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Thursday, August 1, 2019

yoga benefits

                  yoga benefits 
yoga benefits on speach 2019

yoga benefits
We all know that Yoga has become a popular form of exercise these days.Almost everyone around you is practicing Yoga and discussing its benefits. Actually the media is also covering yoga-based events or sessions in a broad way so that its benefits can be highlighted in their audience. Apart from this, it has also become a form of discipline and is being included in the curriculum of students to teach and practice it.Therefore, students and even many professionals are asked to give a speech on Yoga, citing its benefits.Whether it is a short spell on Yoga or a long speech, we have included this subject in both forms so that you do not have to face any kind of difficulty in preparing your speech. Our speech is easy to understand and resolved. This can be a good reference point for all users.

Speech on Yoga in English

Speech on Yoga - 1

Good morning to all of you.
As you know today, our Yoga Group Foundation has successfully completed one year so today's celebration has been organized to celebrate this year's achievement. On this auspicious day, please let me congratulate our members of the Yoga Group Foundation, heartily and express gratitude, which worked hard to spread awareness among the people and provided the necessary resources for this one year session.Apart from this, I want to thank all the people of the society who have not missed a single day and have been excited to know the art of this art and spread this education among others.
yoga benefits 
I, your host of Nandini today's ceremony and I want to give a short speech on one of the group's co-founders, Yoga and science behind it and the essence.
Many of us do yoga everyday, but in reality how many of us know this type of art and why it is done? It is basically a method of achieving balance in our body ie increasing the strength, increasing flexibility and attaining spirituality. Yoga also supports the non-materialistic path of survival. Yoga has been described more accurately through the use of the Sanskrit word "Asana", which means the practice of various types of physical postures or asanas.Asanas of various parts are an essential part of yoga. Usually, the Yoga class starts with normal breathing exercises and then goes forward by adding soft rugs and after that the most difficult yoga is done. Yoga posture is an alliance of breathing methods, including mediated guides keeping in mind all body parts.
yoga benefits 
There are different aspects for which the instructor guides you, standing in it, sitting, bending back, bending forward, turning upside-down with asanas. Apart from these there are various types of Yoga which are specifically tailored to the different needs of the people. For example, Hatha is Yoga which is the most popular form of Yoga rituals and it is also related to breathing exercises and body currencies. For those who want to attain spiritual experience in life, there are two other types of yoga - Karma and Bhakti Yoga.
yoga benefits 
It is an art which has been known for humanity for thousands of years and its history dates from 3,000 BC. Is oldSince then it has been practiced by various spiritual gurus and since the contemporary times, Yoga taught in various schools and colleges is seen as a disciplinary form. Yoga's definitive goal is to assist the person who is above the self and to gain excellent experience. Even in the Bhagavad Gita it is written, "A person then achieves Yoga when he is free from his mind and with his mind completely disciplined desires."Although it is not a religion, it is definitely a way of life which works to achieve a healthy body along with a healthy mind.
yoga benefits 

Speech on Yoga - 2

Honorable Principal, Respected Chief Guest, Teachers and My Dear Students - Hello everyone!
I welcome your senior Yoga teacher, heartily to everyone present here in today's weekly program, in which the main attraction is Yoga. Before starting, I wish to give you a small speech on Yoga to spread awareness among all of you about this topic.
Work trends come with time and go on but in the name of practice there is no other workout in the form of Yoga and it has been practicing for more than 5000 years. Yoga helps burn calories and strengthens our muscles. It is a comprehensive workout that focuses on both mind and body. Yoga training involves all kinds of exercises and exercises, including deep breathing, relaxation and meditation.
At present, more than 100 different types of yoga are known that are rigid and intense while others are easy and comfortable. Today there are six different forms of Yoga which are famous:
yoga benefits  

Persistence - This form is mainly related to Yoga and combines a sequence of basic needs including breathing.
  • Configuration - It contains different sequences of Yoga which includes easily being involved in one Yoga action from one to another.
  • Ayyangar - This is a type of yoga in which rope is used such as straps, blocks and chairs so that it can help to move your body with the right balance.
  • Bikram - also called "Hot Yoga". In this case, there is a sequence of 26 yogic exercises which is done in a hot room where the temperature is high.
  • Power - It is a fast, more intense exercise that gives the muscles the correct shape.
  • Ashtang - This yoga type combines extraordinary breathing techniques.
You just take its name and you will receive a lot! It includes all of the benefits of beautiful physique, shiny skin, well-built flexible body, regulated weight, healthy health and calm mind - yoga. However, most yoga is not often confined to asana.Its benefits are recognized only at the physical level and this is the reason that we ignore our big benefits like yoga works in bringing together body and mind. When your body and mind are alike to each other, then life becomes more satisfied and happier than before.
Therefore everyone should practice yoga and make it a part of daily routine to get a strong, flexible and soft body. When you walk, sit or sleep, its regular practice helps improve your body posture. This unfair posture will help you to change the pain that started in your body.
yoga benefits 
If meditating with Yoga is combined, it can help to improve your knowledgeable skills so that you can quickly find out when it is necessary to get positive result. This work performs miracles and you can only experience it when you continue to practice it without regular interruptions.
Remember Yoga is not the ending process. The more profoundly you go into, the more useful results you will gain. That's all I have to say.
Now I would like to call our esteemed chief guest on the forum to say a few words.
Thank you.
yoga benefits 

Speech on Yoga - 3

good Morning ladies and gentlemen!
I heartily welcome all of you to our Yoga Auditorium and today is a very special day for our "Stay Fit Organization" because our organization has successfully completed five years by inspire people to stay fit by Yoga. Is for As the manager of this organization, I have received the privilege of hosting this function. As you know our organization is about Yoga and Fitness, so in this context, I would like to say a few words about Yoga and hope that this will help young youth to inspire to stay fit.
yoga benefits 
First of all it is very important to understand what Yoga is. It is a combination of body and mind, or we can also say that it is a way of balancing the mind and body. Yoga was originated in India and hence it is known throughout the world as "Yoga". Today the knowledge and practice of Yoga is being broadcast across the world which is a very good thing. In Yoga, we get to learn about many body parts such as sitting in the form of keeping oneself fit, standing, standing upward, bowing forward, tilting backwards, turning upside down, etc.
yoga benefits 
Many yoga postures require flexibility such as Hull currency, pigeon currency, upper bow mean currency, fish currency etc. and many people do not have enough flexibility in their body, so there are several other Yoga actions in which there is no need to be flexible in body The ones that include mountain mudrās, chair mudras, triangle mudras etc. As you know Yoga posture is countless, the benefits of doing yoga are also countless. Yoga is very beneficial and its practice has the ability to treat diseases related to various diseases such as respiratory problems, stomach problems, digestive system. It helps to remove negativity and mental illness from our body. This helps in reducing stress levels and increasing awareness. This concentration especially helps children to build strength and focus for children. It can be said that it is the best medicine to treat respiratory problems and is also helpful for diseases such as pain in the stomach and infections. It also helps in improving the image of the person because if a person is disease-free automatically, he will look good and healthy.
yoga benefits on Speach 2019
After being aware of all these benefits, I hope that many of you are willing to practice Yoga to lead a healthy life because we all know that health is wealth.
Since today's day is a special day for our organization, today our institution is giving three days free trial sessions to all people who are interested in Yoga. I am convinced that this is going to change your life because I have experienced it myself.Yoga is the best way to stay healthy and maintain body balance.
yoga benefits 
With this I want to end my speech and specially thank the people of our management community for organizing such inspirational ceremonies and making it successful.
Good day to you all.

yoga benefits 

Son Yoga - 4

Respected Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends, all of you good morning!
As we all know that today is June 21, 2017, and this date has been declared as "International Yoga Day" by "United Nations General Assembly".This date was proposed by our Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. It is said that on this day the first yogi (Adi guru) started giving knowledge of Yoga to mankind and became the first yoga guru
As a head girl of this school, I have had the opportunity to say a few lines to highlight the importance of Yoga and its benefits. I hope this will help you understand Yoga as an important part of your everyday life.
yoga benefits 
Many people think that what Yoga is and how can it help to maintain physical and mental stability? Yoga is a process for matching body and mind, or we can say that it is a process of maintaining consistency between body and mind. Yoga in ancient times was a way of acquiring knowledge. Yoga in the world of high-tech and busy life is playing an important role in maintaining the health and mental stability of our body. It includes various body functions and asanas which in Sanskrit we are called "asanas".Some actions or postures are complicated so they require proper implications but some are very simple that can be practiced at home too. Many people choose to join Yoga classes but some people who do not feel comfortable in classes, they can also purchase Yoga DVDs available in the markets.
Different types of Yoga actions have been formed to solve various problems of the people. Many people do yoga every day, so they know the effects and positive changes in their body and life due to Yoga. No effect can be seen immediately, but if it is performed on daily basis then positive results can be seen. Just like sleeping and eating are an integral part of our life, so Yoga should also be an integral part of our life.
yoga benefits 
Yoga benefits are infinite and it has the ability to cure many diseases. To be healthy, many people are practicing yoga in today's world.Yoga is an excellent option for older people who can not practice yoga deeply.In Yoga, we practice different currencies on the basis of our difficulty. We should start yoga with a simple posture and then proceed with one hard yoga action after one.
yoga benefits 
Due to air pollution and lack of fresh air, many people and even small children face respiratory problems. Yoga involves many exercises that have the ability to cure respiratory problems. It not only helps in curing respiratory but many other diseases related to our digestive tract, stomach problems, joint problems etc. For example, "tilt action" is used to strengthen joints and muscles, "balancing verbs" to strengthen hands and legs, and "siting yoga action" to reduce flexibility and mental stress. Apart from this, there are many other different types of actions involved.
With this I want to end my speech and I request our respected Yoga Guru to start Yogya Das. Now you can collect your Yoga Matte.
Thank you.

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