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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

black seed oil benefits for hair

black seed oil benefits for hair
black seed oil benefits for hair

Black cumin oil

I can’t even believe how many useful natural remedies that have enjoyed amazing fame in the past are undeservedly forgotten seed oil benefits for hair.There is also black cumin oil on this list. Hippocrates, Cleopatra and Tutankhamun, religious teachers of the East and European monarchs admired this product. The time has come for us to find out how black cumin oil has earned respect.

What it is?

Black cumin oil is obtained by squeezing from the seeds of the same plant. These are tiny black seeds, slightly curved, with a rather rough texture. They are difficult to confuse with other seeds used in cooking or medicine. A seed source has many names. One is known as the chernushka, in other countries it is called kalingini, seydana or Roman coriander.
This is an annual herb from Ranunculaceae, today it is cultivated around the world as a healthy spice. Regarding its origin, the opinions of researchers were divided. Some are called the birthplace of Kalinghi India, others North Africa or the Mediterranean.
For the inhabitants of the East, black cumin is associated with the prophet Muhammad, who, according to tradition, once said that these black seeds can cure any disease except death. And I must say, modern researchers are in no hurry to categorically deny such a statement.
The earliest record of the use of Kalingini seeds is of Egyptian origin. Oil from them was found in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, which means that people knew about the benefits of this product more than 3300 years ago.

Properties of black seeds

black seed oil benefits for hairThe list of pharmacological and therapeutic properties of black cumin oil is huge: some connoisseurs of this product name more than a hundred advantages. So, kalingi oil is:
  • antirheumatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • anti-cancer;
  • hypotensive;
  • diabetes remedy;
  • against radiation;
  • medicine for the kidneys;
  • immunomodulator;
  • painkiller;
  • antipyretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • promotes lactation;
  • heals the airways;
  • laxative;
  • antioxidant ;
  • fat burning ;
  • insulin secretion regulator;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant.
Awesome list, isn't it? And now let's try to figure out where these miraculous abilities come from and what substances are part of the Kalingi seeds.

Unique chemical composition

black seed oil benefits for hairScientists conducted more than 630 studies of black cumin oil and concluded: the reason for the miraculous abilities of the product is its unique chemical composition. And in this regard, three substances play a key role: thymol, thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone.
Researchers in search of an effective remedy against yeast and mold fungi found that the chemical compounds mentioned above destroy 30 pathogens for the human body.
Timoquinone showed itself especially well in the fight against yeast and dermatophytes (fungi that affect the epidermis, nails and hair), and thymol was effective against mold. In fact, mold and other fungi are not able to exist in the presence of these phytochemical compounds.
In addition, thymoquinone is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties, prevents diabetes , encephalomyelitis, asthma. Timohydroquinone is useful for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, autism, dementia, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, depression. Thymol is used to treat tuberculosis as a disinfectant, as well as to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Body benefits

It has already been said that the spectrum of useful properties of black cumin oil is very wide. And many of them have scientific evidence.

Anticancer agent

black seed oil benefits for hairCroatian scientists conducted a series of experiments with the participation of mice and found that the product from black cumin by 52% reduces the activity of cancer cells. Scientists suggest it is useful for treating cancer of the colon, prostate, pancreas, and lung cancer. The effectiveness of kalingini oil in the prevention of skin cancer has also been proven.

Liver benefits

Almost all toxins that enter the body pass through the liver, and the bile it produces is a key factor in healthy digestion. Long-term medication or the use of alcohol in large quantities complicates the work of the body. In this case, it is worth calling for help black cumin oil. The results of scientific studies have shown that this product resumes healthy liver function , and also prevents some organ diseases.

With diabetes

Indian endocrinologists have stated that kalingini seed oil is one of the few products on the planet that can prevent type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Black cumin seeds improve glucose tolerance .

To improve digestion

Hippocrates also said that kalingini oil improves the digestive system. Seeds have carminative properties, are useful in irritable bowel syndrome, relieve abdominal cramps, eliminate diarrhea, and also accelerate the digestion of food.

With psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis is a condition where the skin is covered with pink scales, which can hurt and itch. The disease occurs as a result of an abnormal immune response. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin, manifested by red spots, usually in the joints. In both diseases, black cumin oil may be useful. The antifungal properties of the product are also proven. In particular, rubbing this substance can cure or alleviate the condition with nail fungi , mycosis, ringworm.

For immunity

Scientists who have studied the properties of these small black seeds claim that they can improve the immune system by 72 percent. And to achieve such amazing results, it will take only 4 weeks of regular intake of black cumin oil. A group of volunteers who took part in the experiment took 1 gram of the substance twice a day for a month. At the end of this time, researchers recorded an incredible result of strengthening immunity.

Heart strengthening

black seed oil benefits for hairHeart disease can be the result of a number of reasons, but all of them, as a rule, have a common denominator: the heart does not receive the necessary nutrients. Black cumin seed oil is rich in omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids , as well as phytosterols .
They are responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent blood clots and hypertension, and also reduce cholesterol and blood sugar . The practice of using black cumin oil to improve the cardiovascular system has been going on for centuries.

Allergy remedy

Many do not even realize that allergies are a consequence of a weakened immune system. And black cumin oil for allergies is no less effective than medications. In addition to almost immediately alleviating the condition, this product will take care of strengthening the immune system, thereby preventing the manifestation of reactions in the future.

Increases fertility

For over two thousand years, the product has been known as a means to improve the reproductive health of men and women. In many cultures, the oil of these seeds is known as a cure for infertility. Today, Kalingini seeds are a well-known aphrodisiac and one of the best natural remedies to increase fertility.

Black cumin in folk medicine

Against flu and fever

Due to its immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, the product from kalingi is used to treat flu, colds and bronchitis. A folk recipe suggests diluting in a glass of warm water for a teaspoon of honey and black seed oil. By the way, this same tool is useful as a prophylaxis during an influenza epidemic.

Against toothache

black seed oil benefits for hairThe product has analgesic properties, which means it is able to relieve toothache. For anesthesia, you need only 3-5 drops: apply a cotton swab soaked in oil to the diseased tooth.


The aroma of black cumin will help get rid of frequent bouts of headache. To do this, apply a few drops of oil on a handkerchief and inhale the smell during attacks.

When the wasp stings

Cumin oil will help relieve pain at the site of the bite. To do this, just dip the stung place in warm water with 8-10 drops of the product. Hold the sore spot in the water for 10 minutes.

How to use

Black cumin oil is popular in Indian, Pakistani, Iranian cuisines. Its taste resembles a mixture of thyme, oregano and nutmeg with a slight bitter taste. It can be used by adding a small amount to salads. A good solution - mix with a little honey and add to a glass of water or lemon juice - you get a tasty and healthy drink.
black seed oil benefits for hair
As it has already become clear, cumin oil can come to the rescue for a variety of diseases. And also this miracle remedy effectively solves many cosmetic problems.

Against acne

This natural remedy effectively treats acne. You can rub the oil directly into the skin, but sometimes irritation can occur. There is a safer way. In a saucepan, boil 2 liters of water and add 10 drops of oil to a hot liquid. Steam your face over the steam. To enhance the effect, cover your head over the pan with a towel, but at the same time maintain a safe distance in order to avoid burns. The procedure is carried out for 5 minutes, and then blot your face with a clean towel.
Why does this simple tool work? Black cumin oil has a powerful antibacterial effect, it kills the bacteria that cause acne. And under the influence of steam, the pores expand, passing a natural medicine deep into the skin.

For hair

This miracle product stops baldness and “revitalizes” the follicles. For this, black seed oil and olives are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and rubbed into areas with bald patches. Wash off after 30 minutes.
If you add one part of kalingini oil to two parts of coconut and also rub it into the scalp, it will also stop hair loss, and also moisturize, make it shiny and “alive”.

Possible dangers

As research continues, there is not much information available today about the possible side effects of black cumin oil. A safe dose for a person is called 3 teaspoons of the product. Taken in such quantity, it does not cause negative reactions. An exception is people with an allergy to kalingini seeds. However, experts recommend not giving the product to young children, and adults to avoid large doses of oil. An overdose can have a toxic effect on the body, and in especially large portions, black cumin oil has paralytic abilities. For this reason, it is advised to use it in a diluted form (1: 1), for example, with olive or other vegetable oil.
Some lovers of black cumin oil call it essential for humans. Experts say that every time the body receives at least a small amount of this product, its ability to resist diseases is significantly improved. Humanity has known black seed oil for more than two thousand years. And in recent decades, people have again become interested in the properties of this product.

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