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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

best hair vitamins for faster hair growth

best hair vitamins for faster hair growth
best hair vitamins for faster hair growth
best hair vitamins for faster hair growth

Vitamins and hair regimens: My experience with internal and external cleaning. The mask used to treat hair with oils, vitamins and herbs

I think every girl has to deal with the problem when the hair condition is greatly reduced for all unknown reasons. Agree, this is very annoying and requires self-respect, because you want to have a beautiful and thick "manne" and not to have three haircuts on your head. What should you do if the problems still start?
If there are about 100 hairs left in the day and beyond, steps need to be taken. If all this happens to you all the time, you should consult a doctor, if this is temporary, you can deal with your own problem.
I had this problem when my hair was broken, dry, split, very messy and lost, and when I started to get a little bigger than usual. This happens most of the time after I renew my hair color in the bedroom during the spring and autumn. And the problem didn't start right away, but within three weeks of being there. Of course, at first I was very angry because I liked my hair. Then I realized that my problem started with taking a vitamin in my body! And, I had to make some effort to save the beauty of my kidneys. If you do not exercise your hair too quickly, your hair will soon become hairy due to unhealthy, silky hair. Is this a horrible sight? Then to prevent this - we do a personal care job.
First of all, you need to get rid of these problems to find out the reasons for hair loss. It is good to explain the reasons to the doctors (if you are not the wrong person, it will not hurt to visit a trichologist, as well as a dietitian). And if this is the reason for this post, I will share with you a few secrets about hair restoration both inside and outside, if it is a lack of vitamins.
best hair vitamins for faster hair growth
The causes of the problem
It can be an external and internal cause of hair loss and property damage. Did you know that a poor diet not only affects the organs but also the skin and hair? Many young women, who sit on a diet and easily hide beneath a barbecue, suffer from hair problems. All of this is due to the fact that you are malnourished and your hair is dead ahead of schedule or simply sleeping.
So there is a daily list of vitamins and micronutrients like A, A, C, B5, B6, PP, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron!
Here are some rich foods (I am not vegetarian because I am a vegetarian)
  • Vitamin E - cheese, spinach, carrots, cream
  • Beta carotene: cereals, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, pumpkin, apples;
  • Vitamin A: vegetable oils (especially olive), seeds, diamonds, avocado, as well as spinach and broccoli;
  • Vitamin C: Green, citrus fruits, grains, carrots, grains, cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli);
  • Vitamin B5- cattle, whole grains, brown rice;
  • Vitamin B6: bananas, nuts, potatoes, street fries, and milk, barley, beans, peas
  • Vitamin PP (Potatoes), apples, nuts, cabbage (white chip, papaya and broccoli), barroth, beans;
  • Zinc - broccoli and white cabbage, roasted bread, brown rice, dairy products, mushrooms;
  • Calcium - dairy products, sesame, coffee, green vegetables, peas and beans;
  • Magnesium (dates), raisins, grapes, potatoes, barrots, peas, diamonds, brown rice.
  • Brock: Barrow, oatmeal, potatoes, parsni, parsley, dates, dried apricots, apples, cocoa, beans, sea bass.
But even if you eat healthy foods, and at the same time misuse cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, it will not be easy to maintain a healthy, shiny and shiny hair for 25-30 year olds.
Remember that the following keys can also affect the health of the lock:
  • Changes in hormones;
  • Stress (morning commute, and home-only travel);
  • Weight loss (we constantly go hungry for the sake of the picture);
  • Air heaters,
  • Frequently iron and bicycle, as well as hair drying
  • Powerful soaps in champagne;
  • Depression
  • And even wrong care ...
Based on this information, it becomes clear that it is important to feed your body, your good things and your usefulness in the form of vitamins, as well as to self-feed by representatives of Eastern governments.
So what types of oils can I use to save your hair? As you know, I recommend unsecured money. So, we better remember ourselves and remember my advice on how to make your own tea or coffee, which is more nutritious, and your hair.

Hair Repair Products

Five products I use to buy each girl and use these products twice a year.
Response medicine vitamins
best hair vitamins for faster hair growthbest hair vitamins for faster hair growth
My favorite vitamins include white shark, nails, hair   . I myself bought a pharmacy in Moscow. 60 boxes (ie, for a month), charged 1647 rollers (sorry, it's a waste ...), and   I found this for a small price - 120 tablets for less than 1,400 rubles (a little for 2 months). By the way, if you do not order from this site you   will get a MQG930 from $ 5 to $ 10 off with that promotional code More here I found a small bite   that is 2 times cheaper than pharmacies in Moscow.
When I started eating foods, the results appeared 2 to 3 weeks later: the facial skin improved, the nails cut and shredded, and the crumbs became bright and they stopped falling and began to grow rapidly. I drink two pills every day. The course researcher appointed me two months. The composition of these vitamins is perfectly safe and great for vegetarians. As you know, this is very important to me. However, I would also like to consult your doctor before taking vitamins.
Masks and masks enrich

best hair vitamins for faster hair growth
I use Vitamin A twice a year to enhance my favorite masks and socks. I have tried two options
  1. NutriSorb A, vitamin A-rich fluid   . This liquid vitamin A is used to enrich the mask of   balsamic oils that work on hair. It is good to use it for preparing sugar, sugar and body oil. While it may seem small, this tool is long enough, but it is expensive for the price, but it is worth it. You have to be very careful - the focus is high, literally a drop is needed. This tool is also great for vegetarians.
  2. If your budget is limited, you can buy in a pharmacy body in bebolochi, and is comfortable to breathe in the needle, lay in the fluid mask. This works a little bad, but it still works and costs a penny.
Women, note, should be exercising at night with vitamin A deficiency, and try to prevent it during the winter months. Sunlight creates toxins by increasing the effect of vitamin A.
Burdock Oil
best hair vitamins for faster hair growthUsing this tool, it can be repaired and shortened in a short time. Growth This oil gives the health of the soup and the sun. He also draws his hair soft and more compact. It can be added to a variety of masks, but it is better to clean it off by losing it before losing it. It is great for people who usually clean and dry hair and dry hair.
But in my opinion, this product has several negatives. The first and most annoying thing to me - bush oil is very hard to close, and you have to work hard to completely eliminate it. And if it is not possible to clean it as usual, you will feel like a dirty wound. So, it is best to wear this mask once a week and not as an important event in the past. The second smells down to me, well, I don't like it. The third is that pillows can be planted and they also begin to smell this miraculous oil. So it is better to sleep on a towel. Most of the time, if you squeeze your head with scalp oil, only hair will tell you. And over time you will have beautiful and well-crafted beads! After all, this tool is completely inexpensive, but it is best to buy at proven sites at pharmacies or organic cosmetics that are at risk of falling over the counter. By the way, I bought less quality oil by adding wheat seeds in plastic packaging. So be careful and careful. I use this often in pharmaceuticals, which is often used in pharmaceuticals.
My favorite recipe for hair (for my length)!
  • 5 tbsp. Spoons gas oil
  • 1 b. Essential oil Rosemary oil .
By combining the mixture with the hair and the tail, we can wrap the "coffee" or pearl and wrap everything out of your suitcase or plastic bag (but I often use a shower cap). Take a towel, lie down in a chair and read a beautiful book for 30 minutes. Then you need to wash the hair thoroughly. Two or three times, at the same time, the oil will not stick. Grab your hair and moisturize with vitamin A, which you love after the hairline (but not on the skin!). Ideal if you can keep your hair dry naturally. But be careful with essential oils, they are often allergic.
Cooked oil
best hair vitamins for faster hair growthBuy this medicine with proven medications , as is the oil, as well as the drug I mentioned above   This oil contains nutrients rich in vitamins A, B, E and F and essential fatty acids.
Applying a facial oil generally improves hair, promotes growth and protects hair. I didn't want to wait too long to get the result, but with a little practice, I found my bookmarks to be more dense, smooth and shiny. This oil calms the oil and removes blood-milk. So I recommend using this tool regularly! Instead of the forest, it's better. It is good to treat the head with it. But it is as ugly as fish oil. But suffering is worth it, I believe, and the results are worth it.
Just girls, you don't have to wait for the shock effect after the first time! This tool can be added to various masks, or mixed with the bush and applied to hair in the form of rails. Also, you don’t buy large bottles, it is best to go back to order or go to the pharmacy to buy a clean product as it slows down. By the way, it is good to use face-to-face and eat meals. Just like me, don't eat meat and fish, it's best to buy it here because the meat is very tasty and juicy. I make drinks and dresses for him, and of course I work for a mask. But unfortunately, this is expensive. If you only use finhase oil for hair, then the former is great.
My favorite recipe for hair restoration (again, I will increase the length of the ball):
  • 5 tbsp. Lancashire oil loaves (should be heated with water in hot water)
  • 1K Seafood oil   (soft hair) or 1b. Mature oil   (for dry and regular hair).
Apply to the hair on the entire length, massage the head, place it on a tie / bag, wash it with foam. We have a good laugh and we can relax for 20-40 minutes. Carefully wash the hair and let it dry naturally.
Castor oil

best hair vitamins for faster hair growthIt can be added to the hair mask or simply applied to the hair. Since it is enough to apply once a week, you are amazed at the positive results! After all, coconut oil is absorbed into the hair follicles, absorbs and absorbs essential nutrients. I always rinse the water in the bath before using it. Then I put it on my head and my hair, put on a shower cabinet and put a towel on my hair. And I walk about an hour. Then the shampoo should be washed twice. Honey bean oil can be mixed with other oils: dry, grapefruit and jujuba. By the way, bangle oils are a great tool for speeding up the growth of eyes and circles. The important thing is not to wear your eye so it is worth checking out. I don't have one, but I've heard some girls do it. I personally use this.   A bigger bottle is better. Well, it looks better to me Russian Russians .
My favorite food (long hair like me)
  • 1 avocado
  • 1-2 tablespoons of butter
They are all well blended, applied throughout the length of the hair, including on the skin. Then, as always, have a suitcase, towel and 30-40 minutes to relax. Wash everything carefully (I usually wash everything 2 times). Naturally let them dry their hair.
In addition to the oils in addition, you will be wearing a hair oil, I will tell you about another article that has been used since this oil is full oil. I also decided to try for myself the beautiful secrets of Moroccan women - organic modern women. We will discuss how to use it as well as in the following articles.
As you can see, the girls can create full home profits for hair care at home and return. Keep in mind that you have to take care of yourself not only on the outside but also on the inside. Therefore, this care will be important, especially in the Fall and Spring, where the body needs special attention. Io management the course better.
I'm like that
  1. Every Friday, Sunday and Wednesday (since no one can pull it off, I haven't prepared anything for these days before) for five to five months;
  2. 2 times a day 2 vitamins 2 times a day;
  3. Improve Medication with Vitamins. Every time you shave your hair for 1 to 1.5 months.
I will repeat the course within 5 months (as you already know, there is a problem with hair in spring and spring)
I’ll talk to you on this, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends on social networks. You can subscribe to your blog to stay up to date on the latest news in the world, stay tuned to me!
Is Pregnant Immune Deficient? How many repetitive fatigue that does not matter? Stop adding headaches! A mask is required for hair transplantation, which can be prepared at home with herbs, herbs and vitamins. Recipes can be found here.
In modern conditions (poor ecological condition, unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, etc.), although there are many performances, it is not easy for a woman to maintain the beauty of nature. And the hair that suffers from the first affliction, falls off, divides, grows and shines, stops growing, and occasionally becomes weak. Sometimes they do not realize they are ill: Allopia, tricholasia, and others are affected by acne and dry acne and require general medical guidance. If it happens to be low, the situation can be fixed even at home. You can learn to do hair care masks : Public medicine eliminates the same connection to a variety of illnesses.

For accessories for background masks

To get started, you need to find out for yourself how to change haircuts for a hair salon. In it, you can include any product that simply improves the game’s performance, i.e., a computerized effect. These can be eggs, crackers, brandy, gelatin, beer, etc. Therapeutic applications include more important nutrients that are absorbed into the kidney and into the kidneys. Their task is not only to remove external brushes but also to remove internal disease from the inside. You will need to determine the list of medicines that are the basis for the hair care mask.


Although called blind, the hair and scalp are the basis of the pathology of many diseases. These fatty acids are herbs derived from medicinal plants. What do we get with their help?
  • Burdock - Skin head, haircuts, hair extensions;
  • Wolf   - dry, dry, mature hair;
  • Coconuts   - trichotilosis, damaged, injured sacs;
  • Installed   - āvēteyimišiši, under weak;
  • Argan   - Hair loss, shrinkage;
  • Sea buckthorn   - Damaged, thin covers, hydrochlorins, split ends;
  • Alma   - hair loss;
  • Jojoba   - dry and fruity;
  • Butter išeneti   - Seborrhea;
  • Shooting   - Allopsi (hair loss and subsequent bruising);
  • Wine   - prophylaxis on any hair disorder;
  • Butter   macadamia   - canned nuts ;
  • Ylan-Malay   - Restoring Weak Curves;
  • Butter wheat germ   - alpia;
  • Cocoa   - for hair growth.
Indoor ointments are great for hair care because they have a complex effect. They can be used to resolve problems related to skin ulcers and urine. Buy at pharmacies, they are relatively inexpensive, and need to be careful with masks after 2-3 weeks.
best hair vitamins for faster hair growth

best hair vitamins for faster hair growth

Essential oils

Frequently, doctors (doctors who have been infected by doctors and coughs) also recommend essential oils in medical hair masks. It is preferable to have cosmetic ingredients with a better minerality and a more lasting aroma. Their healing properties are reflected in them, as tumors and plants are produced.
  • Dry Hair Treatment: Ylan Lala, Maureen, Manganese, Orange, Sandy, Incense, Chameleon, Lavender, Rosewood, Pachelo, Palmiso;
  • Soft Hair: Lemon, Lemonade, Tea Tree, Bergamot, Lemon Blush, Garnish, Cedar, Nails, Samples, Pine, Jr., Chippeps, Kayapat, Ginger, Ginger, Valentine, Salad.
  • For growth Yellen Malloch, Clove, Bay, Remenee, Rosemary, Cassia, Satolou, Blue Cormole, Clary Sage.
  • Alphabetia:   rosemary, cuminus, pink and tea, vernaana, a small leaf, arsenic, coral, bait, yalan-yam, pine, white incense;
  • trichoptilosis: Camelium, Jungalian, Rhode wood, sandalwood, Vittor, Lavon, Granium, orange;
  • seborrhea : caramel, geranium, lavender, lemon balm, beans, rosemary, seaweed, all native trees.
It is enough to leave a handmade hair mask to take action of these miraculous ether-based droplets. They have no prices: they work effectively, they are cheap, they are not sold without prescriptions. You just have to keep the result!

Medicinal chemicals

At home you have decided to prevent the therapy of hair loss, go to the pharmacy. Herbal remedies use typologists to eradicate a variety of diseases. They throw in according to the instructions, and throw in a replacement with oil or other liquids. But because it has a deeper impact on the skin and their effectiveness is very high.
  • Calgary roots   - Hair loss slows down.
  • Aloe vera   - high blood pressure, trichoptilosis.
  • Altars   - Hair loss slows down.
  • Butterfly   - On the contrary fasting.
  • Immortelle   - seborrhea.
  • Glass   - Arguments.
  • Oak   - Stuff, fat.
  • Dope   - hair loss.
  • Oregano   - Dry, melt.
  • HUMPERIC   - With their loss, in good content, triglycerides.
  • Calendula   - for any disease.
  • Pears   - hair extensions, hair growth, weakness, fat, fruit and resting ends.
  • Lavender   - itching, loss, thickness, skin irritation.
  • Sea Bird   - Hair removal.
  • Valley turtle   - argument.
  • Linden Tree   - Moisturizing Cream and Fat.
  • Burdock   - heart growth, high content, hair loss.
  • Coltsfoot   - Cut-off hair loss, fatigue, natural glass, ointment.
  • Mint   - Stress, fatigue, poor urine, fat.
  • Plants   - Fat content.
  • Rosemary   - Poor hair loss, hair loss, fat loss, fatigue, dye, loss.
  • Coommel   - Loss of natural light, butter, cycling, and lost sounds.
  • Rowen   - Fat and greasy content.
  • Tim   - Dry.
  • Implanted   - hair loss slows down.
  • Wise   - Frustrated, greasy, irritable, blonde with eyelashes, bicycle and cover.
  • Horsetail   - Gentle weakness, fat.
  • Hop   - Loss.
The great importance of medications in hair dyes has long been used by psychologists and pathologists. It is based on many medical training to treat skin ulcers and is not used solely in traditional medicine. hair vitamins for faster hair growth

best hair vitamins for faster hair growth


Other life-saving ingredients that can be used to incorporate medical hair at home make it a mask to combat various diseases. You can use them in any form that suits you. In sewage sludge in brownies, plastic substances (their contents are added to the cloth), oil solutions.
  • Retinol   (a) - Hair loss, alpine;
  • Thymine   (B1) - for growth of the stem;
  • riboflavin   (B2) - activates cell metabolism.
  • Niacin , nicotine , nicotinic acid (B3, PP) - for hair, hair loss and hair loss;
  • Colin   (B4) - Fall;
  • Pantotonic acid   (B5) - light loss and brightness.
  • Pyrrodine   (B6) - sebroha, dividing;
  • Biotin   (B7, H) - The essential oils that help soften flies;
  • Inositol   (B8) - gall bladder, cerebrospinal fluid, advanced skin graft, scabs;
  • Folic acid   (B9) - enhanced protection;
  • aminobenzoic acid   (B10) - gray;
  • left carnitine   (B11) - Moisturizing moisturizer;
  • Cytokine   (B12) - hair growth disorder;
  • Cholexycorrol   (D) - Depression, volume and volume loss;
  • Toxicol   (E) - heat and clamp, swelling, loss, trichoplasus;
  • Flucoquin   (K) - dry hair;
  • Acrylamic acid   (C) - Strengthening the immune system.
Cosmetics and essential oils, herbs and essential materials for the preparation of home masks for hair treatment. Once you have determined which disease you should fight, go to the pharmacy to sell all the drugs. They can be paired with each other, they can be used singly. If you want to deal with anything bad that prevents you from seeing something beautifully decorated and beautiful, the outcome is sure to succeed. There are many recipes, and each of them can be a refreshing tool to save you from going to the hospitals.
About hair growth
Typically, 90% of the hair in a healthy person is in constant, continuous growth. The remaining 10 percent, according to their age, will fall. If this percentage changes, it will start to lose and if it does not, it can lead to aneuploidy.

Medical treatments for hair

To get results from professional hair masks, you need to perform step by step. First, the diagnosis; Soil, drought, grease, moisture, treatment, etc. Second, it is possible to find the appropriate face reading page, which has health issues. Thirdly, they prepare for preparation. Fourth, three to two months to cure hair loss with remedies. Only patience and perseverance can help you cope at home without the involvement of doctors.
  • Hair mask medical mask
Pack the following items (each piece) into one container. -Saminobalanine, petitol, tocopherol and vitamin D. Blend one (2 tablespoons of baking powder, porcelain, or clay) with 2 cups. After that, pour the mixture into the pan and finally pour the lemon juice (2 tablespoons).
  • Trichoptilose to treat headaches
You need a nicotine acid 1 drug manufacturer. It should be mixed with 1 cup of alpine juice, then add 25 drops of propolis moisturizer.
  • Cover from the cerebrospinal cord
Mix one tablespoon of fish oil (1 sponge) and jojo (2 bottles) in one container. Heat a little steam in a steam bath. Spoon flour into flour 2 tablespoons of flour to make a paste.
  • Treatment of Drosophila masks
The honey (1 cup) was mixed with the same mousse that was warm. Created chemical masks are added to chemical waste (not microwave!). From the bottom of the valley to the level of desire. Afterwards, the effect of the smoke cracker can be increased by adding 1 teaspoon of onion.
  • Anti-hairdressing hair transplant mask
Mix 2 egg yolks into the mix, add the wheat flour or fruit juice and mix with 2 cups of cheddar (1 bottle).
  • Anti-hair mask for dry, curly hair
5 Heat aromatic ointment for warm tea, almonds, tea, jojoba) Mix with the Yankeeling Ether and Manning (3 loads), incense (2 loads). Finally, add 1 raw egg yolk.
  • Hair mask with hair protection
Combine 2 tablespoons of coconut flour (white loaf) and excess sweetness mixture to the desired shape, add lemon zest (4 loads), sesamela (3 pears), bergamot (2 loads).
Have you had any serious problems that could damage your hair? Is it worth spending time and money on a beauty that can only last for these shortcomings? Meditate better about treatment before being cured. Moreover, in the early stages of the disease, when it is not too late, you can use home remedies for vitamins, vegetables and spices. They quickly spread their scalp and head not just from the outside but also from the inside.
To enhance their hair with vitamins, it is very important to have them as part of a mask. For masks, vitamins are used in oil A (reductive acetate) and A (chocolate acetate) as well as in coffee (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12).
Vitamin A hair extends to the hair and shins, damaging the hair. The lack of vitamin E makes it hairy and dry. Vitamin hair promotes hair growth, makes hair stronger and brighter, and protects it from ultraviolet light. B vitamins are responsible for hair growth, remove hair toxins and improve appearance. Especially when effective vitamins bind to each other.
Solid vitamins are absorbed into the trees to enhance hair growth and accelerate growth. Also, vitamins that are dry and fragrant can be applied to the liver.
Vitamins can be used individually and as part of masks containing diuretics, chiafers, sperm, honey, vegetable and essential oils and other components.
It should be respected to apply a clean, slightly towel-dry hair. Use a thermometer to treat vitamins well.
Wear olive oil and vitamins A and E for smooth and bright hair
Make this mask to keep your hair soft and quiet: 1 tbsp. Add 1 tbsp of olive oil (or other, for example olive, almond, etc.). Vitamin A and E oil. Derivatives reflect on hair. Cover the head with a plastic cover or bag. Keep your mask on for as long as you can.
Hair and Vitamin A and E for hair growth
To promote hair growth, 1 tsp. From 1 cm. Vitamins A and E in oil. Spoon oil, add 2 tbsp. Dry soft powder, 2 tbsp. Warm water and 1 egg yolk. Apply the creative composition to the hair texture and hold for about an hour. As a result of fluid heat loss, vitamins are better absorbed under the hair.
Adding onions, red pepper and vitamins for weak hair
For weaker hair, it is recommended to use a mask. You need 1 tbsp for your cargo. Onion juice (onion paste is squeezed through cheesecloth to get a juice.) 1 tablespoon red grains, 1 tbsp oil, 1 tbsp. Clay oil, one hectare and 1 tsp. Vitamin N in oil All the ingredients are called fusion and are produced under the hair. This mask is left for 30 minutes and soaked in shampoo. Hair is not an onion smell so they are advised to wash it with a solution of lemon (water dissolved in a lemon). This mask strengthens the roots, promotes hair growth, guides the head.
Chemical mask from vitamins A, E, B1, B12 for sun hair
It is useful to prepare sunscreen masks with vitamins to enhance the texture and texture of the hair. It takes 1 tbsp. l Coumbole 1 tbsp. linden, 1 tbsp. Serve, 1 tablespoon vitamins A, E, B1, B12 and 200 g of bread (if hair is gone, use egg yolk instead of bread). Plants give 200g boiling water, and bake for 30 minutes. Next, the net is filtered, mixed with bread and baked for 15-20 minutes. Before the atom was created. Added baby vitamins for the test. The mask shrinks to the roots, shreds, remaining for 1 hour and wash.
You can add diuretic in the vitamins mask. This drug helps to get organic nutrients into the hair systems, thus affecting the use of vitamins. However, before using dimexide, an allergy test should be done in preparation for the skin.
Hair Mask with Dimexidum and Vitamins A, E, and B6 For Hair Growth: Take 1 Spice Dimexidum + 1 tsp. Vitamin A and E with oil, 1 tsp. With ampoules + 1 tsp. Vitamin B6. Peanut and Beer Oil + 1 tablespoon lemon juice. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a water bath. The front axle is tucked into the roots, then covered when the head is heated. The mask remains for 1 hour and is off.
Hair mask from Eleutherococcus tincture and vitamins A, E, B3 for hair growth
It is useful to work with a 1-screw mask to accelerate hair growth. Ethoracococcine plant, 2 tbsp. Fletch oil 1 tablespoon and 1 tablespoon. Each of the vitamins A, E and B3.
Massage and vitamin A and E with soft and soft hair
For soft and smooth hair, you can make a nutty massage by raising 1 quart. Add a tablespoon of white oil per Wag and 1 tablespoon salt. Vitamin A and E oil.
Wear essential oils and vitamins A and E for essential and sticky ends
An effective mask with 1 tbsp closes for a smooth, smooth and smooth finish. Avocado oil, 1 tbsp. Vitamin A, 1 tbsp. Vitamin E in oil and 2-3 essential oils in Jungian-Jorg.
Work with masks Vitamin B2, B6, and B12 to strengthen hair
Mix 1 tbsp to strengthen the hair. Clay, almonds and seafood with oils, add one egg of Vitamin B2, B6 and B12, check the hair follicles under the hair and spread over a period of 1 hour. This mask strengthens the hair, prevents hair loss, stretches the hair and makes it sticky, shining.
  • There are no strict recipes when using a masks of vitamins, you can add 1 teaspoon or three vanilla extract to any mask you hold and the main thing is not to replace masks in hair systems and spread them over long distances.

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