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Thursday, October 17, 2019

fish food recipe for roasted

Fish food food recipe for roasted,Characteristics of fish.
Semi-finned fish are called frozen wife fish, but frozen or frozen fish,fish food recipe for roasted.grouped and prepared for cooking.
Use live, sleeping, chilled, and frozen fish to produce semi-finished products.
The following semi-finished products are prepared: frozen fish, frozen food canned fish, crabfish, fish soup cakes, fish crackers, frozen fish baskets, ice cream fish shells.
Frozen Special Cut Fish (GOST 17660-97) The carcasses of various types of fish, shaped in limestone, individually or weighing up to 1 kg in weight. The quality of the specialty-cut fish depends on the appearance of the semi-finished product in its natural color. The consistency after cooling is dense, a characteristic of this type of fish. The smell of fresh fish without adjusting symptoms. Oceans smell and taste of iodine is allowed. Specialty-cut fish are frozen in the refrigerator at 90 ... 95% and -180 C for 6 months, and -2 to +2 0 S 24h.
Reduced fish meal- It is the meat of fish with or without additives. Canned fish is made from pole and various fish, especially lean and small fish. Use fish without skin and bones to treat. They produce two types of canned fish: specialty minced ice cream and minced ice cream. The color of the specialty is white to gray, and the reduced ice cream is light to gray. Consistency is the same, after cooking - a thicker skin texture is allowed. Pack fish that are up to 1 kg in cardboard boxes. Frozen fish food is stored at 1818: 0 3 for 3 months at a temperature, frozen pod food is 6 months.
Fish Shakilk   Cut the fish cut into pieces by 20g weight pieces from the Stark Family Fish, which are wrapped in a stick with the onion. Ready skeletons are filled with bags or moldings made of polymethyl materials. Smokers should have the aroma of marinade and onions without the odor.
Fish soup cakes are made from all kinds of fish except beef, ocean cartilaginous and all small things. For fish sets, they use head scissors, cartilage, coffin pieces found when cutting fish. Soup sets are designed to cook soup and fish soup.
Fish pieces.   Butter, raw egg, cooked carrots, salt, pepper, onions, can be obtained from canned fish. Bread pieces in a bakery. Large bushes 45 ... 50g, 80 ... 85g The shape of the slices is circular or oval, the floor is covered with wet bread or without it, consistency is viscous, the color of the place is light gray, the odor is not distinguishing marks. The salt content is 1 ... 2%.
Frozen fish pumpkins.   If the yeast is not released, the dough and roast fish. For the test, Grade 1 flour is used, adding onions, butter, raw eggs and spices to the cooked fish. Pumpkins are packaged in cardboard boxes 3-5g and above and cooled to temperatures of -10 ... - 12 ° C.
Clay pots. They cook with roasted fish, stews, egg whites, salt, water, sodium glutamate, sweetener and dye (according to GOST 7630-96). Store for 72 hours at a temperature of +5 to -1 ° C.
Fish food products   are ready to go out and eat. Depending on the cooking method, there are the following product groups.
Natural: roasted fish, boiled, baked, rolls of fish, aspetic fish;
Carved in small batch based on beef, meat burger, meatballs, meatballs, canned fish, salads and sausages;
Fish products: holiday fish;
Fish - Oil Products: Weed oil, roasted, salmon;
Frozen products: pumpkins, fish sticks, fish hoodoff.
The quality of the food product depends on its organic qualities (appearance, texture, smell, taste, texture), salt content (1.5 ... 2.5%), and readiness level.
Mineral products are stored at temperatures between 2 and 6 ° C: Fried fish-36 h, baked - no longer than 48 hours, roast slices - 12h, fish meal - no longer than 24 hours, fish bowl - no more than 2 days
During the transit, fish certification products must be provided with quality certificates indicating the manufacturer, date, month, year, change, conditions, storage and sale time.
CVR fish food recipe for roasted
Cavars are made from strawberry, salmon fish and in very small quantities - cod fish, sorghum, herring, honey, tuna, nototenii.
Fish cheese has a high nutritional value. Estimates of stigma and salmon caviar on average: complete proteins - 27 ... 31%; Dissolvable Lubricants - 13 ...
15%; Minerals - 1.2 ... 1.9% (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron); Vitamins A, B1, 82, C n E. There is a lot of cholesterol in the eggs. There is a lot of lectin in the Stigian Cavarian. Humidity in CAV is 53 to 66%.
He is an ambassador of caviar canning and is sometimes joining the caviar work of installing, posting and healing. Eggs in the fish's body are closed in the joint. Each egg contains shell, protozoan, and nucleus.
Stargen Cavarian. Receive beluga, stagnant, thorny, spicy strawberries. The largest and most valuable are Belga and Cavarian. The Cavarian Storgan has light colors, almost gray and black. Depending on the quality and preparation of raw materials, the following types of caviar are produced: cereals, pulp, paper and crocodile.
Ancient caviar.   Whole grains - separate from the yastki that are cooked on a special device - are boiled, washed in cold water and sprinkled with salts with antibacterial or immunity. The caviar ambassador lasts for 1 ... 3 minutes, after which the eggs are quickly separated from the wine and sent to the packaging.
They are packaged in cans or barrels - canned, packaged and canned. Salt Cavarian is packaged in banks up to 2 kg. Ancient canned caviar is a little salty, so an antiseptic should be added to increase stability during the production process.
The barrel cavalier is filled with about 50g of oak barrels, covered with paraffin and sealed with foreign oil. This caviar varies from packaging to high salt content and has no antiseptic. The high quality of Cavarian canned and barrel cereal.
Highest Level - Cavar from one type of fish, one salt of the same size, medium and large, similarly colored eggs - from light to dark gray. In strict shaver, the color may be yellow or brown. The high-grade cavalier consistency is so intense that the eggs are easily separated from each other. The taste is sweet, slightly salty, without the taste and taste.
Ikraosetrovykh1-th Miscellaneous - Eggs from one type of salt, different in size and color, darker. Consistency can be thick or wet.
Grade 2 breath Caviar - one salt, but different types. Eggs of varying size and color, consistency or thickness. There may be loss of taste or edge.
Classic Cavalier at -3 ... - 6 ° С and relatively humid 75 ... 80%, sealed - up to 10, barrel-based - for up to 8 months. Canned Sturgeon (GOST 6052-2004) is made from 1st and 2nd species with low salt or packaged caviar, excluding antimicrobials. The caviar is packaged in a wide range of capacity pots at a temperature of 60 ° C. When it is greased, the sweet taste is reduced. Pasteurized caviar is not divided into types of businesses.
  In the packing room, Cavarian must be one fish, one salty. Eggs of the same size, same color. The texture may be small to dense, slightly moist. The taste and smell of chilled caviar in a strange taste and taste. A slight blur or sharpness is allowed. Salt content of 3 to 5%. Pasteurized caviar is kept at temperatures up to -2 ... - 4 ° C for up to 12 months.
Pike Roy is made from   a small grain of small Sturgeon caviar or other grain onon that is not suitable for small stone production. Salt Cavarian for 2 ... 3 minutes. Up to 40 ... 50 ° C Before the salt has evaporated, the salt is released and the eggs are separated from the otzluka and placed in canvas bags and pressed to remove the residue. Then mixed bags are taken to give consistency and fun. Canned caviar in oak barrels or weighing 1 ... 2 kg. Pusuyu caviar is split into quality, 1st and 2nd level in quality. Canned caviar has higher nutritional qualities than cereals.
High quality Cavarian colors are the same. Medium soft, well-cooked consistency. The taste and aroma is pleasant, the taste is slightly salty, with a caviar, a bitter taste, no more than 4.5%.
The Cavars 1 type is the same color in black in color. Consistency is not uniform, and a little uniform is salty. Minor, bitter and bitter taste is allowed. Salt content up to 5%.
There may be different shades in Grade II Cavarian. Cavarian consistency is allowed to be uniform (fluid to solid); Unsaturated salt is a little allowed, with a little bit of bitterness and bitter taste. The taste is more salty, up to 7%.
Veneer caviar. They will be prepared on a leftover Cavarian dish, where it is impossible to separate the yastik film, or over-the-counter caviar with a very weak shell. The joints are cut into pieces, placed in a cold bra for 5 ......8 minutes. Then brine for 2...
  3 hours and packed canvas in barrels or cans. The Cavarian Sturgeon of Sturgeon is not divided into species. Store at 4 ° C at ambient temperature and humid temperatures - 75 ... 80% for 6 months.
According to GOST 7630-96, the banks are associated with the upcoming curtain with the name and location of the covariate manufacturer, the trademark, variety (or species) production date, storage time, storage conditions, prime number, information about 100g of energy And nutritional value. The caviar color marks on the pot with the mud cavalier. For beluga caviar: light gray - 000, gray - 00, dark gray -0. Light gray, gray and yellow for the stern robin and spine - A; Black-gray and brown-B do not make color pavilion colors for beginners.
It is made from yastik in the Far East, salmon-chom, pink salmon, backyard, silver salmon, chocolates. The best tasting is characterized by caviar and pink salmon caviar. It has the known bitter taste of salmon and chocolavia Caviar.
Salmon caviar is higher in protein content than Cavarian that grows in fat and is relatively good in fat, but low in taste.
Salmon caviar is mainly produced in cereal and less yasychny. Ancient Cavarian fresh grain is available, and salt is extracted for 6 ... 8 minutes. Refrigerate at 10 ° C.
After isolation, caviar is applied by a pesticide (hexamine and sorbic acid), followed by a few purified wool or corn oil (to prevent the eggs from sticking), and glycerol (to prevent the bitter taste and dryness). Cavarian salmon quality (GOST 18173-2004) is divided into Grades 1 and 2.
Grade 1 Caviar must be the same size, size and size of the same fish species, and if there are no film fragments, the eggs must be clean, elastic, and well differentiated. A small number of exploding eggs (sparrows) and a small amount of caviar viscosity are allowed. Be tasteful and sweet without realizing the signs of this look. Probably the Masorer and Shore Racing - the bitter and sharp taste - of bitter taste. Salt content 4 .. 6%.
In Grade 2, different types of fish are allowed to have egg mixture, uniform color, film fragments. Eggs are weak, much lopantsa, consistency, but without reproduction. A slight soft smell and bitterness and sharpness are allowed. Salt content 4 ... 8%.
The CVR is packaged in banks up to 3 kg.
Veneer caviar.   
Salmon with unfamiliar or overcooked fish, as well as frozen fish. Salt Yastaki sits in a capacity of 25, 30 liters. 7% to 10% of the salts in the wet salt solution - 13 to 20%.
The cranberries are all seasoned with salt, and are made from vibla, candy, beer, and peach. The quality of this caviar is divided into Grades 1 and 2, with salt content at both 14 ... 16%.
Cavarian cut fish.  
 They are effective, fluffy, melting, cooling, salt and dry.
Violation of caviar. 
  Receive from Savannah, Pike epidemic, Zashky, Pike, cattle. It is filtered through the screen to identify the ventilation films, and then salt is added. Cutted eggs are not divided into species. This caviar must be of the same color as the same fish. Softness allows for soft, fluid, slightly stiffness. Taste and smell are common, but there may be a slight poisoning and dizziness. In a sealed cavalier, the salt content should be greater than 10% of barley salt. And in a salty cavar - up to 14%.
Pasteurized   caviar cooked with pepper caviar. The CVR is packaged in a container and packaged. It is not divided into types.
Frozen caviar.   0.5 to 5 kg. Get frozen success or yastichny caviar (from phone, code, tuna) in cold or wax packages. Use this Cavarian for food products. It is not divided into types.
Salt   Cavarian with ripe yastikov mullet, loban, notoenii. Yuraki was washed with cold water, sorted and added (salt 5 ... 6%). After the salt has evaporated, it is boiled and dried for 25 ... 35 days. Tell a stacked yamaki to glycerin and cover with a thickness of 1 ... 2mm wax and paraffin. This quality can be divided into Grades 1 and 2. The salt content in Grade 1 should not exceed 6%, in the second - 10%, the moisture in both types is 15 ... 20%. The product has high sweetness properties.
Protein Granite Cavarian is made up of aromatic substances that can be found in dairy milk, latin, corn oil, vitamins and fish oil, monosodium glutamate.
Place the lid on the jars with the seal on the usual signs. Marking plates can be two or three rows of "Grain Salmon Cavar".
The first row is Cavarian's production day (e.g., 091110: 09-day, 11 months, 10 years).
The second row is the word "Caviar".
The third row is the enterprise number (e.g., B22), the number 1 is the first shift, and the index of the fish industry P index.
Fish eggs are stored at temperatures between -2 to -6 ° C and at temperatures of 80 ... 85%. The shelf life can vary from 4 to 12 months, depending on the type of caviar, the processing method, and the rigidity of these modes.
Cavarian defects.  
Thereare natural caviar deficiencies and have been found in the production or storage process. Cavars' natural (permissible) deficiencies include the following
Sickle   - marshlands unpleasant (musty) taste. Allowed only in Grade 2 Cavalry;
Over-ripe caviar.   -It can be from fish that grow. Eggs have a weak shell and cannot be stored for long periods of time. Such a Cavalry is a Grade II property.
  The following defects can be seen in the production and storage process.
Brightness. Poor
 taste. It irritates the throat, decreases the amount of different caviar.
 - It will appear as a result of heavy fats and also decrease cavarian levels
Mold - A layer of pale white or pale green on the caviar floor
The number of variants of this type of caviar has decreased, but if the mold penetrates deeper into the caviar, the product will be transferred to informal;
Lupons are hatching eggs. Salmon pink occurs due to late processing of raw material. Reduces the size of Cavarian species;
rubbery caviar - very tight shell. Problems in the cooling layer due to high heat exposure;
Overly salty (salt content is determined by standards).
With vital signs of movement, along with the natural movements of the body, jaws and gastric mucosa, float in the water. The proposed commercial for live and fatty foods is far superior to frozen and frozen fish and is of great interest to the public. Carp share is found in more than 70% of the market. Other artificial breeds are represented by cups, silver carpets, trout, and white fish. Among the most agreeable ones are steel salmon, whose flavor is watery and weighs between 2 and 7 kg. Live fish are not divided into commercial types. Fish should not have mechanical damage, symptoms. The color of the glue should be red. Eye Condition: Bright, blurred, harmless. If there is no odor, fish is very rare to survive.
 Both cold and frozen fish were identified based on cold treatment. ColdIt does not reach this point where the temperature inside the muscle tissues remains at 5 ° C. Ice cream is a fish that stays at or below 18 degrees Fahrenheit in temperatures. Frozen and frozen fish can be exported for sale or processing, ie, for all, or for all. Frozen fish is flushed or cracked to the head. Other methods of cutting are also used for frozen fish: semi-processed meat and meat, back, slices and more. The unique features of the fish have been adapted to specific types of fish and families. Frozen and frozen fish shall be divided by weight and weight according to "fish, length and weight of fish of all types of processing" according to GOST 1368-91. Product quality is calculated on the basis of standards. Frozen fish are not divided into commercial types, and frozen fish are classified into classes I and II according to their biological characteristics. Storage of frozen products takes place at temperatures not exceeding 18 ° C. The storage period varies depending on the type of fish, cutting, protective covers (glaciers, etc.), depending on the temperature.
Filter the fish using sliced, padded and black film, and cut the sliced ​​fish in half. According to cutting methods, they produce non-skin-filtrate, thin-skinned seams ("bugs" on the oceans) and stick to the skin with scales and scales. The performance of the fox comes in cool form: in blocks, individually, as well as in packages, packages. When installed from cold units, the temperature in the thickness of a concrete or thin layer should not be less than 18 °. Ice cream filters are made in the form of blush. The glue should not be made in the form of a uniform cream, the surface of a leaf or leaf, after cooling and cooling separately.
Already grilled fish   Called fish or parts of it, it is ready for cooking. Given the shape and size of meat cooked with fish baskets or various additives, a fish product is called a modified fish product. Cutting fish in the home is tedious and does not allow the use of waste logically: scales, internal organs, wings, etc. When cutting fish in industrial plants, they are used to produce feed and technical products. Half of the finished products are available in the form of raw sliced ​​fish, as well as finely sliced ​​fish, slices (slices), small meat and small meat and fish products. Partial finished products are sold in cold and cold form. There are plenty of raw and processed fish (1 / s) for raw materials, as well as meat and protein made from commercial ships and small chunks. Semi-finished products Fish specials (carcasses and pieces), steaks, fragments (including baking), fish soup, canned fish and sashimi, canned goods, and fish products (paleonto, etc.). Smaller meats are made from pasta, meatballs, Zara, Caba rolls. The difference is in the range of imported mold and mineral products in consumer-designed consumer packages (fish baskets, etc.). Semi-finished products, fish dumplings are more familiar, often producing pancakes, pasta and other products. Frozen semi-finished fish are fragile commodities. In the low temperature range from 2 ° to 2 ° የሽያጭ, the sales contract is from
The life of frozen fish shelves at cooler temperatures of 18 ° C is usually 10-30 days, and at least 4 - under 6 degrees - no more than 48 hours after the technology is over. Imported products often have to sort through the year when temperatures drop to 18 ° C.
called fish or products and is ready to eat without further processing. Drug products are manufactured from frozen, chilled or frozen fish (1 / s), or purified meat, small meat, semen, salmon, and cavar. Frozen fish is melted when used as raw material, then finishes off all the non-volatile parts, and the fish is heated and mixed with various ingredients after being grounded. They also produce seafood from salted fish and roasted fish.

The range of food products varies and can be divided into the following groups.

  • Natural products (whole fish, sliced ​​or molded products), fried and baked, cooked and roasted fish;
  • Fish products (ravioli, peaches, cakes, cakes, donuts, etc.);
  • Fish and vegetable products (salads and veggies, bellybreads, fish with vegetables);
  • Gel and filler, bracelet;
  • Canned meat products include plates and plates and other minced meat products, cutlet, meatballs, meatballs, etc., as well as structured mixed meat products from sashimi (crab sticks, crab cakes, hazelnut, cocktail). And others; shrimp and lobster-like products, e.g., lobster tails, sticks; shrimp analog);
  • The first and second fish are frozen, in addition to chips. Fish and Cakes
  • Vivar Oil and Other Products from Vivar;
  • Roasted shrimp, beef and potatoes;
  • Seafood, including marinade, seafood, filling.
Frozen food products are particularly fragile products. According to San Diego, the sale of frozen grain products will be sold within 12 to 48 hours at temperatures between 2 and 6 ° C for 12 to 48 hours. The shelves for imported ice cream products are usually 12 months, with 18 cables imported at temperatures below 18 ° C.
Salty, spicy and cooked fish. This product group includes salty fish, light salty, spicy, boiled and Cliff. Salt fish is called sodium chloride or sodium chloride solution in water. The salt solution in which the fish is salted is called a puff. The special envoy also meets the use of salt and sugar. Spicy fish is blended with table salt, sugar, spices and acetic acid. Cluphaxcomb, also called fish klipfisknoy, is treated with salt. Salt is used as a semi-finished product to produce dry goods.
According to the cutting techniques, saltwater is divided into (generally) glue, glue, crust and half gastric, bent with head, clawed, and so on. For example, glue has glue or glue and some utensils. The standards give the character of the cut.
I and II segments are divided according to the characteristics of the salted fish. The best storage conditions are from minus 4 to minus 8 ° С. The most common defects are pond (bad odor in saline areas), lapa ane (fish with seafood), humidity (the presence and smell of raw fish), rust (yellowish-brown on the surface of the pig), sub-layer, Oxidized Fat (bitter taste and odor), etc.
Dried, dried and smoked products. Balik products. It is a salty fish that has been partially dried by the drying process, which has a rich texture and maturity properties. Moderately compressed juice and the properties of ripe produce are partially depleted by dry, salted salt (expired name "dried fish").
Dried and has a limited number of inidit’eweli called for drying. Dried fish products (found in dry fish, dried in salt), salty and dried fish (found in low fat, found in early fish), frozen fish products (inhaled dried fish products) in low temperatures Dryness, fish protein concentration (divided fish muscle tissue, dried, fish odor and taste), fish flour (divided fish muscle and flavor), fish droppings (dried fish meal), fish protein exclusion (Originating from tissues of fish muscle Proteins (proteins made without the taste and smell of dry powder), starch fish), food glue (used in the treatment of high-quality foams and other products), dried shark wings (first tail, wholesale, and lower tail). Hypnotic ingredients and muscle fibers), dry soups with fish and seafood.
In Russia, the main part of dry goods is created by natural remedies, so the quality of products is largely due to the weather. To dry, bake, picnic, beer, rye, fish, shrimp, aspen, mullet, saffron, cumin, kimchi, pink, white eye, suitable, barley, syringes, beef peppers, hawks, smells and other fish, such as capsule , Some oceans. Dried fish are predominantly rounded, but are sometimes washed with the head or severed head. As a prerequisite for the preparation of dried products, moderate fat fish, the highest proportion of fat fractions are available from 0.17-0.6 to protein, and soft foods are sent in a range of 0.8-1.2 or higher.
Over 10% of dried fish are kept at temperatures between 0 and 8 ° C. Dried fish with a fat content of less than 10% can be stored at temperatures not exceeding 20 ° C, probably at temperatures not lower than 10 ° C, in dry, clean, humid rooms with 70 to 80%. Storage period not more than 2 months from the date of storage.
Defects of dried fish products include fat oxidation, enhanced muscle odor, moisture, efficiency, fat and blemishes. When long-lived fish are used in the production of dried products, sub-fat oxidation, called "rust", is observed. Meat with oxidized fat ' It smells and tastes. This defect cannot be avoided; it can be developed during long-term storage of dried fish. The smell of meat occurs when the salty process of the fish is disturbed or sprayed. Salt fish (the taste and smell of fish) was found to be below salt or unsatisfactory. Defects also remove screws. When it comes to dry products (usually bladder), the white, fluffy patina and dry scent refer to dry products. Disadvantages occur when fish are stored in unprotected areas. They can be removed at the initial stage by washing the items with a soft brush and drying them in a suspended condition. The greatest damage to dried (often dried) fish products is due to the laying of eggs in the larvae of the Kozhii beetle. The shawl has a dark brown color and has spots of black hair. Well-developed jaws and teeth easily feed fish from within. Fish skin is usually not damaged by inflammation, so fish should be examined in broken form.
Dried fish prepared from raw or semi-finished skin species in the range 0.03-0.17. The raw materials are code, Haddock, Pollock, Pollock, Pike Perch, Arctic Code, Gusta, Ruf, Financial penalties. Fish are drying mud at temperatures up to 200 ° C and dry in a dry manner no more than 35 ° C in natural and artificial conditions. In the coldest way, stockpix is ​​prepared as a rule, cod, cod, or pole and salt-dried fish, often clips.
Cold-dried products have great physical and nutritional properties. Frozen products are ready to be consumed (dried after eating raw foods) and partially finished products (can be used in food and in subsequent recipes).
Burned fish is a by-product of a certain amount of smoke and processing, in order to obtain a distinctive taste and aroma from sweet gold to dark golden color. Cold-smoked fish products are produced (due to smoking at temperatures not more than 30 ° C) and hot-fried products (temperatures between 80 - 170 ° C). Cold smoked products are made from smoked and medium fat salted fish or salted (light salt) fish. All breeds, butterflies, beers, rugs, aspen, medium-thick ocean fish are sent to cold smoke. Fresh-smoked fish with a variety of fatty acids, including beef. Smoke is used to contain smoke, including wood, fire, wood chips, firewood, usually wood from growing trees, smoke preparations and liquids, or smoke and smoke agents.
 By cold smoked, dried or salted, you can cut out the fat and medium-fat fish balychnaya fish. Types of quilting include fish filtration and rear, side wall, side wall, baskets, layer, semi-array, pocket layer, Hubble Fish, clawback wrap. Baikal products are made from strawberry, monon, peach, cap, silver carpet, catfish, sea and ocean fish (sea bass, hawthorn, coal, nootney, catfish, maroon, captain, yamina, etc.). Injured or bloodless stigmatized trout fish are prohibited on old healing wounds, damage to surrounding tissues, as well as the appearance of salmon, bruises and ulcers, and wear clothing is prohibited. Live fish, raw, frozen or frozen fish, as well as salted semi-finished products will be sent to Bukki products. There are dried buckets, smoked balyk and salty products (semi-finished products).
Freshly cooked fish does not break apart into segments except starch, it can be a different fat, the appearance should not be wet, it smells well until it is fully cooked, meat consistency is sweet, dense or small.
Hot smoked Stirigon fish are divided into I and II segments based on quality indicators. Fish, gastric and gastric mucosa should be clean, from juices to dense, meat and smelling signs, salts of 1.5-3%. There may be slight damage to the skin and swelling. Class I products should be made from well-fed fish. For Class II fish is allowed for different types of fat, small skin redness, meat soft, dry or creamy, and sweet; From fat to tail, fatty acids oxidize fat, 1.5 to 4% salt.
Cold smoked fish are divided into three types of starch from organic and Bulgarian products and bulk salt fractions.
Introduction. 3
1. Technology of roasted fish, various foods. 4
2. Recipes for Bread Fish .. 8
3. Safety. 10
Summary. 11
The fish foods in the dining establishments are highly sought after and sold. Fish contain about 40 to 65% of the meat rich in proteins. The protein content in soft raw fish is 6.5 to 27%, cooked and roasted - 8 to 35%. About 90% of the proteins are complete. The ratio of amino acids in them is very good.
There are many proteins that are essential for organic activity in foods prepared from perch, peach, beer, pink, bobbin, ship and other Central Russian fish. Here are some comparative units that talk about the nutritional value of fish foods. 100 g. Beef 19% protein, 9.5% fat, 0.4% carbohydrate, calorie content is 166 and 100g. River fish averages 15.9% protein, 2.5% fat, 0.1% carbohydrate, calories content 91.
Fish in Central Russia is not fat. In terms of taste, pike, pike punk and beer are first. Burbot is unique in that it has 7 to 7% of its own weight and contains many nutrients.
Fish foods are widely used in medical or soft diet. Physicians recommend eating a fish to avoid obesity.
Fish foods are widely used in everyday food, but they are especially valuable in the diet. This is not only due to the high nutritional value and taste of the diet, but it also has an easy to digest and has beneficial effects on the body.

1. Technology of roasted fish, various food recipe for roasted

Here's how to fish. Fish products are stored in a small bowl in a small amount of fat, but pre-heat to high heat. Then the foods with fish are stored in the oven.
Usually add a whole small fish or fish rod. Very tasty especially in baked form: carpet, cherries, carpets, turf, cod, hawut, noctonia, honey, meron, blufffish, oily fish, lobster, mackerel, group.
You can bake the fish in a cucumber with cake soup or mayonnaise.
Under no circumstances can you bake (or crush) seafood in a bakery. Wheat flour is best suited for this purpose, in which 1/4 potato flour is sometimes mixed.
Some housewives share this kind of fish. A special sponge or 3-4 sticks are placed on a roasting pan or pan (this simple method allows you to burn the fish below). “Heel” on the fish, pour potatoes sliced ​​in butter slices, then pour spices (or white spoon, sour cream or milk), sprinkle with melted butter, and warm (up to 250-280 ° C). Stove. Bake for 15-30 minutes, then reduce the heat in the container. When baked at moderate temperatures, the fish are sprinkled with baking powder in a baking tray.
There is an old way of fishing in parchment paper. The fish is then sliced ​​into a piece of parchment paper with butter or vegetable oil cut into two pieces. Wrap it firmly on paper and grease it with oil or oil. In this way, the rolled fish are placed on a baking tray. After 20-30 minutes. The fish will be ready. Instead of a sheet of paper, you can use aluminum foil, their ends are folded up and compressed.
The finished fish is removed from the stove (or foam), placed on beautiful plates and warmed with melted potatoes or flour, and chilled - with vegetable salad.
The disadvantage of housewives is that they often break with the heat processes in the preparation of roasted or cooked fish. You often notice that the waiter dips in the fish in a pan that doesn't quickly release. Often in the cooking process, such housewives blur the gap between cooking and cooking, steaming, boiling and cooking. This means that the fish meal that has to be served in a roasted form is in the steps.
To avoid such failures, you need to know the rules of fish handling. We remember them
  • Low-fat fish can be treated for any heat treatment (cooking, baking, baking);
  • Fat should be cooked well in spices before eating.
  • It is recommended that dried and roasted fish be dried in a napkin or paper prior to decay.
  • To taste, fish are cut completely at an angle of 45 °.
  • It is not recommended to melt the fat before cooking - it will be more flavorful.
  • So when it cooks fish, it is not sticky, it will sprinkle salt about 10-15 minutes before cooking,
  • To use the fish, it is recommended to use a metal-frying pan in which the fish is gradually browned and cooked.
  • The flavor of roasted fish is greatly improved if you hold it in vegetable oil, lemon juice, chopped onions, roots and greens before cooking for 1-2 hours.
  • The flavor of roasted fish is enhanced if caught in milk and baked in flour and cooked in vegetable oil before cooking.
  • If the pan is covered with a colander, it is not sprayed with fat;
  • Add the salt to the butter so the fish doesn't burn.
  • When the fish are cooking, do not separate, salt them, bake in the flour and let them warm for 10-15 minutes, then add in the hot oil.
  • Fish can be cooked in butter, even though they miss many important features.
  • It is best to use a vegetable, and before serving, serve the finished fish with melted butter - it tastes delicious.
  • Cheese is recommended when the oil temperature is not below 170 ° C.
  • Any food, including fish, must first be cooked or baked at high heat, then reduced to low heat and cooked over low heat.
  • Bake the fish in spices, first pour a portion of the soup into the pot, then add the roasted fish.
  • The fish is baked in a heated oven, then put the brown on the soup and the bowl is juicy.
  • It's best to cook or bake before dinner and serve immediately on the table. Once the fish meal is cooked and dried for a while, the taste loses its flavor and quality.
Fish fry with soup or without bread. Without soup, I usually bake whole fish. To do this, it is cleaned, baked in salt, pepper and oven. Bake fish frequently in brakes. Toss the canned pancake butter, look for a little soup, prepare a side dish, roast fish, spice, sprinkle with pork cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake at a temperature of 250 - 2800С. From rocks, baked fish, sliced ​​fish without ribs, in sequence. You can cook the fish raw, baked or baked. Raw fish is boiled with potatoes. Steam - Potatoes or pasta cooked in a steam or milk pot. Roasted - with roasted potatoes or roasted potatoes or roasted potatoes with tomatoes or onions with onions and mushrooms.
Baked fish in Russian. Raw fish without bones are placed on a baking tray, seasoned with salt, boiled, mashed potatoes, sprinkled with a white spoon, sprinkled with melted cheese or sprinkled with baked bread. After that, put the pot on the stove and bring the spoon to the boil, otherwise the fish may be raw. When leaving the fish, water it with vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped green. Sturgeon fish are cut without any cartilage and skin and are baked and baked as described above.
Fish cooked in a cream sauce with fish mushrooms (Moscow metaphor). The bottom portion of the fish, chrysanthemum, stagnant fish is roasted, and then poured on a small scale. In white mushrooms or champagne, add the brown onions, using boiled egg circles. Roasted potatoes are wrapped around the fish, all sprinkled with medium thickness, spices and earth.
Fish, baked in cake soup. Bones without bones were cut into sections. Shipping, adjusting, adjusting, flowing, beer can be baked whole or in parts. Cook the fish in a saucepan, place in a boiling saucepan, bake, serve side dishes, sprinkle with pork cream, sprinkle with butter, sprinkle with butter.

2. Bread recipes

Pike peaches are washed with milk soup.
Ingredients: Fish 125, butter or spice margarine 7, mushrooms 15, cream 10, cheese 5, garlic 25, milky sauce 100.
Preparation Cut slices of 3 - 4 pieces into each season and serve with chopped white mushrooms or mushrooms, chips or cherries.
In the finished fish add a small amount of white soup, mix gently and add a slider in oil or heavy margarine layers, pour medium-sized milk, sprinkle with melted butter, sprinkle with butter.
Pour the finished fish over melted butter and decorate with sliced ​​mushrooms or chopped mushrooms.
Baked peaches.
Ingredients 4 slices of soup (175g each), salt, pepper, 2 tbsp. One bite, 600g tomatoes, 1 cup green onions, 1 spice basket, 150g boiled cheese, 3 tbsp. olive oil.
Preparation - Pour the fish beans in warm water, salt and pepper, sprinkle with a little vinegar. Cut the tomatoes into slices, wash the onions and cut into thin rings. Basil washed, cut several leaves and rest aside, trim the rest. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C, cool the form and add 2/3 tomatoes, onions, barrots, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with fish and sprinkle with oil. Cut the cheese into slices and add the rest of the tomatoes to the fish. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Decorated with Basil.
Fish cooked with mushrooms and potatoes.
Ingredients: Fish basket 600g, mushrooms 60g, mashed potatoes 3 pcs. , Onions 80g, flour green 20g, flour 24g, melted butter 80g, butter 20g, eggs 2 pcs. , Frozen cheese 2 tablespoons. Spoon, spice 1 cup, salt to taste.
Preparation Cut fish slices into slices, sprinkle with salt, fry in flour and bake in a little bread until golden brown. Mushrooms into slices, onions - cut into slices of melted butter. Chop the eggs and cut them into pieces.
Pour a few slices of ice cream into the pot, place the roasted fish, and round - sliced ​​potato slices. Place the roasted mushrooms and onions and egg slices into the fish and fill with spices. Then sprinkle with roasted cheese, sprinkle with butter and fry in the oven.
Sprinkle with chopped stick.

3. Safety

The general requirements for labor protection and safety in fish shops are the same as in other shops. In addition, the following rules need to be observed: During work, remove and recycle waste, monitor the sanitary conditions of the workshop and each workplace, rinse and wipe all machines thoroughly, rinse with foil and cover with salt.
All appliances should be placed on the floor while machines are in place, rubber carpets should be lying next to them, all seasonal moving parts
The positioning, the size of all product departments, ensures the safety of the checks. An important role is played by proper lighting, the width of the window should be 1: 6.
Security Act
Electrical layer PE-0.51
Look at the sanitary conditions, ground floor, rubber mats and enclosures.
It is forbidden to leave it in the fireplace burning in the heating mode.
The ground should be smooth without cracks.
At the end of the work, wipe off the layers and keep them clean.
Creative Items
1. One tablespoon
2. Installation board
2. Spatala
3. Grid
4. Pan
5. Plastic


Fish is an important food product. Compared to the best types of meat in terms of nutritional value. But unlike the latter, it absorbs more easily and quickly, and is therefore used extensively in diet foods, children's menus, and seniors. Residents of rivers, ponds and lakes contain essential nutrients, vitamins, fats and proteins. By the number of proteins, for example, pike is greater than chicken, carp - cattle. Also in fish, there is bronze, lithium, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, fat, magnesium, manganese, bromine, phosphorus. Even gold is found in the River Rosen.
Fish are rich in nitrogenous substances. Because of this characteristic, fish biscuits stimulate appetite, stimulate gastric emptying. Fish protein proteins are better absorbed by the human body than by animal proteins. Fish oil also has polyunsaturated fatty acids with biological efficacy. Fish meat contains B - B 1, B 2, PP, B 12, biotin and pantothenic acid, as well as low vitamin C content.
Seafood is rich in minerals and contains mainly potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine. As well as iodine and fluorine
Fish proteins are easy to swallow and absorb. Caloric fish is slightly smaller than meat. Fish oil is good, it has a lot of vitamin A and a lot of polyunsaturated faty acids. The amount of fat in different fish varies. In 1 male hunters, such as pike, chicks, dragonflies. Bang, catfish, carp already has up to 2.5% fat.


1. Anifimova NA, Tatarschia L. Cooking - d. Education, 2002.
2.Bordunov VV Trader, 1987.
3.Emecrova VI Cooking - d. Progress, 1993.
4.Matkin Z.P. Nutrition, hygiene, and physiology. - d. Progress, 1999.
The classification of fish is very different. From different types of fish, you can prepare foods that vary in taste and nutrition by using different methods of heat treatment. Depending on the heat treatment method, fish food is divided into different groups (Figure 3).
Fig. 3
It is best to use good cooking, flavor, fish types to maintain the characteristics of the fish in the finished dish. Served with all the carcasses of the small fish weighing up to 200g for the cooked fish, as well as fragments of skin and bones. All the corpses will be prepared for large fish (chicks, salmon, fish, pike, etc.) to prepare food for the festival. Stirling fish is cut with links to the skin and cartilage, the connectors are thoroughly cleaned and washed to avoid blood loss. Fish cooked in closed fish pots, steaks and deep trays. The shape of the cut pieces is to protect the skin, big fish trapped in large jars and rest on the belly of the pot, and the bottom of the tightly wrapped fish hook links down the skin. When cooking, fish should be completely covered with water (150g of water per 100g of fish). To maintain fish juices and shape, it is performed after washing at 90-950 C at room temperature.
Fried fish with green onions
700g fish processing, 20g green onions, 2cm ginger root, 1 Cr. Soy sauce and vegetable oil.
Cooking technology;
Sprinkle some of the green onions with 3cm slices, and part of ginger to thin slices and sprinkle on toast until smooth. Chop the remaining ginger and green onions and fry it in a little butter, add the soy sauce. Place the finely chopped fish on the plate and pour over the minced ginger-soy onion.
Cooked fish and vegetables.
Cooked fish and vegetables.
500g Peach Peach, 50ml Milk, 1 pc beets, 1 pc. Carrots, 200g potatoes, 1 pc. Onions, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 bay leaf.
Cooking technology;
Slices pie perch, vegetables and potatoes. Add the food to the pan and add 500 mL of water. To taste the salt. Put on low heat and cook for an hour. To move. 15 minutes before ready to pour in milk and butter. Add birch leaf.
Code encoded in a plastic bag. 
Code encoded in a plastic bag
Vinegar - 800g, lemon - 0.5 pcs. , Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l. , Hot pepper - 4 pcs. , New pumpkin - 4 pcs. , Carrot - 1 pc, butter - 40g. , To taste, salt - fish - 1 tsp, garlic - 4 teeth. Eucalyptus leaf - 4 pcs.
Wash the fish, dry and cut into 4 pieces. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, sprinkle with salt and season with fish. On a very thin ribbon, sprinkle the carrots with peaches. Chop the garlic and chop each carrot with a flat side. Damaged in a plastic bag: one fish, two carrots ribbon, lime circle, tree leaf, nuts, soup, garlic and 10 grams of butter. Dip bags in boiling water and lower. On average, cook the beans on the lid for about 10 minutes. Take out the bags with a spoon and drop the contents onto the sinks.
Filling is a type of food that contains a small amount of water (30% of fish weight) in fish. Baked fish is more tasty and nutritious as there are less losses during heat treatment. For pripuskaniya partial fish without bones with or without the bones and bones. Small fish use a total of carcasses (tractor, pike chicks). String fish are allowed with links to skin, without cartilage, or with partial, cut links with skin links. Stir in the same fish under the lid covered with vegetables, spices, sliced ​​potatoes, etc. The seafood links are just on the skin, with the fish of the glory parts, on the whole, Up - on one stomach. 0 in 1 kg. Pour 3 tablespoons hot fish soup, water, onions, white root, dry white wine, mushrooms. For seafood, citric acid, cauliflower and vinegar are added to the water. A roasted fish is a canned fish. In order to maintain the shape, semi-finished products, wrapped in a baking tray, wrapped in summer fish and sprinkled with spices and white roots. Such fish are served with boiled potatoes and sprinkled on a tomato soup or soup obtained with chipskin.
The sturgeon was struck with wine
The sturgeon was struck with wine
Boiled stool - 620 g. , Butter - 12g. , White dry wine - 30g. , Spices - to taste, tomato pepper - 300 g. , Onion - 20g. , Carrots - 30 g. 30g, olive fruit - 30g, berry root - 30g, salt potatoes - 50g, champions - 50g, boiled potatoes for decoration - 400g, olives - 20g, lemon - 4 pies.
Sprinkle the sliced ​​slices with boiling water, sprinkle them with protein baskets, add them to the saucepan, warm water or fish sponge, add the fish to cover a quarter, onion, pepper, salt, pepper and wine. Bake in a low pan for 15-20 minutes under a closed lid. Finished fish will be stored before serving in the soup. Prepare a delicious side dish. Cut the carrots and pears into small pieces, chop, chop the onion into slices or half rings and stir. Chop the roasted pumpkins and seeds, chop them down, and bake in the pan for 5-7 minutes. Cut pieces of championship chairs and clear cafes from the light. Cut olives from a bone cleaner. Prepare a tomato paste using butter from the fish. Mix and cook for sweetness and 8-10 minutes. When serving, place the pieces of fish on a dish, pour the spoon and sprinkle with mashed potatoes, olives, and lemon juice.
Fish is roasted in the main way, deep fried and open on fire. Meat taken from fish roasted in the main way. The pieces or corpses of small fish will be sprinkled with salt, pepper, baked in flour, and cook until golden brown on both sides and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Baking the fish requires a large amount of vegetable oil, which should cover the fish completely, along with the thick walls and bottom. Fish should be prepared in advance. Peppers, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with flour or flour for baking. Oil can be applied to wool or olive. Once the butter is hot, the prepared fish goes in. It must be gray before it can get a golden color. In this way, any fish cooks, but starch, cod, Peru or naviga are especially delicious.
You can cook deep-fried fish in batter. To this end, pieces of ready-made fish will drop down into the oven, then dump into deep fat. To avoid excess fat, spread the fish on a piece of paper.
Moroccan roasted fish with green beans
Sardine - 20 pcs., Soybeans - 2 tbsp. L, green (peppers, basil, green onions - large onions), garlic - 2 eggs, olive oil - 1 tbsp. l., dry cheese (cheese) - 3 tbsp. L, black pepper (ground), lemon - 1/4 pcs.
Cooking technology;
Fish should wash, remove head, remove wings, stomach, and beak. This cut is called a butterfly. Dip the sugars into a bowl and pour in the soy sauce, sprinkle with the pepper. Chop the greens well. Add chopped cheese, chopped garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. Place a spread Filet from the spread of a butterfly leaf, scrub it with green stuff, and cover with another file. Stir each flour in flour and rub it with vegetable oil on both sides.
Fried Fish "Free"
Fish spoon 400g, wheat flour 1 tbsp. l., egg 0.5 pcs., bread mixture 5 tbsp. l., vegetable oil 4 tbsp. L., butter 2 tbsp. L., or soup 200g, 600g, pasta or stick to taste, lemon 1/3 pcs.
Cooking technology;
Fish meat, without bones or skin, cut into rhubarb or quarters, salt, pepper, bread in flour, oil, and bread again in a saucepan. Pour the fish into a deep fat and bring it to the oven completely. When serving, fry the roasted fish with butter.
Deep-roasted fish
Deep-roasted fish
Vegetable oil - 2-3 lb., Flour - 300 g. , Salt - 1 tsp. , Baking powder - 1 tsp. , Chilean pepper - 1 chips, beer - 500 mL, corn steak - 1 tbsp. l., fish crust - 1 kg, eggs - 1 pc.
Cooking technology;
Wash fish, remove all bones and skin. Add a little salt and stand apart. In a deep bowl, pour the flour, salt, baking powder to the patient. Add a little warm pepper to taste and any spices. Separate the eggs separately and pour in the flour. Mix well and slowly add the beer, beat until smooth. Roll a piece into the cornstarch, then bake in the pan. Rinse thoroughly to cover the fish completely. Serve roasted fish in deep fat and bring to a boil. Put the leftover fish on a piece of paper, removing the rest of the oil.
Fish raw, cooked or baked. The slices of cooked fish will be placed on the baking tray (without potatoes or potatoes), sprinkled with white, spicy spices or milk, sprinkled with melted butter and bake for 250-30-30 minutes. Presented to the table in the same pan. You can prepare all kinds of fish in brick form. Small fish are usually not fish that support each other. Bake one to six servings in the pan, select the appropriate size for this panel. There is an old way of fishing in parchment paper. The fish is then sliced ​​into a piece of parchment paper with butter or vegetable oil cut into two pieces. Wrap it firmly on paper and grease it with oil or oil. In this way, the rolled fish are placed on a baking tray. After 20-30 minutes. The fish will be ready. Instead of a sheet of paper, you can use aluminum foil, their ends are folded up and compressed. The finished fish is removed from the stove (or in the oven), beautifully placed on a plate and warmed with melted potatoes or flour.
Fried fish in fries
Peak (in bags) - 3 bags, fish (white or red, not crusty) - 400g, cherry tomatoes - 100g, olives - 50g, cafe - 1 tbsp. L, olive oil - 2 tbsp. L., vinegar (balsam), salt, seasonal (fresh ground pepper mixture), Time - 1/2 tsp, green.
Cooking technology;
Pour rice packages in boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Fish, cut into slices or slices. Place the fish on a coated sheet, covered with foil. In the fish above, add half the cherry tomatoes, cut the olives, herbs in half, sprinkle with the dried thyme, salt, fresh pepper pepper and sprinkle with olive oil. Place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Prepare the fish, cover the edges of the foil and give it another 5 minutes to “walk”. To prepare the rice with regular rice, turn it off. Spread the edge of the bag and place the rice on the plate. Pour the fish into the rice, sprinkle with the juice, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, sprinkle with finely chopped green pepper.
Baking fish in parchment
Fish (scandal - fish) - 1 kg. , Red pepper - 1 pc, lemon - 1/2 pcs. , Tomatoes (large) - 1 pc, olives (or olives, seeds) - 1/3 suspension, spices (salt, fresh ground black pepper), greens (to serve), vegetable oil.
Cooking technology;
Fish cut into two parts, salt and pepper. Help it with a soft parchment. For each fish, there will be one bottle of lemon and tomato, sweet pepper and some olives. Add a little salt and pepper. Sprinkle a bit with vegetable oil. Cover the fish in parchment. Submit the form and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Take out the fish and cut the parchment, leave it directly under the fish and cut it slightly on the sides. Decorated with greenery.
Baked fish in pita bread.
Baked fish in pita bread
Hunchback - 500g, onion - 80g, sweet green pepper - 100g, pepper (green) - 20g, lemon - 20g, Armenian lavash - 2 leaves, salt - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste.
Cooking technology;
Cut fish sections. Place chopped onion and pepper, peel the parsley leaves on a pita bread leaf. Place two pieces of fish and lemon slices on vegetables. Spread the pita bread during the salt and pepper season. Bake at 40 degrees for 40 minutes.
Baked fish soup in the oven.
Baked fish soup in the oven.
1.5 kg Fish - meat, 500g. Tomatoes, 200 g. Onions 5-6 carrots, 200g. Spices, salt, pepper, spices.
Cooking technology;
Chop the onion well. Grind the onion curves. Chop the tomatoes well. Mix onions, garlic and tomatoes, add salt and add spices. Fill it with spices. Mix well. Fish are clean, gastric, wash in cold water, shed long, contagious pieces, all over the lake. Place the fish in a deep pan or baking pan. Pour the cooked vegetable-lettuce and bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
It is one of the important nutrients that affect the external environment of the human body. It has a major impact on his lifestyle and performance. The organization of human nutrition that ensures health and high performance is of paramount importance. They serve holding enterprises and serve the people at work and at the school with ready-made breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The most important benefit of improving the recipe is to train, organize the process properly, and ensure the production of high quality products, which are fully utilized as complementary technologies and technologies.
The purpose of industrial practice.   The state of the production of students' practical capabilities is based on theoretical knowledge gained from their ability to perform basic tasks for their future careers.
It is a work of experience. :
  Separate product processes within the organization, both in general and in individual workshops,
1) Understand the content and nature of the heads of shops and stores, the function and nature of product managers.
2) Gain practical skills in operational product planning.
3) Know the financial management of products and other financial products in stores and across organizations.
4) study methods of quality control of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products; Regulatory and technical documentation that directs product quality.
Organizational characteristics
From March 04, 2015 to April 24, 2015, I took training and work experience at Uber's Home Restaurant.
The cafe has two workshops, a kitchen and a bakery, where the preparation of meat, fish and vegetables is organized.
The restaurant is open all day without breaks. The restaurant is ideal for relaxing. The hall has 80 seats, with four chairs in a neat and semi-soft chair. The cafe uses semi-glass pots, various tableware and stainless steel. The cafe operates on semi-finished products and raw materials. The cafe is designed for consumers' heterogeneous scope and is located on the city's highway. The cafe is the fourth, V's cooking. The cafe is equipped with modern equipment: heat, refrigerator, mechanical, non-mechanical stoves, electric stoves, deep cookware, etc.
  Restaurant cakes have special clothes.
Product workshops
Garden Store
  A grocery store is a store where the mechanical processing of vegetables is done, ie, processing, washing, sorting or fixing, cleaning, washing and cutting.
  Tools for processing vegetables according to the procedure There is a small box for storage of potatoes and vegetables for a short period of time. Nearby is peas. Buckets of potatoes and vegetables already planted in the car will be sprayed, planted with special patches. Put mashed potatoes in a water bath for a while. Rinse the cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkins and herbs in a water bath. Store vegetables and vegetables in refrigerators and trays (wet under cloth).
  The cutting is done in a vegetable garden in the cold workshop. Use the "CO" - raw vegetables on the cooking knife and cutting boards when manually cut.
  Terms and conditions for storing mature vegetables. Dried potatoes are kept in cold water for no more than 1-2 hours. Processed crops are kept at temperatures from 00 to 40 cm, not more than 10-12 hours. The following tool is used in a cafe to work in the garden store: Use vegetables with CO's marking knives - raw vegetables, baking for vegetables, barrels to collect waste, and marking the boards with "CO".
Meat - Fish Shop
  Meat - Fish Shop - Mechanical is a shop where you can find meat and fish, Offal and poultry.
  Enter the workshop from the refrigerator room for the meat, fish, butchery. The workshop will include production table production, bathtubs (meat, fish, poultry), refrigerator cabinet and mechanical equipment.
Currently, when the meat comes to the cafe, they buy chicken feet instead of chickens.
  In the meat - fish shop, first wash and process the meat. Then the wash basin and product table 2 are washed and washed with 2% solution of chlorine. After that, start processing chicken feet.
  Frozen belly at 8 ° C in a room with relative humidity 85 - 95% for 10 - 20 hours. Then the chicken legs are washed with cold water, eliminating the issues, eliminating fats and each set at 120 grams. The weight of chicken legs is 100 grams (see the Appendix "menu").
  Cleans the wash of semi-finished products.
  Cutting boards and knives are labeled "Home" - "Raw meat," grass "- raw chicken," CP "- raw fish. In this workshop, the fish are mechanically prepared and partially finished products are produced from this (see Fig. 4 "Meat Processing" and Fig. 5 "Fish Fishing System").
Hot Shop
  is the central station of the hot shop cafe. Here is the final cooking process: Hot and Fatty Foods: Heat, Cooks, Cooks, Soups, Soups, Side Foods, Main Foods, and Hot Treats for Cold and Sweet Foods. In addition, hot drinks will be served at the workshop. Foods prepared from the hot shop are sold directly to the consumer to the consumer. Semi-finished products come from all cafes in the hot shop. Depending on the work and technology maps, you will receive the required amount of product, and set up your workspace - select plates, tools and tools. The rest depends on the number of slices. First, it filters out the kitchen, meat, poultry, pastries, pastries, etc.
Cold Shop
Cold Shop - Preparation workshop for making cold snacks (salads, vinigrees, flood foods, etc.). It is right next to the hot shop. Most cold foods are not exposed to secondary heat treatment. It is therefore important to adhere to the personal hygiene rules and hygiene rules of cooking in the special care of cold cooking. Cold foods and foods are prepared before they are sold, but all cooked foods are prepared in advance. Vegetables, herds are held in the morning and stored in soup or completely in the fridge of the workshop. Meat, gastrointestinal products are cleaned and only cut when they are removed. The fish's stomach is cut, cut from bones without leaving the skin, and cut as needed. Salads and other cold foods are packed and prepared immediately before the holidays. The shelf is limited to 6 hours with finished products complete at temperatures of 20..60C.
Post Office
Warehouse V flows in a warehouse. A mixer machine is used in the baking tray for a baking tray, as well as a replacement machine with replaceable bolts and barrels. Raw materials and semi-finished products are stored in the refrigerator for a short time. Loading of dough is placed on the production table. Table boards and various containers are used for the weight of the flour (corn, various pots, pans, sheets, rolls, crackers, knives, purse bags and tips). Dry products baked in electric cabinets. Shelves are used for the purification and processing of potato and bakery products.
  In the spices store, yeast is prepared with "student" baskets, kitchen cakes, pancakes prepared with pancake cheese; Designed from cork cake: with kitchen, kitchen, cookie, kitchen tongue.
Tools and Collection The
  cafe uses a variety of materials. Made of aluminum, stainless steel kitchenware. The tableware used in the cafe is made of porcelain, aluminum, and glass.
  In the cafe, the production tables are made of highly coated aluminum. For wood trim, he uses a soft wooden floor. The chair for cutting meat was made from whole tree trunks.
The floor of the cutting boards is marked with the first letters of the product produced in the process (EM - raw meat, VM - boiled meat) and the name of the store (M-meat meat workshop or MRT-meat-meat workshop) They will be washed immediately. Equipment was collected from food debris and released. Car parts are washed with hot water brushes with detergent, then dried.
  Metal finish tables are washed with hot water and soap, then washed and dried. Wooden table covers are sprinkled with a knife and then washed with hot water and soda. The crushed table was washed with a knife and sprinkled with salt, filters for glass, baking sacks after each use, washed and dried.
  Table utensils and wood are washed in the laundry machine and hand-washed with soap. A sales site and a repair site are available daily. Cleaning of the hall is carried out by cleaning workers at the beginning and end of the working day using cleaning equipment. When cleaning, they remove dust from furniture, and window blinds that cover heating radiators keep the floor in order. Once a week, the restaurant prepares a general cleaning day for all units, equipment and storage. Various types and classes of services provided to complement institutions.
Number of fish foods.
Fish cooked, baked, baked, fried and baked. Salt fish frying and baking is not recommended; it is cooked, baked and baked. The first group may be Til mixed, cooked, roasted, baked. The trill, the second and third group, is recommended to ripen. Because the connective tissue is fully college-bound and becomes fast during the heat, fish do not disappear.
Boiled fish foods
For cooking, all the corpses are used with the head or the head, and the sections, cut at 90 ° angle. Stringon fish are easily inserted into containers connected to a rope.
When cooking in water, up to 2% of fish, including up to 0.5% of minerals and minerals, is absorbed into the net. Therefore, to make the food stand out more, it is best to cook the fish in the cooked food.
When cooking the whole fish, it is placed in a special fish boiler, mixed with the broth, mixed with cold water (the product is about 3 inches - 2 liters at the same height), spices, herbs, peppers, pepper, salt, Sweet potatoes.
Caracas and scratch links, as well as other valuable species and freshwater fish, are prepared without the use of spices, because this fish has good flavor and pleasant aroma, which does not require additional flavor. Citrus acid or vinegar is added to the skin when cooking and salmon to maintain a certain blue color of the skin. Sprinkle some soup fish with boiling water or soup to shorten the cooking time and reduce the nutritional value.
The process of cooking the fish is done in two steps: bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook at a temperature of 800 - 90 0 (12 - 15 minutes; parts - 45-90 minutes; large pieces (e.g., bakinga)) - 2-3 hours.
The cooked fish is removed from the egg with the egg, the twins are removed, put on a warm plate on the skin, decorated on the side and around - sliced ​​potatoes, cakes, sliced ​​peppers or boiled potatoes. Serve the potatoes with melted butter and sprinkle with chopped green beans before serving. You can also use additional side dishes: chilled cream, shrimp, canned potatoes, "ocean" pasta, mushrooms, chopped cabbage, chopped pumpkin and tomatoes. Make sure to use lemons, sticks, and parsley.
The wire connectors cooled down the cartilage (loss during loss - 3-10%), cut into pieces, poured the soup and brought to a pot. If the fish is intended to prepare cold foods and snacks, it will preheat, cool, remove the twins, remove cartilage and bones, and then use it for the intended purpose.
Fish or carrot-shaped fish divided into fish. On a holiday, fish is washed with soups and served with soup boats for partial service.
Grilled Stonefish Fish meal (mixed link) gives white soup with garlic and white wine soup. Grilled fish is served under white, tomato, cake cream or Polish soup.
Zrazy fish with pumpkins in Russia. - In the middle of the cut, cooked meat (combined with egg and butter), remove a stone from the egg, whisk, whisk (allowed). Mold Zeraziz is kept in steam for 20-25 minutes. Released 2 pcs. For a particular room, use fresh pumpkins and tomatoes for a side dish.
Fish droplets are filled 2/3 in a separate mold or boil in water. Ready cookies are taken from the mold, and they are sprinkled with cherries, shrimp, mushrooms and white wine, steam or tomato sauce.
When fish hit food, weight loss is 18-20% (stinger - about 15%). Boiled fish will be kept in soup for 30 - 40 minutes at 60-65 ° C.
Fish foods
Steam fried fish tastes better than steam cooked fish, because in this heat cooking process, the ingredients are better preserved.
Fisheries are fully allowed (medium sized and for dinner parties - Staler, Turtle, White Fish, Il, Spray); Links or large fragments (of the family of the fossil family); (Of all kinds of fish).
It is more useful for combining whole fish and semi-fragments with skin (fragments are cut at 30 0 angles from ribs of bone ribs or skinless bones). Links for the Strider family fish are pre-mixed to avoid spinal bites. Fish segments, the treated portion of the treated carton with the skin, and for some foods and non-skinned fish are melted before entering to remove proteins from the breast.
The fishing is allowed in the dishwasher, with curtains, or in a fish pan covered with a bowl, and the cover is closed. The fish prepared for storage are placed in a bowl in one row (links are skin tight so a piece covers the fish, the whole fish is covered in the stomach), cooked in warm water or 1 kg at 0 kg. Add the fish in 1/4 volume, add salt, garlic, onions, spices and sprinkle until cooked.
The season is 10-15 minutes for classes and 30-40 minutes for fish fed by links and general samples.
Fish with sweet white wine or mushroom soup tastes good. It is recommended that seafood and starch fish in addition to pond lifts. On the soup, arrange a spoonful of the remaining fish, cooked after the roast.
When served, slices of cooked fish are placed on hot plates or containers and poured over the soup to cover the foam covered with the protein. Side panels save side dish: boiled carbovanny potatoes, whole pumpkins or chopped peppers, mashed potatoes. Drink potatoes with melted butter, sprinkle with herbs.
Make a bowl with lime in small slices and seeds, cooked white mushrooms or mushrooms, canned cranberries and greens and vegetables without getting food when you leave.
The name of the stove is the name of the fish and soup: "peach", "white wine." When selecting steaks, fish have a strong flavor and a pleasant aroma (fish, peach chicks) served under steam soup, white wine soup and has a strong flavor and aroma - under the tomato sauce, with white.
Steam fillet   prepared from a finished product with "boneless skin filters". Design pieces are sprinkled with spices, roots and mushrooms. When you are out on the fish, add the mushrooms, sliced, lemons. Cooked potatoes or mashed potatoes, fried vegetables. A spoon (white master, steam, white wine, tomato) is served separately or they are sprinkled on fish.
Fish (Strington family) are sprayed with   spices and roots in a heat-absorbed fragment at 890-90 ° C. When leaving, add chopped mushrooms, lemons, lubricants, spoon (steam, white wine) or soup separately. You can make sliced ​​ginger on the fish.
White wine fish soup with broken pieces can be prepared without any skins or scraps. When leaving a wheat bread or soup pan, add the cooked fish, pour the cooked mushrooms on it, pour in the sauce, add a little lemon juice.
Dish p yba Russian designed boneless skin (boxes), the semi-completed product. It tastes good for the pudding: carrots and parsley cut into small cubes and chopped mushrooms and cut into slices. Pruned pumpkins are installed, removed, cut and sprinkled. Onions are cut in half rings and burned and roasted, cafes are squeezed out of grapes, bones are removed from olives. Prepared foods are mixed, cooked in tomato soup and brought to a pan. When serving, decorate with lime, sturdy cardboard with finely chopped potatoes. Served with tomato soup.
B. Pirate perch or pie is full. Fish without sealing the skin: the spine, rib, head, neck, wash, sitting between the bones, and the skin without splitting the skin. Some of the meat is left on the skin (0.5-1.0 cm), while the rest of the meat is used to prepare boiled meat (brown onions, garlic, bread, water or milk, margarine, eggs and spices). The corpse is filled with delicate flesh, fried using a newspaper and allowed to boil for 20-30 minutes. Skin "accumulation" can be removed from the pike.
The fish is served whole (free from curries and curries before serving) or sliced ​​into segments, mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes or cooked vegetables, with a spoon - tomato, spice, tomato with vegetables.
Fisheries cutters.   Grilled carrots and onions are made from a paste. Ready pieces are placed in a spoonful of soup, sautéed with margarine, add a little water and leave in a closed container for 15-20 minutes. Served with roasted potatoes, steaming steam.

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