which the opponent has to contend with. 
The judge must make an informed decision if he or she releases the weight or the ball in normal times. 
Article 28 - Candidate Balls 
If two balls closer to the opposite team than the quadrips can be three diseases. 
(1) If the teams stop stopping the ball, draw a picture. The consulate in the previous round was dropped from the proper members. 
(2) When one of the team moves from baseball, the player gets a lot of points. The bullets are close to Prancis when compared to the opponent's balls. 
(3) Both teams play soccer, first throwing the last ball. Then the queue goes to the opposite team, and so on, until one of the group groups a point. If the ball remains with only one team, the above terms apply.
At the end of the game, all the balls are connected, and then the picture is displayed. 
Article 29 - Removal of 
samples of samples of trash should be avoided by any debris that is disposed of by a group or group of animals prior to the descent. 
Article 30 - Player Content Requests 
shall be submitted to the Applicant in consideration of the Player's request. Claims submitted after the game will not be accepted. 
Each group is responsible for examining the opposition group (permissions, participation, playground, ball, etc). 
Article 31 - Punishment of team or player loss 
during the game and the achievement of the result, players must be on the table. After 15 minutes of reading these results, a group of offenders in the court is paid a defendant (after the group up to the end of the game). This is 5 minutes, with time-limited games. 
The penalty will then increase by 1 percentage points after 5 minutes. 
In a similar order, after each plan, you can start the game again or discontinue (for any reason).
A team that is not on the site within 1 hour of the match will be removed from a contest. 
A team can play without any players, but the balls of those players can not be used. 
Without the judge's permission, the player does not have the right to join the game or leave the playground. The conditions described in paragraphs 31 and 32, in violation of this regulation, are in effect. 
Article 32 - Late Team or Player 
After the game starts, the upcoming player can not participate in this round, but may participate in the beginning of the next round. 
If a player is late for more than 1 hour, you will not be allowed to participate in this game. 
If the long-time team is a winner, they have the right to participate in the following events after registering in a team. 
If a contest participates in a team, the last player can participate in the next game. 
It is believed that the console was started when it came into the game. 
Article 33 - Changing Players
Before the player starts to play between guns or two keystrokes before the start (screaming, photo ad, etc.) and the player does not already have been registered with another group in the same group in the same group. .
Article 34 - The 
appropriate player in violation of the rules includes one of the following penalties: 
(1) Warning. 
(2) Shoot the ball. 
(3) Two game breaks. 
(4) eliminating the player from the game. 
(5) the team is eliminated from the competition. 
(6) the removal of the two groups from the outcry. 
Article 35 - Variable weather conditions In 
difficult weather, the game will end until the end of the cycle, or the judge will decide whether or not to suspend or cancel the stand because of the operation. 
Article 36 - 
After the start of the new round of competition, some games have not been completed, and the Judge can advise the Board and continue to make the necessary decisions. 
Article 37 - Lack of 
Sports The lack of sports or opposition groups, the people, the organizational committee and the judge should be rejected. This may override the outcome of the game and result in the punishment described in paragraph 38.
Article 38 - 
A player who violates the rules of game by violating a player's violation of the rules or punishing an attacker, judge, other player, or player who violates the perpetrator shall be punished with the severity of the attack: 
(1) disqualification. 
(2) license. 
(3) inheritance of prizes and prizes. 
The penalty imposed on the player may also be suspended on the group. 
It places the first penalty on the siege. The second is the judge. 
The third is implemented by the organization committee and sends a decision of the committee of the committee within 48 hours. 
In all cases, the Chairperson of the committee of the Federation shall make a final decision. 
All players need to wear good clothes. Players who do not abide by these rules are dismissed after an alarming warning. 
Article 39: 
The role of the jury is the responsibility of the judge and competition rules and the rules of the game and rules of competition. Respondents have the right to refuse a player or group who refuses to comply.
The judge may notify the invader's representative to all viewers who have a valid or temporary permission to play the role that they contain. This representative will guide the convicts to the Sanction Committee. 
Article 40 - Competition of Contestants and Operations 
Co-Prosecutors All cases not reported in the law are presented by the judge and sent to the judges. Judicial composition - between 3 and 5 people. Jury decision will not be appealed. If the judge disagrees, the decision is by the junior board.
From the Russian Federation Petank website
National Federations National Federations National Federations National Federations National Federations National Federation of Federations National Institute of Federations National Federations National Federation of Federations National Federations National Federations National Federations National Federation of Federations The rules of the Papana rules involve two to six people, and devices are important. But there are no specific requirements for the site. How to play

The story of the Pinca

Games of the same type were famous in ancient Rome and Greece. Putting a round stone or wooden ball at one place is where priorities are given. After a while, the game reverted to the Middle East and quickly became popular. In the 16th century, people were temporarily banned because they felt that their time would be better and stronger than beating and cutting down on growth and strength.
Although there are many obstacles, the game has not forgotten it and it is still available in many Mediterranean countries and the United Kingdom. The modern shapes, at the beginning of the second century, regrouped the second of France's prowess.
The mystery of popularity is simple - Pennena's laws do not refer to age restrictions and heavy sports training. And everywhere - grass, cricket, ground, sand. It may seem worse on the way, but it may be. The grocery store is easy - with up to 12 balls and a common comet. Once invented, shells can be made as needed, for example, to collect suitable peppers. Of course, this is not exactly a patch, the rules of the game will not appear, but it will be very fun. In France and Belgium this is the national sport that goes from supra to large. Not surprisingly, people continue to play pentaca.

Game rules

Participants with the same number of groups divided into two equal groups. Then the lottery will be taken, which will be covered by koshonet as a mini ball. The height is a set of half-mile long.
Tom or the previous round the winning team will be eligible for the first round. In each group, a switch is created when the groups of shuffle are approaching the other. With up to 6 players taking up 12 balls - for each of them. World rules do not only give more than one minute, but when played with friends they can be completely ignored. After the goal is fully unloaded with all the young squad, the team's balls are close to the other shells. This flag may be able to scroll through enemy locations or target the target.
Measurements taken after the set points - Metrics have been taken. It is important to know how far the team is at the group level, and how close are the pitches to the cosine. The total sum will be the result. The game usually lasts up to 13 points. In general, the smells are very similar, except that the rules are covered with snow and the spell is moving.


Translated from French, this word means "pig." Usually it can be seen and weighs up to 10 feet [10 m]. Because the diameter is only 3 centimeters.
They are too big and heavy to throw and throw balls. If it is international terms, Janaketan may or may start from player activities, but only in relation to the teams. Transferring his or her body is prohibited. If the target is out of the site, the game will be removed.


Players have strict requirements for physics to drop players during the game. First of all, they must be metal and second should be 7.04 to 8 centimeters diameter. They also weighed between 650 and 800 grams. Heat, heat, or otherwise influence the surface of the ball. They can not be removed, but logos or, for example, the player's letters can be stored on them. Generally, groups are monitored using different colors.


There are three main ways to play the game, which does not prohibit the Pinacs rules.
  1. Take your balls close to the wall as much as possible. This is simple, but sometimes the most effective method. If this is the case, it's so easy to find that way. For example, you can defend your position in different ways by placing your balls behind the enemy shells. But this method can be combined with another.
  2. Check the opponent's balls. This strategy requires knowledge of certain practices and the laws of physics. However, this method can be very useful when everyone is close to the target.
  3. Coock Cockney. Generally, this moving actors will have no balls and their position will be well protected. Otherwise, such a course could result in a devastating effect.
So the rules of Pennnan are very simple. You only need to earn experience, experience and experience. And who knows? Could this game be a recent Olympic discipline?
Today, you'll find a little funny story about the game, which captures the heart of France. This game is beaten pēniteki . It may also have other names, such as buli, bobi, or bacs, in other lands. Let's see this amazing game because thousands of people are not playing any part of it.

Peking's game, which is also bouncy

I watched a second French playmaker in the bush in the San-Paul-D-Van town of Pro Provençal. During the afternoon, two teams of full-time fans were not interested in balloons and tourists. Each one had a lot of hands in their hands, some of which had special spikes on the rope so as not to suck the balls from the ground. The ground they were playing was ground. During games during a game, you can see how the players benefit from soft drinks. Okay, while I was growing old, I went out of Provence and found Pankechen next to Provo Island ... but I had a dream. here we go.)))
We play the French palaces (Saint-Paul-de-Vence) playing.
It's an interesting player who's terribly excited.)))
After the party you can easily lose a few glasses of glass in the nearby cafe.

Penicilla - story

Studying the story of this game can tell you that this game is derived from ancient Rome, and stones or metalworks were used to make iron ore. Years later, the game was so popular that it was even banned, claiming that the podium was a waste of time. However, there is no interest in the game. So now we can see how they play around the world. There is just one difference - the title. For example, called boxing (bocce) in Italy ( in boxing - in Italian as "football" has been translated, France - pēniteki ( pēniteniki from Crooked coverage - which in French means "as one of their sockets." But the meaning is not changed. People love this game and time Together with delighted people, Pennan plays friendly games.
Returning to the story, as described in the news in Niskore in 1792, many people died because of Pinch Games. The players use guns or use bow tie in the game, but in the game one hit a collision and more than three dozen people were injured.

Puntaak: The law of the game

If you do not know how to play Pentagon, but you want to test yourself, simply learn this simple game. The rules of the penguin game are very simple. Two groups are collected (together you can play together) at between 15 meters and 4 meters (not special emphasis is required). Each team has 4 balloons (though it may be more fun to add more collections to the game). The site can be land, grass, asphalt, and even stone. The game is close to throwing a ball into a small wooden ball - a sweater . To put a kinking enemy off the ball (or stall), to hit the small ball. The number of ball soccer balls near the corners. A piece of ball price is one point. The game will play immediately after you get 13 points.
There is another number. The candidate gives the highest score for the group (or the group), their football is very close to being the fastest, and fewer points are selected, the leg closer than it. As a guide, the number of games played in the game is the same as the number of games played. Balls are casting each other. In order to play the game acceptable to start the game, a little round ball that determines who you trust - koshonet (in the bill - pelino ( pallino )). So everything is simple and clear.
If you want to play pancakes, you can easily find a website that you can easily access to a large sports store or a picnic. Purchasing follows the natural behavior of your friends or family, a cool pad!

Puntaak: Video

Last video. The spectacular moments of this game will see the controversy!
Pennantil Villas and Lisa are invited to play. Down!
The name of the game is pétanque,which comes from the phrase "pes tancats" or "better feet." As you may know, French people are specialists in converting simple stuff into art.
Today, Pentation or Bets are one of the most popular games in the world. There are no age restrictions! The same emphasis in Pacin is for students in the yard, as well as for social gatherings for adults, and for any child's events.

Peninsula games
In one game, the balls vary in the number of fonts on their own. During the game, many players will decide whether to set their bar. The game's content is to attract specialty metal balls as soon as possible. As closer to the entry. In this game, this is a wooden ball - koshonet.
Two teams are involved in the game. One team can include one, two, or three players. The game does not use over 12 balls. If a team consists of one or two players, each one plays in three shots. If a team includes three players, such a team will play with two players in such a team. Choose which teams to play first, picking the selections. The team carries one color per round of 30 cm on the ground. The first team player, Woodball - lacks a cosine of 6 to 10 meters but does not exceed 50 centimeters. At this point, the player must be in the foot of the player until the tree stops.
After a bunny is thrown, any team player takes the first ball, tries to get closer to the venues. At this time, the feet of the people should not go beyond their circle. After the first soccer match, the second team fills in the same round Turn off your ball to the oscillator or turn the opponent's ball. The next batch is recorded in the group more than a kickoff, and one until the ball is driving at one end of the ball instead of the opponent's shakers. Then, dissenting opposition groups will go down. If the team does not have a basket, the other team is trying to keep the rest of the ball closer to the cockroach. Both teams are drawn, and the balls are drawn. The team won many points in the basket, where the baskets are close to the circle, rather than the proximity of the competition team.
Each group is divided into one round of balls. The winning team will start a new round, the first round starts with a circle, and it will be re-branded and a new round will begin. The team continues the game until the end of 13 points.
It should be noted that there are two types of balls, and only one type of reel uses for players to use in a unique way. At the beginning, they try to add the ball, as little as possible . Second, you can open the opponent's balls, giving you the opportunity to score points in different ways. 1. In the opposite of the ball, one of your balls is drawn from the balloon to the freezer. 2. Approach the place around the ark, so that your team can close the balls as close to the stage as possible. 3. When the ball starts to fall, your ball will stay on the ball.

Play pianos in ancient times, banned in the Middle Ages many times, but the avatars involved at any age and players are still popular. Pintani - a social game, is not only a way to get out of this way but also to entertained with friends and family. Good weather, friendly company and a decent platform can be found on the white sandy beach and in short bush gardens in the city's gardens. Park or garden. Imagine: You've got warming on a hot day, the warmth of the warmth and the warmth of the summer, and you and your kids and friends have lost their genome in the natural environment, turmoil, and violence. You had a real trip! And at the same time play a simple, simple game in a fun company - do not you? Great gift to any family, men, woman, children and youth. And how thrilling it is for moderate retirees! A gift of parents for the next holiday - Do not Ask - It's the Best Solution to Buying a Pancake!
This is a simple game with this complicated strategy. The main thing in it is to create a good environment and create a feeling. Great game! ;) 

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