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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

how to lower blood pressure

Keep Blood Pressure At Low Levels By Following A Regular Healthy Diet

High blood pressure occurs when blood pushing against the artery walls has consistently too much to lower blood pressure. If you unchecked, the friction and force caused by high blood pressure can cause damage to various delicate tissues found within the arteries. When this happens, fatal cardiovascular complications can happen.
To prevent this from happening, there is a need to make some changes to the diet. These dietary tweaks can help lower blood pressure readings. Bear in mind that what you eat has a major role in getting high or normal blood pressure readings.
Say Hello to DASH
Experts recommend a dietary regimen that can help achieve the goal of having normal blood pressure. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or simply referred to by its acronym DASH, is a comprehensive diet program that can prevent high blood pressure from occurring.
Keep Blood Pressure At Low Levels By Following A Regular Healthy Diethow to lower blood pressure 
DASH consists of foods that are low in cholesterol, saturated and total fats yet high in fiber like fruits and vegetables. This diet includes fish, poultry, nuts, whole grains, and dairy foods that are likewise low-fat.
DASH Main Features
The main feature of DASH is that the foods included are high in magnesium, potassium, calcium, protein, and fiber. Cutting down on salt consumption also helps a lot in lowering blood pressure. Avoid foods that are high in salt and many other forms of sodium.
Dieticians and nutrition experts recommend no more than 2.4 grams of salt or sodium each day. This translates to approximately six grams of table salt daily. If you already are suffering from high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend a lesser amount of daily salt consumption.
Choosing the Right Foods
Pay attention to the labels on the food you buy. Bear in mind that processed foods can contain a lot of salt and sodium. Many of them are also high in saturated fats. Examples of processed foods are lunch meat, canned soups and vegetables, instant cereals, frozen dinners, and salty chips. Check the sodium content of these products before buying them.
The National Health Service also recommends performing various regular exercises along with a healthy diet. Studies have shown that regular exercise helps keep the heart and blood vessels in tiptop condition. It also helps when you are trying to lose weight.
According to the NHS, at least two hours and thirty minutes should be performed by adults regularly. Brisk walking and cycling are the top two recommended physical activities. Similar physical activities like sports or gardening can also help. 

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