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Saturday, October 19, 2019

chinese fruit like lychee

Dorothy: “The spice of hell and the divine taste. chinese fruit like lychee: What it likes and can be grown at home

I like to try unusual fruitsIt's now easier than ever to buy them.chinese fruit like lychee. They walk around the supermarket, and see exciting discoveries. A few weeks ago, I was intrigued by a particular fruit - Lichée.
At first glance, this is not a perfect fruit - small, to the touch, not strong. I like it when the fruit is burning, and then the appetite becomes stronger and more thirsty to try it. But here, my curiosity has improved, and I still buy myself a little.

chinese fruit like lychee

How can you choose what has never eaten? I was full of drawers, I started painting places, and I started to build places. But, they were all very similar to each other. They vary in size only (slightly larger and smaller) and vary in color. Some lenses had a beautiful reddish color, while others were slightly brown. I tried to hide one to see what was inside, but it was sufficiently strong.
How to Eat Lemon Fruits and What You Like
When I returned home, I was very pleased with my relatives. She asked everyone to come together for a taste. Everyone looks at this confident, crushed red almond. But these were just flowers, and they had to see their response as they looked inside!
You have to file or cut with a knife to go to the cutting board. Then push the gravel to the sides and pull out the hood.

chinese fruit like lychee
Lindsey pulp looks like a slider. Honestly, I don't miss it. Or like a piece of the brain. But, a pleasant aroma came out of it. It was the first time I had an unusual tuberculosis bite. An urchin immediately went up from him, so I dropped it completely into my mouth. There was a bone on the inside.
chinese fruit like lychee
If you close your eyes and forget how it looks - everything is so delicious. It's hard to find the words to describe the taste of lemonade. There is a mix of accessories: Mini-citrus notes are associated with strawberry and grape. The taste is so full, I would even say wake up. I had 3 pieces to eat. All of the same, you need to gradually adapt to the normal person.

If you want something unusual and unusual - all you need is a lychee! Here, the look \ u200b \ u200b is unusual, and the taste is just that - like this or not.
It is also called the dragon. I was wondering where the name came from. If you cut the tumor in half and look at the wound, it looks like the eye looks.
Another name for him is the Chinese plum.
chinese fruit like lychee
Lies takes both of them hot and makes jum and jell out of her. And the Chinese have made it a traditional wine. The fruits can also dry, the flesh is thick, and in this way the fruit is called leki. On the supermarket shelves you can see canned candles with this fruit, like pineapple or apricot.
Lithi Fruit - Benefits of China Plum
This product has great health benefits. Of course it is important to mention where you eat when you have important assets. Lithi fruits grow on a scale that extends over a 10 meter tree. If you choose and use them right away, then the essential nutrients are contained in 100%. Buying from us will be lower in consumption.

chinese fruit like lychee
The birthplace of this tree is China, so you can see the "Chinese Plum" lithium appeal. It is believed that the Chinese ate this fruit since the 2nd century. E. There is even a legend named for the lychee. Emperor Wu Di ordered his men to grow a tree from northern China (his homeland) in northern China. And he was severely killed for his failed attempts, so these fruits were dear to him.
Lichie is very helpful and helpful. It contains high levels of complex carbohydrates, proteins, pectin, as well as potassium magnesium, calcium, sulfur and vitamin C, E, group B. It contains about 6 to 18% of sugar products depending on the different types of lactine. And this is not a comprehensive list.
Leche is a real store of vitamins and minerals.
But most importantly, it is high in nicotine acid, vitamin P, which helps to prevent atherosclerosis. Vitamin P in lithium is superior in apples and peppers for comparison.
Niacin delays blood vessels.

This property is used to improve breastfeeding in older women. So if you want to improve breastfeeding growth, say Linet. The nicotine acid containing it damages the blood vessels, thus improving breastfeeding.
For people suffering from coronary heart disease in China, it is recommended that you always use ointments. As well as high cholesterol in the blood.
In India, Lycee is considered to be a strong aphrodisiac. They call it the "fruit of love."
chinese fruit like lychee
Liquids helps to normalize digestion. Constipation helps. It is a diet that promotes weight loss. In the liver, kidney, various wounds, gastrointestinal infections - it is recommended to eat. In China, many different medicinal herbs can be cured, even cured with leukemia.
10 Fruits can lower blood sugar to normal, so it is important to feed people with diabetes.
Eastern medicine is widely used. For us, it is believed that this particular fruit contributes to the healing of the 3 major organs: the lungs, liver and kidneys.
It is harmful to eat unhealthy foods.

This fruit has no protection. Only individual intolerance to the product is possible.
How to Choose Unusual Lemon Fruits
The average weight of a fruit is 15-18 grams. 20 grams are already wide. The volume of lithium is approximately 3 cm. In fact, the higher the fruit, the more it contains.
Mature lychee is based on color saturation, it is best to buy bright color. It may be pink, red, reddish-brown, but it is edgy. The black burgundy-colored lechee is already rich. And the fruits of yellow dots are not ripe. Color depends on the type of wood.
The scent tells us something new about swelling. It has a very gentle aroma. But unfortunately, they come to us after various treatments, and their perfume disappears during sales.
If you buy these fruits yourself at home, then you can store them at room temperature, but no longer than 3 days. And, if you have already dropped the lemon juice, you should use it immediately or freeze it in the refrigerator. Frozen fruits can lie for 2-3 months.
Lechei, or "Chinese plum" - lechkinensins Sony. - with the Sapphire Way family. It is known by such names: "lei", "lexi", "fox", "china plum".
Leeye's birthplace is in southern China, used in ancient times as a local currency. It is still appreciated in the tropics. So, for example, in India, this fruit has the meaning of "birth," "giving joy," in China, while "Chinese" is translated from Chinese, "soul, which exalts love."

The history of this fruit dates back to thousands of years ago, and the ancient Chinese used it as food in the 2nd century. E. Gradually it started to grow in neighboring countries and is now one of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia.
  The lychee spoken about early Europe was written about the middle of the XVII century. Following the "González de Mendoza" book, "The Story of the Great Chinese Empire," follows Noah's tumor: "You will never eat too much." These are the words of the famous Spanish author who tasted the forbidden and the forbidden fruits.
This is a slightly oily fruit with red bean skin. The fruit drops are almost white white jelly-like fruit that has a slightly different taste and flavor. In the center of the embryo, a strange seed is the same as the student of another animal. That is why the Chinese branded their favorite fruit as "dragon's eye."
Licht is common in all of Southeast Asia, as well as in many African and American countries, but it is widely practiced in China, India, South Africa (especially in the Natal and Transvaal states).
Leigh is up to 20 meters high, has high requirements for climate, can be rolled and warmer, with less dry weather and lower tropical corn plants
Lettuce has relatively narrow and long leaflets, bent around the edges and slightly curved, pale, dark green. The flowers are small, collected in panel channels. Each panel produces 3 to 15 fruits.
Trees are characterized by slow growth, but eventually their numbers reach higher levels - up to 15-20 m.
Due to the slow growth of trees, their production increases over 20 years.
In post-harvest lymph nodes are harvested in May and June.
  Mature fruits weigh up to 15-20 g, up to 4-4.5 cm and up to 3 - 3 cm in diameter, shapeless or rounded red, easily separated from the pit, pumpkin white or creamy, juicy, sweet and sour There is a soft brown seed in the center of the fruit, a fragrant, jelly-like consistency; The Chinese take the bamboo fruits into a salty form in the interior of the bamboo. In addition, in China, India, Vietnam, and other countries, the leaves have become dry with eggs.

Liquids are used to fill traditional Chinese wine, juices, carbonated beverages, salads, canned fruits, such as crayons and other baked goods. This fruit goes well with fish, which is used to prepare the sweet and savory dishes served with meat.
   There are many types of lemons - over 100.
The wonderful taste and pleasant aroma are still the main benefits of Lithu. It contains lots of proteins, pectin, and many vitamins.
In perfume: taken from the spoils of the Gividdan (DEWFRUIT TEC AB 2927R Givaudan).
Liesus in Southeast Asia is considered one of the healthiest fruits. In his homeland, southern China is known as "Leo" or "China Plum." Here, the use of historical data dates back to the 2nd century B.C.
Unusually, the fruit is called the second name - "the dragon's eye ." To see the same, see what the sender looks like in the photo.
It is covered in an unusual brown-red skin that looks like a balance on the body of an amazing creature. Inside, a round-shaped gel-like drop and a large black bone.
In its context, it looks like a dragon's eye. The shape of the embryo is circular, 2-5 cm wide, lightweight and not more than 10-25 g.
Chinese plum grows on trees
Chinese plum grows on trees 10-20 meters high." The first fruits can taste early in the spring and enjoy until mid-winter. This is why fruits are very popular locally, because all crops start to grow on the market only when they are grown in the garden and will appear on the market.

Taste and smell

Lichten is sweet, but very compassionate and fun. Has a gel-consistent seemed that melts in your mouth. There is no single answer as to what the taste looks like. It's a taste for someone , for others. He mixed the whole fruit cocktail. It tastes like sweet roses.

How to choose ripe and sweet fruit

How to choose ripe and sweet fruit
In May-June you need to buy fruits - this is the time to get a taste of the real latte. Hundreds of hundreds of shelves, one by one, is important to study their study first. The color should be waterproof, bright red, with no dark spots, cracks and tiles. Its appearance helps to determine a fruitful, high-quality fruit photo acquisition.
For communication - strong, not too heavy. As sweet and sweet as a sprouted fruit, like a rose bush .

That is, or the culture of usage

It is very easy to remove the peel from the fruit, hold it with a knife and pull half of it into the sides. It is only left when the bone is pulled out and thrown into the potatoes.
That is, or the culture of usage
The dragonfly can not only drink fresh water. Icons are healthy and tasty fruits in a   dry, canned or frozen form. Many add to champagne thanks to this wonderful scent and rich flavor.
The biggest problem is that it only stores up to three days after it is removed from the tree. So just eat fresh fruits so you need to feel the right taste .

Storage rules and behaviors

Storage conditions are directly dependent on temperature conditions. In a cool place, a leak can be stored for several months, but not more than three days at room temperature. The fruits are also well preserved in saline or dry form. Note that at the same time, good qualities and flavors do not lose as much fruit as fruit .

Composition and benefits

"China Plum" Calorie content is very low (65 kcal / 100 g). The composition of the fruit contains the following minerals :
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Potassium;
In addition, lithium is rich in vitamins PP, K, B, C, and nicotinic acid; the main cause of heart failure in humans - the benefits of dragon eyes are not particularly helpful.
  1. It is important for anemia.
  2. Assist in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
  3. It is recommended to have gastric disease, liver failure, high cholesterol.
  4. Many weight loss supplements contain food in their diets, because it satisfies hunger, has low calorie content and has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Those women who ate fruits during pregnancy said they had a wonderful ability to get rid of the toxic woman.

In cooking and medicine

 cooking and medicine
The dragon eye is widely used in cooking. Hot, mixed with carbonated beverages, fresh from salads, sweet fruit and sweet ice cream. The seeds are roasted, fragrant tea comes from the egg, which increases its volume and strength during the heat. Liché is considered a wonderful filling to create, and it creates lovely machines and gel. Despite its sweet taste, the league goes well with meat and fish dishes.
 cooking and medicine

Leichey is a fruit reflected in cosmetology. In laboratory conditions, one leaf is obtained from the extract on skin and hair care products. It is especially useful for people with sensitive and dry skin. It moistens and softens, normalizes the water balance and provides protection from ultraviolet radiation. Continuously using anti-aging creams, which are incorporated into the anti-aging cream, fights the natural processes.

Lig can be harmful

The dragon is not only useful for the eyes, but can also injure the body. This often happens when a person has an intolerance to or misuse of the fetus. In the second case, the mucosa, nasal mucosa, and even wounds in the sky are not excluded. It is also important to limit the use of lymphocyte during pregnancy, and give it to young children when they are eating carefully. Although lychee has a low calorie content, it is not recommended to eat 10-15 fruits a day.
Exceptional lemon fruit
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
How to feed Lychee
In ancient times, a vibrant fruit was considered a symbol of wealth and nobility. Only the upper classes are allowed to use and enjoy the taste, and even the poor are put to death for the test. Only allowed to collect and transport the latter fruit.
As a powerful hypothermia for humans, lithi has advantages and disadvantages. It stimulates emotions, brings them together, stimulates love, helps to relax. The wine made from China Plum fruits has interesting functions. There is one famous Eastern example of this property, which says, "A lino is equal to three burning torches." But this is why many use it as a feeling of love.
How to feed Lychee
In Sim, they celebrate an unusual festival in honor of this fruit in the autumn. So they organize year-round shows, music shows, and Lost Leisure tournaments in Ching Chii Province
For Tai Lei Fruit (Lathi Lich Chance) is a Safinvive family, known by such names as "lei", "lexi", "fox", "china plum". The birthplace of this particular fruit is South China, where it used to be used as a local currency in ancient times. And the lychee is still appreciated in the tropics. So, for example, in India, this fruit in China means "the fruit of love", "to give joy," and the fine wine is made from lithius (translated from Chinese) "to lift up his soul, to lift up love."

The history of this fruit dates back to thousands of years, and ancient Chinese dates to the 2nd century BCE E. Gradually it started to grow in neighboring countries and is now one of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia.
The lychee spoken about early Europe was written about the middle of the XVII century. The great tale of the great Chinese empire, the book González de Mendoza, says that Lymph appears to be a "plaque that never hurts and consumes much." These are the words of a famous Spanish writer who tasted the forbidden and forbidden fruits mentioned in the book.

So what is Lebanon?

This is a small oval fruit with a red pepper flakes. The fruit drops are almost white white jelly-like fruit that has a slightly different taste and flavor. In the center of the embryo, a strange seed is the same as the pupil of another animal. That is why the Chinese branded their favorite fruit as "dragon's eye."
The fertility of the plants gives early fruits. The plants grow slowly, not producing large quantities. June - July Many fruits appear.
  Liquids are used to fill traditional Chinese wines, juices, carbonated beverages, salads, canned fruits, such as yogurt and other pastries. This fruit goes well with fish, which is used to prepare the sweet and savory dishes served with meat. The fruits are a few calories, about 60kg per 100 grams.
Wonderful taste and pleasant aroma are not the main benefits of lithium. It contains a lot of proteins, potassium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Fruits have high nicotinic acid content - Vitamin P. Atherosclerosis is the cause of lethal complications such as heart attack and stroke. Scientists have discovered that in South-East Asian countries, it is the least likely to suffer from atherosclerosis in Europe and the United States. The main cause of this "Asian phenomenon" is the widespread spread of lymph nodes.
Normal lymph consumption has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Eating fruit is also recommended for anemia. Lemon juice is used as a tonic, and in addition, it can quickly satisfy thirst, because lemon juice is often used in soft drinks.
When buying lychee in stores, you should pay attention to the integrity of the fetus and its color. If it is very dark, the fruit has long been removed from the tree, the taste of such a fruit is unpleasant, it looks like roasted juice. Peel must be soft without being peel, slightly soft.
How to feed Lychee?
  Wash the fruit, remove the fruit from the fruit, this is very easy. Remove the white meat, and place it on a plate.
  Fruits are usually eaten like cherries, and they remove the scrub from the flower.
  Peppermint can be added to a variety of peaches. The beverage is giving it a magical taste.

  Liquid Ice Cream

  • 1 kg
  • 250g of sugar
  • 1/2 L pineapple juice
  • Juice 5 liters or lime
  • 1 plate of gelatin
Cooking method; Cut the lemon juice, cut it in half and remove the bones. Turn gelatin for cold water for 10 minutes and then turn off. Heat a small amount of lime juice and drizzle gelatin with sugar. Mix linden with pork and lemon juice. Add a tablespoon of sugar and gelatin. In a pan, pour in a plastic container and store for several hours in the refrigerator. Serve the dessert in a bowl.

  Pancakes with fruit
  • Flour 125 g
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Egg (yolk) 1 pc.
  • Coconut Milk 300 ml
  • Vegetable oil (to bake) 4 tbsp. l
  • Bananas - 1 pc.
  • Papia - 1 pc.
  • 1 lemon juice
  • Fruits - 2 pcs.
  • Mango (Paste, Cut Out) - 1 pc.
  • Lacey - 4 pcs.
  • Honey (liquid) - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Min (few leaves)
  • Flour sugar 1 tbsp. l
Cooking method; In a large bowl, add flour and salt. Stir in the center, add eggs, yolk and some coconut milk. Gradually add the remaining milk and butter. Cover and leave for 30 minutes. Chop the peppers and bananas, and add to the bowl. Sprinkle the papaya, remove the seeds, put in a banana bowl, pour the lemon juice, and mix. Cut the chopped fruit in half, remove the seeds and flesh, and add to the fruit. Add mango, herbs and honey. Bake into 8 pancakes. Place the filling in the center of the pancake, spin the pancake into a cone. Sprinkle with a little herbs, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Representatives of one of the most exotic fruits in Thailand are not only amazingly fragrant and fragrant, but there are also exotic pastimes. These “fruits of history” include the lychee . He has been known to mankind for thousands of years - in the 2nd century B.C. In ancient China, there is documentary evidence that this fruit has already eaten. The taste of leki for the central government was so high that it was once used as a currency in South China. Gradually, the leaf began to grow in neighboring countries. It is one of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia today.
Europe is well-known for its "money" currency - the earliest mention of Lizx is found in the history of the Greater Chinese Empire in the 17th century. The author compares it to the plum (the lychee) describing the amazing fruit , so it doesn't bother the Chinese plum , because it can attract so much to one person. Lechei is not the only name for fruit. It is also known as "legi", "fox", "Chinese plum", "spice".
Lechey is planted in a well-drained, dry climate and is not available in humid climates. The plant prefers fertile, well-drained soil. Chinese Cultivation of Chinese Crop seeds or Plants Lichy - slow growth   tree starts by spreading 4-6 years of plant growth and planting 8 - 8 years of life. Collected in late spring - early summer. The fallen fruits will be eaten individually so quickly that all the trees will fall on the tree.

Description of lymph plants - Chinese plum

Description of lymph plants - Chinese plum
Lichēyi child ) up to 30 m tall (the average height of the tree until it grows - 15 m). The crown of the tree is made up of complex branches and complex twisted leaves. Each leaf has 4-8 small leaflets or a long-lasting shape. The whole leaf candle is dark green and above and is green at the bottom.
Flowers without flowers are yellow or green. Calyx was collected in 70-cm-thick umbrella-shaped tissues. Most flowers bloom - only 3 to 15 fruits will grow at each growth stage. Oval lime is not surprising in size - it is 2.5 to 4 cm in length. The red pepper is covered with several sharp teeth. The pumpkin is light, gel-like consistency. It is simply separated from the egg. The taste of lithium is similar to the taste of wine, but slightly astringent. It is a sweet fruit with a sweet wine flavor. In the center of each lymph node, there is a dark brown bone.

Lechi Legends

In Thailand, this kind of myth is told about surveys. Predictable: The taste and value of the fruit , Chinese Emperor Wei Di tried very hard to raise oils in northern China's provinces. Despite all his interest and money, the tree did not take root in cold weather. The Emperor's wrath was so great that he ordered all the gardeners to be killed ...

Useful lymphatic properties

A rich history, a pleasant aroma and a pleasant taste - not all of Lemon's benefits. The fruit pumpkin contains a large amount of protein, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, pectin, nicotine acid (vitamin PP). Thai doctors recommend eating a leukemia regularly to improve the digestive system, to treat anemia, cardiovascular disease, low cholesterol and kidney and liver disease.
The Chinese plum body is well heard. Fruits satisfy hunger, help restore weight. Lechei - Fruit of the Fruit : In India it is called "the fruit of love."

It is harmful to eat who

Description of lymph plants - Chinese plum
Lysene has no contraindications except for individual intolerance. To avoid poisoning with fatty foods, you should think carefully about the purchase. The peel of the fruit may be dirty and stained from the tree. Also, do not buy cracked fruits - cracks, claws, fibers.

Cooking lchee

Lego fruits are often eaten fresh by removing bones from the branches. Wine is made from fruit, juice is added to carbonated beverages. In cooking, lubricants are used as a filling for lunches, sweets and sweets, and for many salads. The fruit is dried, and the juices and juices will cook from it.

How to store Lychee

Lithi fruits are poorly stored. They are difficult to transport at long distances. The fruit is taken in a cluster with branches and leaves for better protection. The life of the shelf at room temperature is three days. When stored in the refrigerator - up to two weeks. Frozen lychee keeps vitamins and vitamins up to 3 months.

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